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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
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Item Part I: Concept of Intelligence according to Modern Science and Ancient Texts Part II: A Comparative Study of Three Different Yoga Modules on Intelligence Quotient in Normal School Children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Audrey GomesIntelligence has been described (on Microsoft Encarta 98) as the ‘capacity to learn or to understand’. However, Gross (1) reminds us that "The concept of intelligence is extremely difficult to define, despite being one of the most intensively researched aspects of individual difference and having such practical significance". ‘General Intelligence’ is a term first coined by Spearman in 1923 (2). It is the idea that there is a general intelligence opposed to much different intelligence. The concept that there is one intelligence means that it can be easily measured; this is the reason that Intelligence Quotient (IQ) tests are used in many situations.Item Part I: Concept of Panca Kosa According to Yoga and Spiritual Lore Part II: Attention and Concentration after Yoga Practices in Normal Health Adults and Students(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Kesavan P MThis report commences with the relevance and need “CONCEPT OF PAÏCAKOÇA” in this 21st century, where the Eastern Wisdom and Western Science wish to join hands and work togther to promote new inventions through scientifically researched results establishing that a communion of the modern scientists and our seers are able to nullify the imbalances and it’s adverse effects on universeItem Part I: Yoga for Women According to Yoga Texts and Spiritual Lore. Part II: Efficacy of Three Different Integrated Yoga Modules on Creativity in School Children (13 to 17 year)(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Bharatha Lakshmi J KYoga is very much helpful in the life of women. Karma Yoga makes them to work even in the busy schedule in a relaxed and detached way. Bhakti Yoga cultures the emotion and develops the aesthetic sense in women. Raja Yoga is extremely relevant to the modern women who are facing different types of modern problems.Item Part I: Concept of Svara Yoga. Part II: Changes in Nasal Dominance at Sunrise and Sunset in Children undergoing Intensive Yoga Training.(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Dhanraj SinghSvara yoga is an ancient Hindu science and art that has fully analyzed the working of the life- principle, präëa, and the functioning of life within this body. It deals with various channels through which the präëa flows and vibrets in the subtle body animating the physical body, Svara yoga also prescribes means to regulate the flow of präëa to ensure good health and longevity. This science or yoga of svara is very subtle and all comprehensive than the science of Pranayama, which when compared to the former, is but a bare outline of svara yoga. In svara yoga, we find various effective mans to check disease and deathItem Part I: Yoga in the compositions of sri tyagaraja and sri sadashiva brahmendra a study and Part II: Spectral analysis of gamaka swaras(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Karuna NagarajanIndia has seen many musical saints who have created a silent revolution through the power of melody and their compositions, which reminds us of supreme values of knowledge, devotion and discipline from time to time. The poetry and songs easily find their way into the minds of men. The poets, singers and saints with their passionate devotion to the ideals of truth, freedom, harmony and beauty have had a strong impact on societyItem Part I: A study on Female Archetypal Characters in Mahabharata Part II: Chemical Comparison of Sacrificial Ash(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Lalitha N.Indian mythology abounds in female personalities who have become household words. They range from the Upaniñadic literature right down to Puräëäs. This report focuses on some of these outstanding women from the great epic Mahäbhäratä.Item Part I: Gayatri Mantra – A Study Part II: Role of Gayatri Mantra in Optimizing the Random Event Generator(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Neha ReccaThe Gäyatri occurs in the Rg, Yajur and Sama Vedas. It is a prayer to the sun, supposed to be recited ritualistically at dawn, midday and dusk. Even though the Manträ is known as the Gäyatri, its real name is Savitri Manträ. There are thousands of Manträs in the Vedas set to Gäyatri Chandas. However, the Savitri Manträ is so famous that it has come to be associated with the Chandas itself. Here in this report I have tried to provide a bird’s eye-view of the subject. This work gives a brief summary of the various aspects of Gäyatri ManträItem Part I: Concept of Yajna with Special Reference to Apthoryama Yajna Part II: Study of the Effects During Apthoryam Yajna on People, Environment and an Attitudinal Survey(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Surendra RawatYajna are rituals which are aimed to propitiate gods to obtain the desired results. These can also be performed for various other purposes from fulfilling or acquiring mundane things to great purpose for unraveling the mystery of life and realizing ones true self. It is like bridge between the humans and other living and non living beings for propelling human consciousness from one trajectory to another sphere of consciousness. There are various kinds of YajnaItem Part I: The Concept of Fasting Part II: Mind Sound Resonance Technique after CABG(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Tangeda UjwalaSo far there has been no authentic compellation on fasting. Few earlier studies on fasting were related to fasting in diseases. But there were no studies on the concept of fasting in ancient scriptures. Aims and objectives 1. Understanding the concept of fasting according to yoga and spiritual lore. 2. Understanding modern concept of fasting 3. To compare and correlate the ancient concepts and modern scienceItem Part I: Concept of Svapna (Dream Sleep) and Sushupti (Deep Sleep) according to Principal Upanishands Part II: Effect of Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy on Quality of Sleep in patients admitted to a Yoga Therapy Health Home – A Control Study(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2005) Srinivas, BairyIn the scientific methodology reasoning which we are apt to pursue in philosophy, unearthing the fundamentals of life must necessarily constitute a priority comprehending life as a whole. Life is one continuous string of experience of wakeful state; dream state and deep sleep state. Life in its totality must include the experiences of the wakefulness (awareness), of the dream and of the deep sleep. Vedänta is perhaps the only philosophical treatise through which one can contemplate wherein they take a deep and consistent scientific approach in observing, analyzing, and codifying these experiences into postulations or theories to understand the core of existentialism, which should eventually be truth behind the individual and the cosmos.