F. SVYASA Dissertations
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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
Item Part I: Concept of Bhastrika Pranayama with Special Emphasis according to Yoga Spiritual Texts. Part II: Changes in Nasal Dominance at Sunrise and Sunset in Children Undergoing Intensive Yoga Training.(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Mrinal DekaThe present study was conducted to examine the changes in nostril dominance in 414 school children (age 9 to 12 years) during an intensive residential yoga training program. Subjects were randomly allocated to three equal groups (n=138) after stratifying for sex. Each group was assigned to one of three integrated yoga modules, which are specially designed to improve physical stamina (PS), intelligence (IQ) and creativity (CV). All three groups underwent their respective yoga training intensively for 8 days. Nostril dominance was assessed at sunrise and sunset on all days 8 days of training using the slide method. Analysis was done by means of chi-square test. Results showed that the nostril dominance of all three groups significantly shifted from left or right nostril to both nostrils at both sunrise and sunset. There was no significant difference between boys and girls in the pattern of shift in nostril dominance. Correlation analysis of frequency data of nostril dominance from 1st day to 8th day indicated significant negative correlation’s between right or left and both nostril dominance patterns. These findings from the present study suggest that intensive yoga training for 8 days may improve nasal balance and hence autonomic balance.Item Part-I Concept of Cakras And Corresponding Qualities and Part-II Effect of Tibetan Buddhist Mindfulness Meditation (Vipassana) On Heart Rate Variability (HRV) Spectrum(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Mohapatra Raja Santosh KumarPart-I Cakräs are centers of çakti in präëamayä koça that receive and send information and prana çakti, connecting nerves, hormones and emotions. The subject of cakräs as such is very vast. So this report tries to give a brief summary of various aspects of cakräs especially from yogic äsanäs point of view. Part-II The present study was aimed to determine the effect of Tibetan Buddhist Mindfulness meditation (Vipassana) on the heart rate variability (HRV), a specific indicator of autonomic nervous system (ANS) function. The practice requires considerable awareness with expansive relaxation. 14 males of age range 22 to 41 years(mean 29.0 ±5.19)having completed 10 days basic training on Vipassana, participated in this study. The heart rate variability of all the subjects was assessed in two test sessions, which included a period of meditation and control (random) thinking. There was no significant reduction in heart rate during meditation session compared to the base line. During non-meditation random thinking the heart rate decreased in second, third but maximally in the fifth(4.3beats/min) compared to the baseline (paired T-Test).There was no change in the low frequency to high frequency ratio of the heart rate variability spectrum. The heart rate change in non-meditation suggests that the decrease in heartItem Part I: Nadis and Meridians – A Correlation and Part II: Effect of Yoga on the Visual Memory in School Children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2004) Shruddha. S. KamatPART-I Correlation of näòés in ancient Indian scriptures and meridians in ancient Chinese medicine. The present study is done to have a comprehensive view of the concepts of näòés and Meridians in the ancient Indian scriptures and the ancient Chinese medicine respectively. The word näòé comes from the Saàskåta root näd, meaning movement. In the Ågvedä, it means stream. In yoga, näòés are the channels of Kuëòaliné energy. Ayurveda mentions 72,000 different näòés. Tantra yoga identifies 14 principle näòés of which the following three namely iòä, Pingalä, and the suçumnä näòé are important. . Chinese medicine proposes that there are currents of energy in the body, called meridians that are modulated by the effects of yin and yang, and influenced by environmental and emotional effects. There were correlations found between näòés and meridians in regard to various aspects. Energy as Qi and pränä is found in writing of ancient medical guide such as “Yellow emperor’s Guide” in Chinese, and Ayurvedic system in India. The Chinese mode is more synthetic, it tends to see how different phenomena are inter-connected, in Chinese thought, man has never been separated from nature, he is an inseparable part of his environment, the idea is conveyed that human beings are an integral part of nature, but only a small part. The goal is not to dominate nature, but to to live in harmony with it. Hence, a relation is found between ancient Indian scriptures and ancient Chinese medicine and hence an overall view of most of the concepts of näòés and meridians are outlined in the study. Further research may be done on the details of the diagnosis of disease based on näòés and Meridians. PART-II Effect of yoga on the visual memory in school children. The present study assessed the visual memory in school children following general yoga practices. Children (n= 297 whose ages ranged from 10-12 years) were randomly assigned 3 groups. Each group practiced a specific yoga module (Physical stamina = Dynamic practices; Creativity = artwork, crafts, skits; IQ = Special quiz, debate). These techniques were practiced and visual memory was assessed initially and after 9 days. There were 277 children who were got after dropouts and checking for abnormal data and that were taken for assessment. All 3 groups showed significant increase in visual memory (p<0.001, paired sample t- test) but physical stamina showed a higher increase (27.73 % change) than other two groups. The left or right dominant yoga modules have influenced the visual memory more than physical and balancing effects of yoga modules.Item Part 1: Indian Music - Its Origin And Growth And Part 2: Spectral Analysis of Swaras Or Musical Notes(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Chandrasekaran J.Music is the art of combining sounds for expressing emotions. The origin of music in India is shrouded in mystery. It is believed that music arose out of Sama Veda. Indian music makes use of different Ragas and Raginis to invoke emotions. In this report an attempt has been made to describe the emotion of Indian music from ancient times up to the model age.Item Part-I Concept of Pranayama According to Texts of Yoga And Spiritual Lire. And Part-II Nostril Dominance and Anxiety State in Normal Valunteers Before and After Integrated Yoga Practices.(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Ramachandra DeyPräëäyäma is the science of cleansing, balancing and gaining control over the präëa in the human system. The word präëa is a combination of two syllables, Prä and Na. Präëa is the vital life force and Präëäyäma is the process by which the internal Präëic. Store is increased. Präëäyäma is comprised of the words Präëa and Äyäma which means ‘Präëic capacity and length.’ It is not merely breath control, but a technique through which the quantity of the präëa in the body is activated to a higher frequency. In Praçnopaniśad we find a detailed description of variñöha präëa and païca präëa. It is the variñöha präëa the eldest and the first boon of atma, that divides itself into five facts:; präëa, apäna, samäna, udäna and vyäna which govern the different functions of the human body. Präëa çakti also manifests in six main centers or chakras which are located along the spinal column. Präëa is the vital or bio-plasmic energy, which is universal in nature and consciousness, is knowledge. Präëa, the nature principle, energy, and matter are called prakåti literally ‘activity.’ Each fibre of the body is connected with präëa by a complex system of näòés. The function of the näòés can be compared to that of an electrical system. Präëäyäma is ultimately intended for developing the quality of human consciousness, not just the mind or body.Item Part I: Concept of Vastu according to Texts of Yoga and Spiritual Lore and Part II Efficacy of Three Different Integrated Yoga Modules on Creativity in School Children (9-12 year)(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Sudhansu MohantyVästu, the word denotes anything existing, such as house, shelter, building etc. Śāstra in Sanskrit is an ancient art and science containing certain principles and practices. The report commences with and insight into the traditional understanding of Vāstu with its majestic and yet unrecognized history .The concept of Vāstu Puruşa and Vāstu cakram has been also looked into. A sincere effort has been made to unravel the deep knowledge lying behind the understanding of energy field. Many researches and experimental programs have shown that ideational creativity can be taught and enhanced through thinking skill training. A study on creativity in children after the practing of integrated approach of yoga modules showed significant improvement in creativity. The present creativity study was conducted to compare three different specific integrated yoga modules on creativity in 399 school children of age between 9 to 12 years who were randomly allocated to three groups after stratifying for sex. The groups were CV (n-133), IQ (n-133), and PS (n-133).Item Part-I: Concept of Perception According to Ancient Texts and Modern Sciences and Part-II: Comparison of Bilateral Elbow Joint Position Sense in Yoga and Non Yoga Practitioners.(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Shree VidyaThe word ‘perception’, known by sanskåt terms as, ‘pratyakña’ and ‘aparokña’, where pratyakña denotes a pramäëa that leads to direct and valid knowledge, which exists, from Vedic age. Even though attempts have been made to determine the Vedic era through astronomy and style of language, they have failed due to lack of conclusive evidence. As perception is one of the methods of knowledge from sensory experience, which man shares with the lowest living beings, up to the transcendental perception of ultimate reality claimed by great mystics and seers of the world, it is seen in many of our ancient texts like Vedas, Upaniñads Bhagavad-géta Pataïjali and many schools of yoga.Item Part I: Concept of Panca Kosa according to Spiritual Lore and IAYT and Part II: Efficacy of three different Integrated Yoga Modules on Creativity in School Children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Ghanshyam Singh ThakurKoça means a covering .It is just like the scrabble of the sword. Similarly the self is covered by five sheaths. The report commences with the concept of panca koça and their formation. It is followed by the knowledge beyond the five sheaths .The science of the illnesses according to scriptures mainly with the yogic concept of diseases have also been discussed.Item Part-I: Yoga and Hindu philosophy and Part-II: A comparative study of three different yoga modules on intelligence quotient in normal children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2004) Vishwajeet SinghYoga as a science has been present in india since times immemorial and over the years there has been a revival of interest in it. The report commences with a brief introduction to this ancient science and moves forward to give historical survey as far as yoga is concerned.The present study was aimed to assess the intelligence quotient (IQ) in children’s after intensive practice of Integrated Approach of Yoga and to compare the effects of three different yoga modules through Draw-a-man test. Subjects included normal healthy English-medium school children (n = 207) aged between 9-12 years (Mean ± SD, 10.86 ± 0.91). They were randomly assigned to three groups, Såñöi i.e. for Creativity Development (CR), Sthiti i.e. for IQ Development (IQ), and Laya i.e. for Physical Stamina Development (PS). They were taught three different yoga modules of Äsana (yoga postures), Präëäyäma (breathing exercises), kriyä (cleansing techniques), meditation, games and lecture by trained instructors. But daily time schedule for all the three groups remained the same. Draw-a-man Test was administrated to children in all three groups on the first and ninth days of a residential program. Paired‘t’ test was used to compare the change in IQ scores in the three groups. Results showed that there was significant improvement (p < 0.001) in the IQ group. The improvement in the IQ group was 3.91%, 0.44% in the CR group, and 0.10% in the PS group. Analysis between the three groups was done by means of one-way ANOVA, followed by post-hoc multiple comparison (Tukey test), which showed that the group, which practiced IQ-specific yoga module, showed significant improvement, compared to CR and PS groups. Result from a gender analysis showed that there is no significant difference in any group.Item Part I: Concept of consciousness according to the texts and spiritual lore and part. II: Efficacy of three different yoga modules in verbal memory on school children.(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Pushpavathi P.R.Consciousness is the breath that makes everything live. When you are conscious of the whole world at the same time then you can become conscious of Divine. Consciousness is the source of all the knowledge and power. Consciousness is the origin of all creation - without consciousness, no creation; and what we call "consciousness" is just a far-off contact, without precision and exactness, with the supreme Consciousness. It can not be seen but it makes the eyes to see. In Éçä, it is told it is both within and without (it is all-pervasive & eternal); Kena it is told that it is formless, timeless, & eternal Truth.Item Part-I Concept of Kundalini According to Yoga is Spiritual Lore Part-II Effect of Three Different Integrated yoga Modules on Manual Dexterity in School Children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Sanjay KumarThe serpent power represents the coming consciousness of mankind (3). Kuëòaliné is the name of a sleeping dormant potential force in the human organism and it is situated at the root of the spinal column. Kuëòaliné is Präëa Çakti stored in the Mülädhära cakra in Präëamaya Koça. It used to burn the food in physical body to give calorie energy which is used for our activities. The cakras are not plexi. They are not in Annamaya Koça but exist in Präëamaya Koça (1). Their correspondences in physical body are the plexuses.Item Part I: The Yoga Approach to Human Sexuality. Part II: A Comparative Study of Three Different Yoga Modules on Attention and Concentration in Normal Children (13-17 years)(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Gautam HazarikaSexual identification is superimposed on the Psyche by cultural conditioning; one’s psyche is a huge repository of traits and abilities from which sexual affiliations are drawn. Men are believed to be more are considered to be more nurturing, intuitive, loving and gentle; but these qualities are natural to both sexes. So much of our behavior is learned, culturally mandated and may not be programmed biologically into either sex.Item Part I: Concept of Mudra according to texts of Yoga and Spiritual Lore. Part II: A Comparative study of Three Different Yoga Modules on Logical Memory in School Children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Bharat Kumar PatraMudras are the Hatha Yoga gestures that can invoke psychic, emotional devotional and aesthetic attitudes. There are various forms of Yogic Mudras. This report attempts to give a brief summary of Mudras given in Gheranda Samhita, Hatharatnavali, Hatha Yoga Pradipika, Siva Samhita and Ghorasa Samhita relating to Hatah Yoga practicesItem Part I: Concept of Mula Bandha according to Yoga and Spiritual Lore and Part II: Efficacy of Three Different Integrated Yoga Modules on Creativity in School Children (9-12 years)(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Narendra kumarThis report aims to present a systematic description about the müla bandha. Today, however, the necessity and demand for powerful practices by which we can regain balance and stability in this modern stressful age has stirred the hearts of the spiritual masters to release the higher and more potent yogic techniques for whoever wants and needs them.Item Part I: Bhakti - The Path of Supreme Love (Parama Prema) Part II: Effect of Emotional Culturing Session on the Capacity to Influence REG(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Mohan TewaniHuman beings have the possibility of reverting back to their primitive nature by getting lost in Kama (lust) or rise up the ladder of evolution through param prema (supreme love). Prema (pure love) is the bridge between kama and prema (bhakti). Love is the fundamental force behind kama. Prema & Param Prema. Refining it to the level of bhakti and going beyond is the purpose of bhakti-yoga. Narada Bhakti Sutras tell us about this yoga of love. Present essay dwells on few of the sutras related to kama, prema and bhakti (param premaItem Part I: Bhakti Yoga and 21st Century Part II: A Comparative Study of Three Different Yoga Modules on Physical Stamina in School Children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Sushil Kumar MahakurIntelligence is to brain where as feeling is to heart. The development of both the aspects is important. The combination of both is the best. The ignorance of one at the cost of other leads to jeopardy. So development of both is necessary. The present lopsided intelligence-based education produces only intelligent hydra-headed monster who are imbued with lust, cruelty, discontentment, pride, hypocrisy, deception, violence, idleness, fanaticism and bigotry leading to hazardous issues.The present study was designed to investigate the efficacy of three integrated moduls of yoga on physical stamina in 366 schoolchildren with ages ranging from 9-12 years. They underwent a yoga training residential yoga camp. They were randomly assigned to three groups viz.PS (physical stamina=133, with 84 boys), CV (creativity, n=134, with 78 boys,) and IQ (logical thinking=99,with 53 boys).Item Part I: Concept of Rebirth according to the texts of Yoga and Spiritual Lore. Part II: Efficacy of Three Different Yoga Modules in Visual Memory on School Children.(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Shatrughan Singh NarukaRebith is very much in the blood of everyone in the Hindu tradition. About siddhis and paranormal phenomenon, we also are reading in all our epics, Puranas and the traditional literatures including Upanishad.The present study assessed the visual memory in school children following general yoga practices. Children (n=270 whose ages ranged from 13-17 years) were randomly assigned into 3 groups. Each group practiced a specific yoga technique (Physical stamina = Dynamic practices, Creativity = artwork, crafts, skits, IQ= Special quiz, debate). These techniques were practiced for 10 days.Item Part I: Concepts, Classification of Yogasanas and Relation to Ayurveda from tests of Yoga and Spiritual. Lore and Part II: A Comparative study of three different Yoga Module on Attention and Concentration in Normal Children (9-12 years)(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Bhagaban BhuyanPART- I This literature survey of Āsanas presented here includes the concept of Āsanas from scriptures as Upaniñads, Gétā, Yoga Sūtras of Pataïjala, Haöha Yoga Pradīpikā, Çiva Saàhitā, Gheraëòa Samhita, Haöha Ratrnävalé and teachings of modern Yogīs as Sivananada, B.K.S Iyengar, Dhirendra Brahmacäré, Swämi Satyänanda Saraswati and Ramaëa Maharshi.Item Part I: Triguna and tridoshas - a comparison and Part II: Comparison of three yoga modules on logical memory in normal children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) MallikarjunThe Triguna and Tridosas explained in detail in ancient Vedic texts. . Triguna & Tridosas are discussed in Yoga and Ayurveda respectively, both sciences explained in Säìkhya philosophy. Healthy Mind and Healthy Body are the prime tools to attain Liberation, equilibrium state of Triguëä s (Sattva, Rajas, and Tamas) and Tridosas (Väta, Pitta, Kapha) leads to Healthy Body & Mind. Both these philosophies explained in Säìkhya philosophy.Complimentary to each other, for psychosomatic diseases this study helps much.Item Part-I Yoga and Diet. Part- II Effect of three different IAY Modules on school children in Manual Dexterity(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA UNIVERSITY, 2004) Avinash MishraABSTRACT Yoga is one of the oldest science which is about 5000 yrs old. References of yoga even found in Upaniñads (Kaöhopaniñad). In yoga there is a concept of diet which is helpful in spiritual growth it is said that food has effect on our mind so, yogés used to eat only that food which is helpful for the is spiritual growth, this food was called sättvic food. Sättvic food is wholesome vegetarian food which doesn’t agitate your mind and nourishes your consciousness. Yoga has already been shown to improve perceptual motor skills by increased tweezers dexterity. The present study was conducted to compare the effect of three different integrated yoga modules on fine motor movements, using Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test. After stratifying for sex, 351 school students of both genders (aged between 9 to 12 years, Mean age ± SD, 10.82±0.92), were randomly assigned to three groups IQ - group (Intelligence Quotient) (n= 125), PS group (Physical Stamina) (n=116), and CV group (Creativity) (n=110). All the groups were trained in specific yoga modules for 10 days residential personality development camp (PDC).