F. SVYASA Dissertations
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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
Item Effect of “three months yogasana practice on blood pressure, lipid profile, hematological parameters in healthy adults”(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Lalit MadaanTitle: Effect of “Three Months Yogasana Practice on Blood Pressure, Lipid Profile, Hematological Parameters. Background: Yoga has positive impact on health. Various studies have formed significant role of yoga in hypertension, diabetes, asthma etc. long term of practice of yoga have positive role in hematological variables. Aim: Current study was conducted to see short term effect of Yogasana intervention on Hematological Parameters,Lipid Profile, and Anthropometric variables in healthy volunteers. Methodology: Twenty healthy volunteers (male-12, female-08) with average age (30.91±11.88) of Vishwa Yuvak Kendra (NGO) at Chankya Puri, New Delhi, were recruited in this study. All the subjects underwent yoga intervention for three days a week with two hours daily for three months. Lipid profile; total cholesterol (TC=0.037), triglyceride (TG=0.372), high density lipid (HDL=0.168), low density lipid (LDL=0.092), very low density lipid (VLDL=0.041), hematological parameters; hemoglobin, total leucocytes count, (TLC=0.009), differential leucocytes’ count (DLC=P-0.008,L-0.009,E-0.943), body mass index (BMI=0.343), pulse rate, blood pressure, were assessed before & after the intervention. Result: Paired sample t-test showed significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL, BMI, significant improvement in hemoglobin. Wilcoxon signed rank test showed significant decrease in systolic blood pressure and borderline significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Three months of Yogasana intervention may help in improving hemoglobin percentage, and helps in reducing bad cholesterol, BMI and systolic and diastolic blood pressure.Item Effect of a ten day yoga based vacation program on short term and working memory in school children(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Hema, B. N.Background: Memory is an important component of cognition and good memory in school children helps them to perform better in school. Yoga is known to improve cognitive function in school children and this study examines if Yoga can improve memory in school children. Aim: To see the effect of ten day yoga based vacation program on short term and working memory in school children. Methodology: 60 school children ages 10-11 years, who attended yoga based training summer vacation program were enrolled in this study. All students underwent a 10 day intense yoga program consisting of Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breathing practices), meditation, relaxation techniques & yogic games. Short term and working memory was assessed by the Digit forward-backward span test before and at the end of the training program. Results: A significant improvement in digit span score (p < 0.001) was observed at the end of the 10 day training program. Conclusion: The 10 day yoga program was found to significantly improve both short term and working memory in the school children who participated in the program. The improvement in working (23.24 %) more is more than short term memory (11.67 %).Item Effect of cyclic meditation on quality of life and percieved stress in female adolescence(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Ghosh, SumitabhaObjectives: Effect of cyclic meditation on quality of life and perceive stress in female adolescence. Methods: The present study done in school students (58 adolescence girl ) Participants age ranged from 14 to17 years with a mean age of(Mean± SD=16.41±0.56). All Subjects were recruited from Bongo Sishu Balika Vidhalaya Bali Hawra (West Bengal) India. The variables (Perceive stress scale and Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire) were assessed before the cyclic meditation practices. All the student underwent cyclic meditation practices daily for 30 minutes afternoon 3 pm to 3:30 pm, five days a week for one month under the guidance of trainer yoga therapist. These cyclic meditation consisted eight steps. The eight step cyclic meditation is the same which is following in SVYASA Yoga University. After 30 days of intervention the parameters were repeated. The results: The data analysis showed significant improvement in quality of life (p <0.05) and significant changes in Perceive stress (p <0.05) and there is no significant change in quality of satisfaction .Result shows significant value in both the variables month of CM one . Conclusion: These findings suggest that practice One month of cyclic meditation showed that there is significant impact on quality of life and perceived stress in adolescent girl.Item Effect of integrated approach of yoga therapy on back pain as measured by rolland morris disability index(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Bhatta, JalandharBackground and need for the study: Previous studies have demonstrated that yoga was effective for chronic low back pain (CLBP) in adults with high socioeconomic status. The effect of 7 days Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) on Rolland Morris Disability Index (RMDI) was not reported adequately. Objective: To study the effect of IAYT on RMDI in patients with CLBP Methods: A seven days study with a single group pre-post design was conducted in a residential holistic health Centre at Bangalore, India. Thirty five patients (22 females, 13 males) with CLBP were selected conveniently to undergo IAYT. The IAYT consisted of a seven days-long intensive residential yoga program comprising of Äsanas (physical postures) designed for back pain, Präëäyäma (breathing practices) and meditation apart from interactive sessions on philosophical concepts of yoga. Primary outcomes were change from baseline to 7 days in 24-point RMDI, Pain Analogue Scale (PAN), Symptom Score (SS), Spinal mobility with ‘Sit and Reach’ instrument (SAR), Straight leg raising test (SLR) using a Goniometer, State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) form X1 and X2, 24- point Back Depression Inventory (BDI) and General Health Questionnaire (GHQ- 28). The clinical outcomes were blood pressure (BP), pulse rate (PR), respiratory rate (RR), breath holding time (BHT) and weight (WT). Statistical Analysis: The tests of normality (Shapiro-Wilk) and Paired Samples Test were used with the help of SPSS 16 for complete statistical analysis. Results: The significant change was observed in all the variables. The analysis showed 54.13% decrease in RMDI scores (P<0.001). Similarly, the PAS showed 86.20% decrease (P<0.001). There were 75% decrease in SS score (P<0.001), 41.9643% increase in SAR score (P<0.001), 40.57%, 34.55 increase in both right and left SLR score (P<0.001), 40.10%.38.82% decrease in STAI and STA2 score (P<0.001) and 69.90% decrease in BDI score (P<0.001). Further, the data analysis of GHQ score showed 87.76% decrease (P<0.001) in somatic symptoms, 89.29% decrease (P<0.001) in anxiety and insomnia, 86.96% decrease (P<0.001) in social dysfunction, 84.75% decrease (P<0.001) in severe depression and 87.71% decrease (P<0.001) in all medical complaints. Moreover, clinical investigation showed 6.947% decrease in Systolic BP (P<0.001), 7.5% decrease in Diastolic BP (P<0.001), 7.01% decrease in PR (P<0.001), 18.7 % decrease in RR (P<0.001), 40.57% increase in BHT (P<0.001) and 1.8 % decrease in WT (P<0.001). Conclusion:The seven days intensive residential IAYT program reduces pain, anxiety, depression and improves spinal mobility and general health in patients with CLBP. Additional randomized control trials are needed before a strong recommendation can be made.Item Effect of integrated approach of yoga therapy on emotional regulation and mindfulness on chronic diseases(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Shalaome, J.Background Cardiovascular disease, cancer, chronic respiratory disease, and diabetes—caused 29 million deaths worldwide and lead to increase mortality and morbidity, schooling of the children get affected because of raised economic burden propagating the spiral of ill health and poverty especially in the growing Indian population . Yoga therapy being non-invasive, cost effective and safe intervention among complementary and alternative medicine .Earlier studies reported the potential role of Yoga therapy in the treatment of enhancing positive emotions and improving mindfulness. Aims- The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of IAYT in emotional regulation and mindfulness in chronic diseases. Methodology- 80 participants with an age range from 21-78 yrs from aroghyadhama .Prashanthi Kutiram who were suffering from chronic diseases were enrolled in the study. All the participants were given a combination of IAYT practices like asanas, pranayama, relaxation practices, and meditation classes and devotional sessions for a period of one week .Emotional regulation and mindfulness Questionnaire was administered to the participants before and after the intervention was given. RESULTS – Here the Post value of mindfulness has been increased by 2.8% and the mean value of post emotional regulation is 5.99%. The data was normally distributed and we have conducted paired sample t test to see the within group result. The p Value was highly significance in both the variables, mindfulness and emotional regulation. Conclusion- Thus in this study it has been concluded that through one week of integrated yoga practice it has been effective in making the emotions positive and improving their mindfulness.Item Effect of intensive integrated approach of yoga therapy on osteoarthritis of knee(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Singh, MandeepBackground: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent of the chronic disease and is a leading cause of pain and disability in most countries worldwide(Ort, 2002). Objective: To see the effect of IIAYT program on pain, sleep, physical activities, ROM, and 50 fit walk test in patients of osteoarthritis of knee. Design: single group longitudinal pre-post study Setting: study was conducted on thirty patients with KOA in residential health care centre, Bengaluru, India, between the period of march to june2014. Intervention: IIAYT combines the practices intended to act physical, emotional, intellectual, and spiritual level and includes yoga postures, breathing exercise, internal cleansing techniques, meditation, national correction, counselling and devotional sessions along with Naturopathy, Physiotherapy, and Ayurveda for one weak. Outcome measures: WOMAC, flexion angle, 50 fit walk test, VAS, and PIRS. Result: showed significant change in WOMAC (p<0.001) from 0.48±0.14 to 0.38±0.14 with 17.52% change, in Wong-baker face scale (p<0.001) from 6±1.39 to 3.40±1.40 with 43.33% change, in Visual analog scale both side right and left (p<0.001) from 6.07±1.8 to 4.00±1.34 &4.87±1.89 to 3.00±1.49 with 34.06% &38.35% respectively change, 50 fit walk test is showed significant change (p<0.001) from 14.32±3.72 to 12.24±2.76 with 14.48% change, and insomnia index is also showed significant (p=0.027) from 0.39±0.12 to 0.36±0.13 with 8.87% change. Other parameters like: flexion angle, quadriceps strength, and quadriceps weight are shown trend of improvement but not significant. Conclusion: IIAYT improved WOMAC (pain, stiffness, and physical functions), Insomnia index, 50 fit walk test, and VAS within the one week. Further RCT is needed to conform these results.Item Effect of listening to vedic chanting on state anxiety and mindfulness(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Chanu, Sarungbam Rajshree; Chanu, Sarungbam RajshreeContexts: The Vedic mantras are becoming popular and used for healing and spiritual growth all over the world. Aims: To study the immediate effect of listening to Vedic chanting (Rudram Mantras) on state anxiety and state mindfulness. Settings and Design: A randomized self-as-control within subjects design was employed. Fifty four undergraduate male students from a residential Yoga University in Southern India were recruited for this study. Their age ranged from 17 to 37 years with a mean age of 23.11 years (SD= 4.48). Methods and Material: The State Anxiety Inventory-Short Form and State Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (SMAAS) were used to measure the psychological states. They were assessed immediately before and after two sessions listening of 1) Vedic chanting 2) relaxation instrumental music with equal time (20 min) duration. 50% of student select randomly listen the Vedic chanting and remaining 50% student listen the relaxation instrumental music on first day. In second day orders of the sessions were reverse. Results: There was a significant improvement in state mindfulness and reduction in state anxiety following listening to Vedic chanting. The state anxiety reduced significantly after the relaxation music, but there was no change on state mindfulness. Conclusions: These findings indicate listening to Vedic chanting results in enhancement of state mindfulness and reduction in state anxiety.Item Effect of mind sound resonance technique (msrt: a yogic relaxation technique) on perceived stress, state anxiety & IVF outcome in women undergoing IVF treatment a randomised control study(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Munirathna, M.Background The women undergoing infertility treatments are under stress and anxiety. The aim of this study was to see the effect of Mind Sound Resonance Technique (A Yogic Relaxation Technique) on Perceived Stress, State Anxiety and the outcome of IVF in women undergoing IVF treatment. The studies like The prevalence of primary infertility in Mysore by Paul C.Adamson1 and colleagues, Stress and Anxiety during IVF by Kathy Turner2 and colleagues, Influence of stress and anxiety in women entering IVF by Csemiczky G3 and colleagues, etc. done worldwide also show that women undergoing IVF are stressed and anxiety levels are high during different stages of treatment and the effect on the outcome. Method Randomized control study was done on the women patients who started their IVF treatment. State Trait Anxiety Inventory (Spielberger, C.D., Sydeman, S.J. (1994) and Perceived Stress Scale (Cohen & Williamson, 1988) were measured on the first day of hormone stimulation and repeated after Embryo Transfer. Taking the environment of the clinic into consideration, the first 30 women were taken into the control group and the women who came in later were taken into experiment group. The experiment group were given the intervention, Mind Sound Resonance Technique (A Yogic Relaxation) during the stimulation days and on the day of Embryo Transfer. The patient was allowed to record the audio of the intervention and practice the relaxation technique even at home (till they came for the Beta HCG: implantation blood test). Both groups were compared in terms of demographic details and clinical details. The two group study was then related to see the outcome after the treatment. Results Comparison of the demographic details showed no significant difference. The total hormone stimulation also showed no significant difference when compared to both the groups. Both groups were comparative in terms of age, duration of infertility, FSH, AMH, dosage and number of days of stimulation. The quality of the embryos, embryo transferred and embryo frozen did not show significant difference, which means that this study was a very good comparative study. The Student t-test (unpaired) was done on the State anxiety (STAI) score of the patient on the first day of stimulation and after the Embryo Transfer. The p value on the day of stimulation did not show significant difference when compared with the two groups. Whereas, the p value showed strongly significant (0.001**) change in the State anxiety score post Embryo Transfer. The Student t test (unpaired) was done on the Perceived Stress (PSS) score of the patient on the first day of stimulation and after the Embryo Transfer. The p value, on the day of stimulation did not show significant difference when compared with the two groups. Whereas, the p value showed moderate significant (0.037*) change in the Stress score post Embryo Transfer. The Chi-Square test is done to assess the outcome in both the groups. The results were significantly high with the outcome of pregnancy being 9 (30%) positives in control group and 17 (56%) positives in experiment group. The age group was categorized in both experiment group and control group to study the Beta HCG positive outcome. As further test of analysis, when the results were compared according to the different age group categorization, Beta HCG positivity showed a positive trend in the experiment group when compared to the control group though it was not statistically significant. The clinical pregnancy rate shows that experiment group had significantly less number of patients who experienced abortions and significantly more number of patients who achieved clinical pregnancy. Conclusion The findings of the present study show that Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT: A Yogic relaxation) intervention is a good technique to reduces Perceived Stress and State Anxiety in women undergoing IVF treatment, in turn helps in implantation and improving outcome of clinical pregnancy.Item Effect of one month intense practice of suryanamskar on self-control and general health in college students(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Bag, Buddhadev1.1 Psychological problems in college students There is a review article which report that mental disorders are as prevalent among college students and these disorders appear to be increasing in number and severity. The college years represent a developmentally challenging transition to adulthood, and untreated mental illness may have significant implications for academic success, productivity, substance use, and social relationships1 there is another Cross-sectional studies which indicate a high prevalence of mental health problems among college students. It is stated there is to be a relatively large proportion of students with mental health problems that are more than transient issues related to adjustments or other temporary factors2 1.2 mindfulness in college students There was Evidence based research suggests that meditation-based stress-management practices reduce stress and enhance forgiveness among college undergraduates. Because stress is a major issue for college students as they cope with a variety of academic, social, and personal challenges. Most first-year undergraduates are living apart from their parents for the first time. More advanced undergraduates face continuing pressure for academic performance as well as difficult career choices and job search issues.3 There is a research based growing evidence that indfulness-based therapies may be effective in treating a variety of disorders including stress, substance abused, depression and anxiety among college students.4 1.3 Distress in college student There is a research which reported that as family dysfunction increased, participants reported less parental attachment and more interpersonal distress. Also research has documented that securely attached individuals display less emotional distress and negative affect. The attachment dimensions of anxiety and avoidance are positively linked to indices of psychological distress such as emotional distress and nervousness, general distress symptoms and depression and anxiety.5 Studies suggest the current educational process may have an inadvertent negative effect on students’ mental health, with a high frequency of depression, anxiety, and stress among medical students. There is research which postulated that burnout, a measure of distress common among residents and physicians in practice, has its origin in medical school. A number of factors—including academic pressure, workload, financial concerns, sleep deprivation, exposure to patients’ suffering and deaths, student abuse, and a “hidden curriculum” of cynicism. 1.4 Self- control in college student Self-regulation and self-control are crucial for success in many life domains. College students with high self-control have better psychological adjustment, better interpersonal relationships, and better performance on achievement-related tasks and self-control appears to be a better predictor of academic performance than even intelligence .People with high self-control also have lower alcohol and substance use, lower rates of crime and delinquency, better self-assessed health, and better health behaviors.7 self -efficacy has been related to persistence, tenacity, and achievement in educational settings A meta-analysis of research in educational settings found that self-efficacy was related both to academic performance and to persistence (r = .34). The contribution of self-efficacy to educational achievement is based both on the increased use of specific cognitive activities and strategies and on the positive impact of efficacy beliefs on the broader, more general classes of metacognitive skills and coping abilities.Item Effect of one month of yoga practice on anthropometric, psychological and genitive function in women with chronic disease: A control study(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Bhat, NarayanIntroduction: Depression, anxiety, and fatigue are among the most chronic mental health condition that affects millions of individuals worldwide. It is well-established that psychological stress plays an integral role in anxiety, depression & fatigue and that it has numerous negative health outcomes. An earlier study reports yoga practice may be useful in the management of stress following a natural disaster in people with widely differing social, cultural and spiritual beliefs (Telles & Naveen, 2007). Aim: The present study assessed the effects of specific yoga module practice on perceived sleep, stress Fatigue, anxiety & depression with women having chronic disease and to understand the psycholphysiological effects. Methods: Female subjects in the age range of 35 to 45 years (group mean age ± SD, 40.82 ±3. 748). Specific Yoga Program Group 33 numbers and Control Group 33 numbers. Yoga group underwent one month of specific practice (5days/week) of 60 minutes. Control group continued with their daily activities during the period of intervention. The assessments were based upon the four Questioners-Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (hads), Cohen Perceved Stress (cps), Fatigue Severity Scale (fss), The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (psqi). The sample size comprised of 2 groups (n=70),. Results: There was a significant decrease in HADS (P<0.002), cps(P<0.00), fss(P<0.000), & psqi(P<0.00) in yoga group (paired t test) compare to the control group. This suggests that yoga practice may be useful in the management of stress, anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep in patients with chronic disease. Conclusion: one month of integrated yoga may help in reducing anxiety, depression and fatigue and improves sleep quality in women with chronic disease.Item Effect of one month residential yoga program on measuring the positive and negative attitude(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Ashwini, H. R.Introduction 1.1 Attitude An attitude is an expression of favor or disfavor toward a person, place, thing, or event the attitude object. Prominent psychologist Gordon Allport once defends attitudes "the most distinctive and indispensable concept in contemporary social psychology."Attitude can be formed from a person's past and present. The study of attitudes include attitude measurement, attitude change, and attitude-behavior relationships. 1.2 Definition of Attitude The definition of attitude is an evaluation of an attitude object to vary from extremely negative to extremely positive, but also admits that people can also be conflicted or ambivalent toward an object meaning that they might at different times express both positive and negative attitude toward the same object. This has led to some discussion of whether individual can hold multiple attitudes toward the same object. An attitude can be as a positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, events, activities, and ideas. It could be concrete, abstract or just about anything in your environment, but there is a debate about precise definitions. Define an attitude as "a psychological tendency that is expressed by evaluating a particular entity with some degree of favor or disfavor though it is sometimes common to define an attitude as affect toward an object, affect discrete emotions or overall arousal is generally understood to be distinct from attitude as a measure of favorability. Attitude may influence the attention to attitude objects, the use of categories for encoding information and the interpretation, judgment and recall of attituderelevant information can be more powerful for strong attitudes which are easily accessible and based an elaborate knowledge structure Attitudes may guide attention and encoding automatically, even if the individual is pursing unrelated goals. Attitudes are explicit deliberately formed versus implicit subconscious has been a topic of considerable research. Research on implicit attitudes, which are generally unacknowledgedItem Effect of one month Surya namaskara practice on psychological wellbeing in college student(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Shukla, Vinay1.1 Psychological problems in college students There is a review article which report that mental disorders are as prevalent among college students and these disorders appear to be increasing in number and severity. The college years represent a developmentally challenging transition to adulthood, and untreated mental illness may have significant implications for academic success, productivity, substance use, and social relationships there is another Cross-sectional studies which indicate a high prevalence of mental health problems among college students. It is stated there is to be a relatively large proportion of students with mental health problems that are more than transient issues related to adjustments or other temporary factors 1.2 Impulsivity in college students Recent study define Impulsivity as implicated in risk models for a number of disorders, including alcoholism, eating disorders, and pathological gambling. And proven that sensation seeking and impulsivity as unique predictors of alcohol use and problems in college student. One another research which stated that impulsivity, is the tendency to act without thinking, is linked to risky behaviors during adolescence that can become difficult to modify over time and also suggested that those Interventions that can reduce impulsive behavior may therefore have a significant impact in deterring its negative consequences. 1.3 mindfulness college students There was Evidence based research suggests that meditation-based stress-management practices reduce stress and enhance forgiveness among college undergraduates. Because stress is a major issue for college students as they cope with a variety of academic, social, and personal challenges. Most first-year undergraduates are living apart from their parents for the first time. More advanced undergraduates face continuing pressure for academic performance as well as difficult career choices and job search issues. There is a research based growing evidence that mindfulness-based therapies may be effective in treating a variety of disorders including stress, substance abused, depression and anxiety among college students. 1.4 Self-esteem and college students There was a meta-analysis of research in educational settings found that self-steam is related both to academic performance (r = .38) and to persistence (r = .34) for college student. The contribution of self-steam to educational achievement is based both on the increased use of specific cognitive activities and strategies and on the positive impact of efficacy beliefs on the broader, more general classes of metacognitive skills and coping abilities. 1.5 Anxiety college and students There is research evidence suggested that anxiety related with examination effects the psychometric adequacy and student performance. There is another research on College that suggested that problem drinking and social anxiety are significant public health concerns with highly negative consequences.it has found that social anxiety disorder to be the third most common psychiatric disorder particularly relevant to college students, as there are high social demands. 1.6 Depression college and students There is research which reported that of those students who experienced depressive symptoms since beginning college, the four most commonly cited reasons for their depression were academic problems, loneliness, economic problems, and relationship difficulties. they also included that addition to the high rates of depression among adolescents and young adults,Item The effect of one month yoga intervention on state anxiety and percieved stress in pregnant women(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Rashmi, A. BapatThis study deals with the effect of one month yoga intervention on perceived stress (PSS) and state anxiety (STAI) in pregnant women. The module includes a set of āsanas, relaxation technique, prāṇāyāma, and AUM meditation. Aims and objectives: Aim: TO the study the efficacy of one month yoga intervention on perceived stress and state anxiety in pregnant women Objectives: To study the efficacy of one month yoga intervention on state anxiety based on State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAIX-1) and perceived stress using Cohen Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) in pregnant women. Methods: The study was performed on forty normal pregnant women aged between 25 to 35 years, 20th week to28th week of pregnancy. It dived into group of twenty randomly for experimental and control group. Control group women were not aware of any yogic practices during the period of four week. Women from 20th week to 28th week of pregnancy were given yoga intervention. Both the groups were assessed for the pre and post physiological parameters blood pressure, weight, pulse rate tests and psychological PSS, STAI tests. They were not informed about the hypothesis of the study. Informed consent was obtained from them all. Yoga intervention includes of AUM meditation sessions30 minutes and yogic practices set of loosening of joints, breathing techniques, asanas, and pranayam alternately one hour for four week. While these simple postures provide gross stimulation to blood flow, heartbeat, pulse, sound vibrations, nerve impulses were perceived and used as subtle stimulations to release the stress at subtler levels. Results and Discussion: There is significant p value PSS 0.019 <0.05 in Wilcoxon’s signed Rank Test (experimental group), and 0.000 <0.05 in Mann-Whitney test (in between group).There was no significant p value of STAI was found. Conclusions: No previous investigation has directly evaluated the effect of AUM meditation in one month yoga intervention on perceived stress and state anxiety in pregnant women. This randomized control study was done to check the effect of AUM meditation in one month yoga intervention on perceived stress and state anxiety inventory in pregnant women. One month Yoga Intervention AUM meditation was found to be beneficial in reducing the State Anxiety and perceived stress in pregnant women on Indian population. It shows it is a safe meditation for pregnant woman.Item Effect of one month yoga practice on psychological variables, complete blood count and blood glucose levels in diabetic patients(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Jayshree KhakhriaObjectives: To see the effect of one month yoga practice on psychological variables, complete blood count and blood glucose level in diabetic patients Methods: Seventeen Type 2 DM cases with an age range (54.41 ± 6.73) were selected in this study. All the patient underwent IAYT practices, daily morning for 50 min / day for 30 days under guidance. IAYT consist of loosening practices, yoga asana, pranayama, relaxation technique well known yoga module given by SVYASA Yoga University. Pre and post FBS, PPBS,Complete blood count and Psychological variables are taken . The results: There was a significant decrease in fasting blood glucose levels (p<0.078), weight (p<.00), Body mass index (p< 0.00), psychological Distress (p< 0.04), Perceive stress (p<0.010), after one month of yoga intervention. There was significant increases in hemoglobin (p<0.023). There was no significant change in post prandial blood glucose levels (p<0.114) Conclusion: Thirty days of IAYT practice lead to significant reduction fasting blood glucose, weight, Body mass index, psychological variables (distress level, Perceive stress) an improvement of hemoglobin.Item Effect of one month yoga training on lipid profile, anthropometric measurements, stress and fatigue in obese patients: a comparative study(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Kapila Raji, B. F. A.Background: obesity is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It leads to number of co-morbidities like cardiac disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, stroke etc. Lifestyle modification in terms of physical activity and diet and primary way of approach in management of obesity. Yoga therapy is a emerging complementary and alternative medicine. Many scientific studies have shown potential role of yoga in management of number of non-communicable diseases. Aim: Aim of the present study is to compare the effect of one moth yoga training and aerobic exercise on lipid profile, anthropometric measurement, stress and quality of life in obese women. Methods: 39 women were enrolled in this 20 in yoga group with age range between 30-50 yrs (mean ± SD = 38.05 ± 6.7) and 19 in aerobic group with age range between 30-45 yrs (mean ± SD = 40 ± 4.7). Yoga group performed asanas, suryanamaskar, pranayama and relaxation techniques for month and aerobic group performed different aerobic exercise in gym. All the subjects were assessed with lipid profile, hip circumference, waist circumference, fatigue severity scale, quality of life and perceived stress scale before and after one month. Results: Within group comparison showed significant decrease in BMI (p=.000), WC(371), HC (p-.000), Total cholesterol C(p=.000), Triglycerides (.000), HDLDC(p=.010), LDLC(p=.011), VLDLC(p=.006), Fatigue(p=.000), Perceived stress(.015), and significant improvement in quality of life (p=.010) in yoga group Within group comparison showed significant decrease in BMI (p=.000), WC(.000), HC (p- .000), Total cholesterol C(p=.000), Triglycerides (..0050), HDLDC (p=.010), LDLC (p=.011), VLDLC (p=.006), Fatigue(p=.001), Perceived stress(.001), and significant improvement in quality of life (p=325) in Aerobics groupConclusion: After this study it was seen that Lipid profile showed improvement in both yoga and aerobics group, especially HDL was improved in Aerobics group. There was significant improvement in fatigue severity scale in yoga group compared to aerobics group 1 month yoga and aerobics intervention has a positive role in obese women.Item Effect of pranayama and ayurvedic treatement on arthritis(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Shamna, T. V.Background: The aim of this study is to measure the effect of combined ayurveda and yoga therapy on osteoarthritis (OA) disease activity, pain and associated insomnia. Subjects were recruited from among OA patients in Calicut corporation government dispensary, Kerala by clinical diagnosis as experimental group. The control group is recruited from a medical camp conducted by Arogyamithram Ayurvedic and Yoga medical centre, Palath, Kozhikode Kerala. Pain disability questionnaire, Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale, Numeric pain rating scale, Verbal pain intensity scale and Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating scale are documented. On the first day of yoga session along with Ayurvedic medication and after giving the same for experimental group and on the same days for the control group also without giving yoga and Ayurveda. The sample size of experimental group is 25 and control group is 24.At the end of the study we observed a significant reduction in pain, disability and insomnia in experimental group and there was an increase in pain, disability and insomnia in the control group. These findings assist the idea of implementation of yoga along with Ayurveda in osteoarthritis treatment. The previous studies on arthritis shows that yoga practices along with Ayurveda in Osteoarthritis patients lead to significant reduction in pain, disability and improvement in sleep quality. Aim: To study the effect of combined Ayurveda and yoga therapy on osteoarthritis. Methodology: The experimental group samples are recruited from government Ayurvedic dispensary, Calicut, Kerala and the control group samples are taken from a medical camp conducted by Argyamithram Ayurveda and yoga medical centre and anugraha charitable trust, Calicut, Kerala .The sample size of experimental group was 25 and control group was 24. Result: Paired sample t-test showed significant reduction in pain and disability in experimental group ,but slight increase in pain and disability in control group. There was a reduction insomnia rating scale in experimental group and increase in control group which are statistically not significant. Conclusion: One month of yoga practice along with Ayurveda in Osteoarthritis patients lead to significant reduction in pain, disability and improvement in sleep quality. Similar studies with large sample size and randomized sampling should replicated to confirm the consistency of results.Item Effect of pranayama and ayurvedic treatement on arthritis(S Vyasa, 2015-12-19) SHAMNA, T. V.ABSTRACT Background: The aim of this study is to measure the effect of combined ayurveda and yoga therapy on osteoarthritis (OA) disease activity, pain and associated insomnia. Subjects were recruited from among OA patients in Calicut corporation government dispensary, Kerala by clinical diagnosis as experimental group. The control group is recruited from a medical camp conducted by Arogyamithram Ayurvedic and Yoga medical centre, Palath, Kozhikode Kerala. Pain disability questionnaire, Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale, Numeric pain rating scale, Verbal pain intensity scale and Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating scale are documented. On the first day of yoga session along with Ayurvedic medication and after giving the same for experimental group and on the same days for the control group also without giving yoga and Ayurveda. The sample size of experimental group is 25 and control group is 24.At the end of the study we observed a significant reduction in pain, disability and insomnia in experimental group and there was an increase in pain, disability and insomnia in the control group. These findings assist the idea of implementation of yoga along with Ayurveda in osteoarthritis treatment. The previous studies on arthritis shows that yoga practices along with Ayurveda in Osteoarthritis patients lead to significant reduction in pain, disability and improvement in sleep quality. Aim: To study the effect of combined Ayurveda and yoga therapy on osteoarthritis. Methodology: The experimental group samples are recruited from government Ayurvedic dispensary, Calicut, Kerala and the control group samples are taken from a medical camp conducted by Argyamithram Ayurveda and yoga medical centre and anugraha charitable trust, Calicut, Kerala .The sample size of experimental group was 25 and control group was 24. Result: Paired sample t-test showed significant reduction in pain and disability in experimental group ,but slight increase in pain and disability in control group. There was a reduction insomnia rating scale in experimental group and increase in control group which are statistically not significant. Conclusion: One month of yoga practice along with Ayurveda in Osteoarthritis patients lead to significant reduction in pain, disability and improvement in sleep quality. Similar studies with large sample size and randomized sampling should replicated to confirm the consistency of results.Item Effect of short term yoga practice on cognitive function and attitude towards violence in school children: a randomized control study(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Reddy, G. KotiTitle:Effect of Short Term Yoga Practices on Cognitive Function and Attitude towards Violence in School Children- A Randomized Control Study. Background: Now a day’s lake of cognitive function and attitude towards violence are considered as most frequently seen problems in school children. Yoga being non- invasive, cost effect and safe intervention among complementary and alternative medicine. Earlier studies reported the potential role of yoga in management of problems like cognitive function and attitude towards violence. Aim: The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of short term yoga practice on cognitive function and attitude towards violence in school children. Methodology: 50 school children with an age range between 13 to 15 years from the Chitanya Vidya Niketan Educational Society, Bhagath Sing Marge, Maqdum, Jagathgiri Gutta, Ranga Reddy Dist., Hyderabad-37, were enrolled in this study. All the participants underwent short term yoga practice consist of loosening & breathing exercise, Asanas (yogic postures), relaxation techniques pranayama (yogic birthing practices) and meditation one hour fifteen (1Hr.15 minutes) minutes daily for 10 days continually. DLST (digit letter substitution test) questionnaire and ATV (attitude towards violence) questionnaire were administered before and after yoga intervention. Results: The results shown significant improvement in cognitive function(DLST test ) in yoga group compare to control group whereas there are no significant result towards violence (ATV test) at the end of short term of yoga practice. Conclusion: Short term yoga practice in school children shown significant improvement in cognitive function and no significant result shown in attitude towards violenceItem Effect of two week yoga intervention on psychological states in orphanage children: a single arm study(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Kumar, RavishankarBackground: Anxiety, Depression and Low Self-esteem are considered as the most prominent psychological problems seen in Orphanage Children. Yoga being non-invasive, cost effective and safe intervention among complementary and alternative medicine, seems feesible to be applied. Earlier studies have reported signicant effect of Yoga intervention on other similar psychological factors like self-concept, self-efficacy and cognitive functions etc. in orphanage children. Aims: The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of Yoga intervention on psychological states like Anxiety, Depression and Self-esteem in Orphanage Children. Methodology: 34 Orphange Children (Boys = 27 & Girls = 7) with an age range between 12 to 20 years (12.55 ± 4.52{Boys}, 12 ± 4.18 {Girls}) from Manav Mandir Gurukul, orphanage in New Delhi 110 013, were enrolled in this study. All the Subjests underwent Yoga intervention consist of asana (Yogic postures), pranayama (Yogic breathing practices) and Yogic relaxation techniques, one hour (60 Minutes) daily for Fifteen days. Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HADS) and Rosenberg Self-esteem scale were administered before and after the intervention. Results: There was significant redcutionin in anxiety (P = 0.001; -32.95%), depression (P = 0.001; -32.98%) and there was significant improvement in self esteem (P = 0.001; 19.24%). Conclusions: 2 weeks (15 days) of intense yoga practice lead to significant reduction in anxiety and depression and improved self esteem.Item Effect of yoga on dysmenorrhea in adolescence girls(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Jyothi SajjanMany women are familiar with the experience of dysmenorrhea, which can contribute to significant physical and emotional distress and life disruption. However, women may not seek professional expertise in their attempt to alleviate this condition. It is important to assess the beliefs and experiences of all women with dysmenorrhea, including adolescents, as early in gynecologic care as possible. This article reviews the management of primary dysmenorrhea. AIM: To assess the pain in Dysmenorrhea, To assess the efficacy of Yoga in Dysmenorrhea. Methodology: 30 Adolescent girls from Government Higher primary School in Karnataka state of India were selected for the study and were divided into two groups, Yoga(n=15) and Control(n=15). Yoga group performed physical postures (asanas), breathing practices (pranayama) and yoga based relaxation techniques for 60minutes six days a week for 30days and the control group continued their daily routine. There was no significant difference in age, socioeconomic status, between the groups at the baseline. BMI, B.P, Pulse, respiratory rate, pain scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Modified Depression Scale, Attitude and belief assessment scale were used to assess pain and stress levels before and after one month in both groups. Data was found normally distributed by kolmogrov and shapiro-wilk test and thus, paired t test was used to compare within and between group results. Results: A Significant improvement in pain scale, Modified Depression Scale, Perceived Stress Scale (P<0.001) was observed at the end of 30days Yoga therapy module. Conclusion: The assessment and data analysis clearly shows that 30 days practice of YOGA significantly reduced the Pain, depression and Stress score of the participants, while improvement was none in the control group. These findings need confirmation from studies with a larger sample size, which are implicated in the future.
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