Effect of one month Surya namaskara practice on psychological wellbeing in college student
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1.1 Psychological problems in college students
There is a review article which report that mental disorders are as prevalent among college
students and these disorders appear to be increasing in number and severity. The college years
represent a developmentally challenging transition to adulthood, and untreated mental illness
may have significant implications for academic success, productivity, substance use, and social
relationships there is another Cross-sectional studies which indicate a high prevalence of mental
health problems among college students. It is stated there is to be a relatively large proportion of
students with mental health problems that are more than transient issues related to adjustments or
other temporary factors
1.2 Impulsivity in college students
Recent study define Impulsivity as implicated in risk models for a number of disorders, including
alcoholism, eating disorders, and pathological gambling. And proven that sensation seeking and
impulsivity as unique predictors of alcohol use and problems in college student. One another
research which stated that impulsivity, is the tendency to act without thinking, is linked to risky
behaviors during adolescence that can become difficult to modify over time and also suggested
that those Interventions that can reduce impulsive behavior may therefore have a significant
impact in deterring its negative consequences.
1.3 mindfulness college students
There was Evidence based research suggests that meditation-based stress-management practices
reduce stress and enhance forgiveness among college undergraduates. Because stress is a major
issue for college students as they cope with a variety of academic, social, and personal
challenges. Most first-year undergraduates are living apart from their parents for the first time.
More advanced undergraduates face continuing pressure for academic performance as well as
difficult career choices and job search issues. There is a research based growing evidence that
mindfulness-based therapies may be effective in treating a variety of disorders including stress,
substance abused, depression and anxiety among college students.
1.4 Self-esteem and college students
There was a meta-analysis of research in educational settings found that self-steam is related
both to academic performance (r = .38) and to persistence (r = .34) for college student. The
contribution of self-steam to educational achievement is based both on the increased use of
specific cognitive activities and strategies and on the positive impact of efficacy beliefs on the
broader, more general classes of metacognitive skills and coping abilities.
1.5 Anxiety college and students
There is research evidence suggested that anxiety related with examination effects the
psychometric adequacy and student performance. There is another research on College that
suggested that problem drinking and social anxiety are significant public health concerns with
highly negative consequences.it has found that social anxiety disorder to be the third most
common psychiatric disorder particularly relevant to college students, as there are high social
1.6 Depression college and students
There is research which reported that of those students who experienced depressive symptoms
since beginning college, the four most commonly cited reasons for their depression were
academic problems, loneliness, economic problems, and relationship difficulties. they also
included that addition to the high rates of depression among adolescents and young adults,
Surya namaskara practice, Psychological wellbeing, College student, 2015, January