Effect of cyclic meditation on quality of life and percieved stress in female adolescence

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S Vyasa


Objectives: Effect of cyclic meditation on quality of life and perceive stress in female adolescence. Methods: The present study done in school students (58 adolescence girl ) Participants age ranged from 14 to17 years with a mean age of(Mean± SD=16.41±0.56). All Subjects were recruited from Bongo Sishu Balika Vidhalaya Bali Hawra (West Bengal) India. The variables (Perceive stress scale and Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire) were assessed before the cyclic meditation practices. All the student underwent cyclic meditation practices daily for 30 minutes afternoon 3 pm to 3:30 pm, five days a week for one month under the guidance of trainer yoga therapist. These cyclic meditation consisted eight steps. The eight step cyclic meditation is the same which is following in SVYASA Yoga University. After 30 days of intervention the parameters were repeated. The results: The data analysis showed significant improvement in quality of life (p <0.05) and significant changes in Perceive stress (p <0.05) and there is no significant change in quality of satisfaction .Result shows significant value in both the variables month of CM one . Conclusion: These findings suggest that practice One month of cyclic meditation showed that there is significant impact on quality of life and perceived stress in adolescent girl.



Cyclic meditation, Quality of life, Stress, Female adolescence, 2015, January




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