F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    (SVYASA, 2018-03-14) Amit Kumar Singh; Deepeshwar Singh
    BACKGROUND Ancient scripture like Hatha yoga pradeepika, Patanjali yoga sutra, and many other texts explains that practice of various yogic techniques improves cognitive functions. In this study, we have compared the cognitive function and heart rate variability in yoga practitioner and non-yoga practitioner. METHOD Fourty normal healthy male subjects with age range 18-21 years were recruited in this study, among which twenty subjects were yoga practitioner (yoga group) and remaining eighteen, were a non-yoga practitioner (control group). The computerized version (super lab) of Stroop color and word test was used to assess cognitive function of the participants. Participants were asked to perform all tasks as fast as possible without doing any mistake. For any mistake, the participants were asked not to stop the practice and keep continuing. The participants were given thirty seconds for each task. Detailed instructions for each task were given to the participants before starting the test. RESULT Reaction time was significantly less in yoga practitioner compare to non-yoga practitioner in all three tasks. Accuracy was non-significant in first two tasks but in third task yoga practitioner group has significantly more accuracy than non-yoga practitioner. 9 CONCLUSION In this study, we considered long term yoga practitioners (more than 1-year experience) and control group (who never exposed to yoga), did not show the significant result in cognitive function. But the trend of all outcome measure suggests, yoga practice helps in improvement in cognitive functions.
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    (SVYASA, 2021-04-09) ANUBHA SAINI; Soubhagyalaxmi
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    Effect of short term yoga practice on cognitive function and attitude towards violence in school children: a randomized control study
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Reddy, G. Koti
    Title:Effect of Short Term Yoga Practices on Cognitive Function and Attitude towards Violence in School Children- A Randomized Control Study. Background: Now a day’s lake of cognitive function and attitude towards violence are considered as most frequently seen problems in school children. Yoga being non- invasive, cost effect and safe intervention among complementary and alternative medicine. Earlier studies reported the potential role of yoga in management of problems like cognitive function and attitude towards violence. Aim: The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of short term yoga practice on cognitive function and attitude towards violence in school children. Methodology: 50 school children with an age range between 13 to 15 years from the Chitanya Vidya Niketan Educational Society, Bhagath Sing Marge, Maqdum, Jagathgiri Gutta, Ranga Reddy Dist., Hyderabad-37, were enrolled in this study. All the participants underwent short term yoga practice consist of loosening & breathing exercise, Asanas (yogic postures), relaxation techniques pranayama (yogic birthing practices) and meditation one hour fifteen (1Hr.15 minutes) minutes daily for 10 days continually. DLST (digit letter substitution test) questionnaire and ATV (attitude towards violence) questionnaire were administered before and after yoga intervention. Results: The results shown significant improvement in cognitive function(DLST test ) in yoga group compare to control group whereas there are no significant result towards violence (ATV test) at the end of short term of yoga practice. Conclusion: Short term yoga practice in school children shown significant improvement in cognitive function and no significant result shown in attitude towards violence
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    Part I immediate effect of MSRT on attention, concentration and visual memory in diabetes mellitus part II techniques or medicines to improve cognitive function
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Mohanty, Subarna Surajita
    Background: Many Complementary and alternative therapies (CAM) have been found to be beneficial in improving the attention, concentration, memory in diabetes. More particularly meditation plays a key role in doing so. Aim: The present study is aimed at assessing the effect of Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT) on diabetes patient. Settings and Design: The participants were from Arogyadhama (Yoga hospital) VYASA, Bangalore, and India. The present study was a simple controlled design between the groups. Material and Methods: All subjects were assessed using Digit Letter Substitution Test (DLST) and Six Letter Cancellation Test (SLCT) before and after the practice of MSRT. Also ‘Supine rest’ was studied as an intervention to see it’s effect on the above mentioned variables. Results: It was observed that percentage change was more following MSRT in both Total Attempted (TA) and Net Attempted (NA) scores of DLST viz., 29% & 30% compared to Supine rest viz., 22.1% and 22.8%. No significant change in the score of SLCT was observed following MSRT compared to SLCT. Conclusions: Based on the above mentioned result, it can be concluded there was better attention and cognitive flexibility following the practice of MSRT.
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    Effect of yoga on self-esteem and cognitive functions in school children: a randomized control study
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Erukatla, Harikrishna
    Background Low self-esteem and imbalance of cognitive functions are considered as the most frequently seen problems in School Children. Yoga being non-invasive, cost effective and safe intervention among complementary and alternative medicine. Earlier studies reported the potential role of yoga in balancing of Cognitive Functions and improvement in Self-esteem. Aims: The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of yoga on Self-esteem & Cognitive Functions in School Children. Methodology: 112 School Children(Yoga group=56, Control Group=56, Both Boys & Girls are equally distributed) with an age range between 12 to 16 from Sujana Convent, Hosa Road, Bangalore-100, were enrolled in this study. All the Participants in Yoga Group underwent Yoga practice consist of asana (Yogic postures), pranayama (yogic breathing practices) and relaxation techniques, one hour(60 Minutes) daily for six days a week for three weeks. Control Group took part in Physical Education Training in School Schedule Time. Digit Letter Substitution Test (DLST) and Rosenberg Self-esteem scale were administered before and after the intervention. Results: The Post Mean value of DLST(Y)(within group) has been increased by 14%(25-11) compared with DLST (C), and the Post mean value of Self-esteem(Y)(within group) isincreased by 7 % (11-4) compared with Self-esteem(C). Thus the results of the study concluded that the significant value of both variables is highly significant. In Self-esteem (between group), the Post p-value (.000) is highly significant compared to Pre p-value (.765). That shows Short term yoga practice (3 weeks) has the effect on Self-esteem. Conclusions: 3 weeks of intense yoga practice showed, both the variables, Self-esteem & cognitive functions were of highly significance. Thus the self-esteem & cognitive functions of school children are improved and increased
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    Effect of 10 Days of Yoga Intervention on Cognitive Dysfunction on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
    (S-VYASA, 2014-07-13) Ganguly, Mollika
    Background - Yoga and other modalities of adjunct therapies viz., Tai chi & Qi Gong have been found to be useful in improving the cognitive abilities in both healthy volunteers as well as diseased conditions Aim and Objectives - The present study was aimed at assessing the cognitive function tests in Type II Diabetes Mellitus subjects Material and Methods - A sample size of 56 subjects (n=56) were assessed before and after a 10 days yoga intervention. The variables viz., Stroop Test (ST), Whislers Memory Scale (WMS), Six Letter Cancellation Test (LCT) and Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) were recorded in all subjects as per the prescribed design. Result- It was observed that the digit forward scores (p<0.05) of WMS was higher and colour and word colour (p<0.05) scores of ST was also found to be higher following a 10 days of yoga intervention. No significant changes were noticed in other variables following the yoga intervention. Conclusion- It was demonstrated that there was improvement in digit forward, colour and word-colour scores suggestive of better enhancement of working memory and executive functions in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients.
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