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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
Item Changes in heart rate variability following one month yoga practice(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) YogananduBackground: Yoga is a science that facilitates homeostasis, an ancient way of life intended to improve the quality of life of an individual. Practice of yoga is proposed to alter the autonomic nervous system and affect the cardiovascular functioning. Aim & Objectives: To asses the changes in heart rate variability following one month yoga practice. Materials and Methods: Thirty nine healthy male volunteers with ages ranging from 18–53 years were included for the study. They were are students of one month yoga instructor course at SVYASA Bangaloure. Heart rate variability was assessed before and after one month Yoga practice. Results: Data were checked for normality using Shapiro–Wilk test. Post values were compared with pre values using paired samples t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test for normally distributed and not normally distributed data respectively. Shapiro–Wilk test indicated that SDNN (P = 0.0359), NN50 (P = 0.226), RMSSD (P = 0.452), LF (P=0.109), HF (P=0.0835) was normally distributed. There was a significant increase in SDNN after one month yoga practice compared to pre values (Paired samples t test, P <0.05). However, there was no significant change in Heart rate, RMSSD, NN50, LF, HF & LF / HF ratio. Conclusion: Autonomic balance tilts toward parasympathetic predominance after 1 month practice of yoga.Item Effect of bhramari pranayama on metacognition and mindfulness in high school children(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Saumya BitlaPresent generation students face challenges in physical, intellectual, social, emotional and academic domains. As students’ progress to higher classes, high order thinking skills such as mindfulness and metacognition play a crucial role to surmount stress and improve their academic performance. Documented benefits of yoga seem to offer a viable solution within the classrooms. The study aims to investigate the effects of bhramari pranayama on metacognition and mindfulness among ninth grade students. Through a randomized controlled design, the intervention was given for four weeks with nine rounds of Bhramari Pranayama given six times a day before the commencement of classes. The variables were measured using the Jr. MAI (Junior Metacognitive Awareness Inventory) and CAMM (Child Adolescent Mindfulness Measure). Paired t-test analyses have shown a significant difference in the experimental and control groups with respect to metacognition (p < 0.001) and mindfulness (p < 0.033). It is concluded that Pranayama is beneficial in enhancing metacognition and mindfulness among high school children.Item Effect of bhramari pranayama on the mindfulness & academic performance of rural children with lower socio economical status(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Darshan, G. R.BACKGROUND Bhramari Pranayama (BrPr) is one of the popular types of pranayama. BrPr, which is a yoga type meditation where periods of long exhalation and short inhalation are alternated. INTRODUCTION BrPr reduces stress and other threatening factors of memory and improves academic performance. The humming bee sound correspondingly with “N” kar chanting mentally results in increased alertness and also brings improvement in competitive performance. Further researches of the effects of BrPr practice should be made because of its beneficial influence on the population of the school students. The aim of the study is to study the effect of BrPr in academicals & mindfulness in rural children with low socio economic status. The main objective of the study is to assess the effect of BrPr on academic performance among children on lower socio economic status. METHODOLOGY The subjects were obtained from Government Higher Secondary School nearby Prashanti Kuteeram, Kallabalu village. This school has student base are from rural area & from low income group residing in and around the kallabalu village. Most of their parents are working in nearby industries or agricultural fields as laborer. Most of them have no transportation source from home to school. Either they walk or commute using bicycle. I have collected the data from a sample size of 80, under the age group of 10 to 14 years. The selected samples were divided into two groups, Intervention group consisting of 40 samples and the control group of 40. RESULT The mean scores of the yoga group on Post Mindfulness of control group show a statistically significant difference from that of Pre Mindfulness of yoga group with a very significant p value. However, the mean scores of the control group on Pre Mark status by control group differed statistically from that of Post Mark obtained by the yoga group with a p value. CONCLUSION The study concludes that practice of the BrPr can be a good instrument in improvement of the studying efficacy in school children of low socio economic status, while those with attention disorders can use them as the new method to overcome these very unpleasant limitations in studying and advancement, by improving the memory and awareness level.Item Effect of integrated approach of yoga therapy (IAYT) on psychological wellbeing in chronic low back pain patients(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Nayak, PadmanavaBackground: Chronic Low back pain is a big problem all over the world especially in City life, IT professions and is a leading cause of pain, disability and Psychological Distress in most countries worldwide. Design: Single group pre-post. Method: About 30 patients with LBP registered for a one week IAYT treatment at SVYASA, Holistic Health Centre in Bangalore, age range 20-60 of both gender were taken for the study. Pain and psychology related outcomes were assessed by the Visual analogue pain scale (VAPS), Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short Form (OHQSF) and psychological well-being scale on chronic low back pain patients. At pre and post Yoga intervention. Data was analyzed using R studio, with Paired t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Result: After the one week intervention of Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) in Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) patients, the VAPS showed significant reduction (p<.001) the OHQSF also showed statistically significant increase (p>0.049) in happiness, but, in case of Psychological well-being, the improvement observed was not statistically significant ( p > .05)Item Effect of mahamatyuijaija mantra on sleep quality in sleep disturbed patients – a pilot study(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Panda, SrinibasObjective:- The current study was designed to assessed effect of mantra recitation on efficiency of sleep. Material and Method: - Sixty patients were recruited from Holistic Health Home at Bangalore, based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria after taking a written informed consent. The samples were divided into two groups i.e. Control and Experimental (Mantra chanting) group. The assessment was carried out at morning using Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) questionnaire. Results :- Between the post values of groups found statistically significant change and also both groups had significant improvement when pre values compared with its post values. Conclusion:- Both groups found to be effective on sleep efficiency score but manta group had higher magnitude of change in comparison to control group.Item Effect of one week integrated approach of yoga therapy (IAYT) on peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), 6 minute walk test, anxiety and sleep quality index in asthma patient a pilot study(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Sarungbam Joyshree ChanuEffect of one week integrated approach of yoga therapy (IAYT) on peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), 6minute walk test, hospital anxiety and depression scale, breath holding time, and symptom score, in asthma patient - a pilot study Introduction: Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. The chronic inflammation causes an associated increase in airway hyper-responsiveness that leads to recurrent episodes of wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing at night or in the early morning. Most of the Yoga based studies have reported, significant improvements in pulmonary functions, quality of life, and decrease in medication use. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of yoga on peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR), 6minute walk test, hospital anxiety and depression scale, breath holding time, and symptom score of asthmatics. Methods: In present study 20 participants with the age range from 18 to 75 years from Arogyadhama, Bangalore was selected. Results: Showed significant change in PEFR (p<0.01) from 240 ±90.32 to 271.5±87.19 with 13.13%, in 6minWT (p<0.00) from 120.67±27.26 to 141.84±39.21 with 17.54%, and in HADS (p<0.009) from 13.5±7.74 to 8.45±6.41 with -37.41% respectively change. In SQI there in no improvement but disturbance of sleep and number of asthma attacks in night time get reduced. Conclusion: IAYT is effective in asthmaItem Effect of one week integrated approach of yoga therapy intervention on cognitive function in hypertensive patients(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Pallavi, M.Background: Hypertension is a major public health concern and a leading of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In a long run hypertension leads significant impairment in cognition. Yoga is forms of mind-body medicine shown to be effective in cognitive enhancement. Aim: To study the impact of one week Yoga based residential program on cognitive function of hypertensive patients. Methodology: Thirty hypertensive subjects within age range 30-60 years (Mean±SD;57.7±7.74), who visited SVYASA University campus to attend one week residential yoga program for hypertension treatment, were assessed for cognitive function by administering D2 test before and after one week of intervention. Subjects’ having diabetes, any form of psychiatric problems, history of head injury, learning disability were excluded from the study. Paired sample t test was applied to see the pre post differenceItem Effect of yoga based lifestyle intervention on anxiety and depression in young adults - A questionnaires Based Study(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Mahato, Dilip KumarBACKGROUND: Anxiety is commonly experience by every individual at some point or the other in life. It is one of the most prevalent mental health problems faced by young adults due to interpersonal or intrapersonal relationship and social challenges. Coleman has defined as“Anxiety is an internalized fear aroused by an impulse to commit mistakes”. In other words, anxiety is a feeling that can be normal reaction to stress. AIM: Aim of the study is evaluate the effect of two weeks yoga based lifestyle intervention on anxiety and depression with overall general health in young adults. METHOD: Total fifty two participants (36 male) ranging ages between 25 – 45 years (group average age ± Mean ± SD; 34.96 ± 9.76) (Mean ± SD; Male;34 ± 8.22) (Mean ± SD; female: 37.125, ±12.49) participated in the current study. All participants were recruited from the Arogyadhama (health home) of SVYASA University, Bengaluru based on mental health screening done by a qualified psychiatrist. Participants were residing in the at yoga centre. Demographic details of the participant of the study are given below the data were analyzed using SPSS (Version 20.00). Data was found normally distributed by Shapiro-Wilk test. Paired sample t test was used to see pre post changes. Result: There was significant reduction in Anxiety and depression scores as measured by using HADS tools depression (p= > 0.00, - 32%) and anxiety (p= > 0.001, -23 %) after two weeks of yoga practices. And there was another significant reduction in Anxiety and depression among the subjects on using GHQ (p= >0.01, -1.97%). Conclusion: The conclusion of this particular study was Yoga based life style intervention may have beneficial effects on psychological illness and improves mental functions. The yoga intervention reported the beneficial effects on overall health outcomes following 13 days yoga in young adults.Item Effect of yoga on blood pressure, cognition and altitude adaptation in novice low land trekking population(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Uma BastolaBackground: Trekking is a non-competitive sport, involving maximal skeletal muscle effort. Trekking as tourism in Himalayan range involves ascent to high altitudes in shorter periods of time. Ascending to higher altitude exposes the individual to extreme climate and lower air pressure. This initiates a series of physiological and molecular readjustments like hypoxic ventilator response, diuresis, increased cardiac output, improved oxygen carrying capacity, cerebral blood flow, Hypoxia Inducible Factor. Aim: To study the efficacy of yoga practices in facilitating adaptation to acute high altitude Exposure Design: Pre-post control design Setting: Study was conducted on sixty subjects in Purna Yoga and G adventure in Pokhara Nepal, between the periods of June 2016 to July 2016. Intervention: Experimental Group was administered Yoga practices for a period of 80 minutes in the morning (7 AM – 8:20 AM) and 30 minutes in the evening (6 PM - 6:30 PM) everyday throughout the duration of trekking. The trekking started from Pokhara city (800 m ASL), where the subjects were accommodated in the hotels. Assessments were performed on the first day on all the subjects. Members of both the groups followed the same route and same pattern of ascent. Control group did not perform any physical fitness activity apart from regular daily treks. Post assessment for both the groups were done at Jomsoe which is 3800 meter from sea level on the 8th day. Result: The result showed a lesser reduction in both systolic [F(1,53)=21.48, p≤0.001] and diastolic blood pressure [F(1,53)=36.56, p≤0.001] and also, a significantly lesser reduction in attention [F(1,53)=3.302, p≤0.075]. In the Yoga group as compared to the control group. There was non-significant lesser reduction in peripheral oxygen saturation [F(1,53)=0.82, p≤0.37], and no changes were observed in the pulse rate and symptom scores for high altitude mountain sickness. Conclusion: Yoga and pranayama practices help to maintain systolic and diastolic blood pressure. A lesser reduction in cognition scores, and acute mountain sickness scores were also found in the yoga group. We conclude that Yoga practices are safe for practicing in high altitude and also facilitate homeostasis in novice low land trekking population.Item Effect of yoga on perseverative cognition and pulmonary functions in hypertensive patients: A single arm pilot study(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Lopamudra GuptaContext: Perseverative Cognition and prolonged stress is a new field of study associated with the prevalence of depression and anxiety with the possibility of a faulty breathing pattern adversely affecting the optimal functioning of the bodily systems. Yogic literature suggests the role of disturbed mind in deregulated breathing. However, no earlier scientific attempts have been made to understand their correlation. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore a possible relationship between Perseverative Cognition and Pulmonary functions in primary hypertension people and to understand the effect of Integrated Yoga Therapy in alleviating Perseverative Cognition. Design: Simple Pre-post study design. Methods: Participants with primary hypertension and not having any other complications, attending arogydhama integrated health-care centre were screened andnine subjects, both male and female, with the age range of 35-55 years were recruited for the study.They were investigated for their pulmonary functions, perseverative thinking and blood pressure at the start and at the end of 5 day therapeutic intervention. Results: There was a reduction in Core Ruminative Negative Thinking, Mental Capacity and Total Perseverative Thinking by 44.7%, 47.7%, 45.6% respectively and an improvement in Minute Ventilation, Tidal volume, Slow Vital Capacity and Expiratory Reserve Volume by 26.8%, 19.6%, 14.5% and 31.8% respectively. Conclusions: The pilot study shows the existence of a possible association existing between the pulmonary functions and perseverative cognition in hypertensive population.Item Effect of yoga on perseverative cognition and pulmonary functions in hypertensive patients: A single arm pilot study(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Lopamudra GuptaContext: Perseverative Cognition and prolonged stress is a new field of study associated with the prevalence of depression and anxiety with the possibility of a faulty breathing pattern adversely affecting the optimal functioning of the bodily systems. Yogic literature suggests the role of disturbed mind in deregulated breathing. However, no earlier scientific attempts have been made to understand their correlation. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore a possible relationship between Perseverative Cognition and Pulmonary functions in primary hypertension people and to understand the effect of Integrated Yoga Therapy in alleviating Perseverative Cognition. Design: Simple Pre-post study design. Methods: Participants with primary hypertension and not having any other complications, attending arogydhama integrated health-care centre were screened and nine subjects, both male and female, with the age range of 35-55 years were recruited for the study.They were investigated for their pulmonary functions, perseverative thinking and blood pressure at the start and at the end of 5 day therapeutic intervention. Results: There was a reduction in Core Ruminative Negative Thinking, Mental Capacity and Total Perseverative Thinking by 44.7%, 47.7%, 45.6% respectively and an improvement in Minute Ventilation, Tidal volume, Slow Vital Capacity and Expiratory Reserve Volume by 26.8%, 19.6%, 14.5% and 31.8% respectively. Conclusions: The pilot study shows the existence of a possible association existing between the pulmonary functions and perseverative cognition in hypertensive population.Item Effect of yoga on perseverative cognition and pulmonary functions in hypertensive patients: A single arm pilot study(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Lopamudra GuptaContext: Perseverative Cognition and prolonged stress is a new field of study associated with the prevalence of depression and anxiety with the possibility of a faulty breathing pattern adversely affecting the optimal functioning of the bodily systems. Yogic literature suggests the role of disturbed mind in deregulated breathing. However, no earlier scientific attempts have been made to understand their correlation. Aim: The aim of the study is to explore a possible relationship between Perseverative Cognition and Pulmonary functions in primary hypertension people and to understand the effect of Integrated Yoga Therapy in alleviating Perseverative Cognition. Design: Simple Pre-post study design. Methods: Participants with primary hypertension and not having any other complications, attending arogydhama integrated health-care centre were screened and nine subjects, both male and female, with the age range of 35-55 years were recruited for the study.They were investigated for their pulmonary functions, perseverative thinking and blood pressure at the start and at the end of 5 day therapeutic intervention. Results: There was a reduction in Core Ruminative Negative Thinking, Mental Capacity and Total Perseverative Thinking by 44.7%, 47.7%, 45.6% respectively and an improvement in Minute Ventilation, Tidal volume, Slow Vital Capacity and Expiratory Reserve Volume by 26.8%, 19.6%, 14.5% and 31.8% respectively. Conclusions: The pilot study shows the existence of a possible association existing between the pulmonary functions and perseverative cognition in hypertensive population.Item Effect of yoga on perseverative thinking, mind wandering and mindfulness in unhealthy volunteers(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Jung, HayoonJung, Hayoon Contexts: A number of different psychological disorders have been found to be related to heightened levels of repetitive negative thinking and mind wandering. Aims: The purpose of the present study was to assess perseverative thinking, mind wandering and mindfulness in unhealthy adults undergoing Yoga treatment (IAYT). Settings and Design: This is a single group Pre and Post design study. Subjects were unhealthy participants group (n = 93) those who under the YOGA (IAYT) treatment 7 days in Arogyadhama, Prashanti kutiram, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Participants consist of 65 males and 28 females, their age ranged from 19 to 83 years with a mean age of 48.2 years (SD= 16.76). Methods and Material: The questionnaire packets including demographic details, Short Depression – Happiness Scale (SDHS), Perseverative Thinking Questionnaire (PTQ), Mind Wandering Questionnaire (MWQ) and Mindful Attention Awareness Scale (MAAS) were taken on the first and seventh day of one week yoga treatment. Results: The data analysis showed 0.62% increase (P<0.05) in short depression – happiness level, 1.65% decrease (P<0.001) in mind wandering, 3.36% decrease (P<0.001) in perseverative thinking, 2.86% increase (P<0.01) in mindful attention awareness. Conclusions: These results suggest that participation in a yoga treatment (IAYT) was associated with improvement in happiness, mindfulness level and reducing perseverative thinking, mind wandering scores.Item Effect of yoga on productivity and health of button factory workers: a single arm open label study(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) SnehaSneha Background The button factory workers are prone to a range of occupational risk factors that greatly affect their health and productivity. There is an immediate need to implement worksite health programs for the mutual benefit of the employers and employees. Aims The aim of the study was to study the effect of one month yoga intervention on productivity and health of button factory workers. Settings and Design The study was conducted at a medium scale button factory located in Bidadhi Industrial Area, Bangalore. It was a single arm open label study. Methods and Material The sample consisted of 70 button factory workers with mean age was 31.6 ±9.24. The variables studied included order production ratio, error rate, hand dexterity, hand grip strength, fatigue, pain intensity and quality of life. All variables were tested for statistical significance using paired-t test at p > 0.05 Results The production order ratio reached optimum level and the error rate declined .Significant improvements were seen in all the other outcome variables. Conclusion Yoga is an effective tool to improve productivity and health of button factory workers. Long term interventions will further confirm the findings of the study.Item Immediate effect of bhramari pranayama on cardiacautonomic variable in patient with hypertension(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Sharma, JagdeepBackground: Hypertension is a common public health problem. Affecting major group of population. Yoga is a mind body intervention. Bhramari Pranayama is yoga based breathing practice proven to have positive impact on physiology and psychology. AIM: The study intended to see the immediate effect of bhramari pranayama on cardiac autonomic variables in patient with hypertension. Materials and methods: 24 Hypertensive subject within age range 30-60 years. Who visited arogyadhama Svyasa campus to attend one week residential yoga program for hypertension .All the subject where trained in practice of Bhramari pranayama for 3 days. On fourth day 12 of subject underwent Bhramari Pranayama and remaining 12 went for Breath Awareness, and on fifth day the intervention was inter changed in between the group. Heart Rate, Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Variability (HRV) were accessed using non-invasive continuous blood pressure monitoring system and ECG. Results: In Yoga Group we found a significant improvement in systolic blood pressure (p<0.02,-2.08%), Heart rate (p<0.04,-1.61%), LF (p<0.004,-26.26%), HF (p<0.02, 20.01%) and LF/HF ratio (p<0.007,-34.41%).and non-significant improvement in diastolic blood pressure (p>0.08,1.43),RMSSD(p>o.16,15.67%),NN50(p>0.73,11.14%),Mean RR(p>0.15,-1.89%) and PNN50(p>0.65,9.58%). In Control Group systolic blood pressure (p<0.02,-2.08%) and diastolic blood pressure (p<0.008,2.97%).were increased significantly. LF (p>0.10, 12.92%), LF/HF ratio (p>0.20, 46.15% and Mean RR (p>0.52, 0.54%) were increased. Heart rate (p>o.45,-0.45%), HF (p>0.11,-16.12%), RMSSD (p>0.84,-2.53%), NN50 (p>0.49,-7.60%), PNN50 (p>0.54,-8.94%) were decreased. Post intervention comparison between groups showed significant difference in LF (pItem Part- I Concept of sotha according to ayurveda texts ; Part- II Immediate effect of mind sound resonance technique on fasting blood glucose levelin type II diabetes(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Xu WenBackground/Aim: Diabetes Mellitus type 2 (T2DM) is a group of metabolic diseases characterized by chronic hyperglycemia, either due to defect in insulin secretion or insulin action, or both. Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT) is one of the yoga based relaxation techniques. Practice of MSRT shown to be effective in various chronic health conditions including diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods: This self as control study recruited 32 T2DM patients (age mean: 54.84, SD: 8.65) registered for a week long inpatient treatment at the holistic health home in Bangalore. Subjects underwent 20 minutes of two different intervention; MSRT and supine rest on two consecutive days at 6:40 AM to 7:00 AM. We excluded the subjects if they; had anxiety disorder, were on any anti-psychotic medication, were on insulin. We assessed state anxiety and subjective feeling of relaxation using spilberg’s state anxiety inventory (STAI) and Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) respectively and fasting blood glucose level before and immediately after both the intervention. Results: The results showed a significant reduction (P<0.001) in blood glucose, STAI, and increase in relaxation as depicted through VAS immediately following the practice of MSRT, whereas, some marginal changes were found in SR group which were not statistically significant. Conclusion: Single session of MSRT helps in reducing blood glucose level, state anxiety and subjective feeling of relaxation immediately after practice. However further randomized controlled studies need to be performed to confirm the present findings.Item Relationship between mindfulness and psychological well-being among the seminarians(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Nagaraj, SiddaIntroduction Mindfulness is an emerging domain in psychological wellbeing. It is the need of hours to understand the relationship of this construct. Aim To evaluate the relationship between mindfulness and psychological well-being in seminarians. Settings and Design: The cross sectional design study consists of sample 227 seminarians, Kerala, India. Their age ranged from 17 to 22 years with a mean age of 19.48 years (SD =1.75). Methods and Material: The Assessment packets include questionnaire such as demographic details, Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, empathy and compassion. Result: The study results showed mindfulness has a positive and significant correlation with the empathy (r=.21, p<. 01) and compassion (.34, p<. 01). No relation was observed with emotional regulation. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results suggest that seminarians with higher levels of mindfulness related to higher level of empathy and compassion.Item State anxiety, mindfulness and heart rate variability dynamics in healthy adults(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Kurian, JintuBackground India is currently facing disorders in lifestyle, and resulting physical, mental, and social disharmony such anxiety, stress, worries, lack of awareness, variations in the heart rate. The epidemiological studies shows a hike from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases indicating that the adults are more prone for anxiety related, mindfulness related and heart rate related issues. Introduction Mindfulness has been conceptualized as the process of bringing attention and awareness to objects within the experience of the present moment with a non-judgmental and non-evaluative acceptance and openness. State anxiety (SA) can be conceptualized as “a state in which an individual is unable to instigate a clear pattern of behavior to remove or alter the event/object/interpretation that is threatening an existing goal. Heart rate variability (HRV) refers to beat to beat alterations in the heart rate and is associated with cardiac autonomic regulation. Correlational study design was used. Eighty three subjects were assessed using state anxiety and mindfulness questionnaire and heart rate variability measurement. There was no intervention, since our objective was to understand correlation between mindfulness, state anxiety and heart rate variability. Result: SMAAS, STAI and HRV were assessed to understand the correlation between these three variables. Results showed significant high negative correlation between SMAAS and STAI. STAI and LF of HRV is positively correlated whereas SMAAS and LF is negatively correlated. There was a significant moderate negative correlation between STAI and HF, whereas SMAAS is positively correlated with HF. And also, there was a significant moderate positive correlation between STAI and LF/HF ratio and negative correlation between SMAAS and LF/HF ratio. Conclusion: There was a significant moderate negative correlation between STAI and, whereas SMAAS is positively correlated with HF. And also, there was a significant moderate positive correlation between STAI and LF/HF ratio and negative correlation between SMAAS and LF/HF ratio.Item Study of healing using electrophotonic imaging technique on water and human systems(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Sumati MishraBackground: All the things in this universe including human being are the different forms of energy. Energy should be balanced. Healing techniques already have been found effective in improving positive health in patients with chronic medical illnesses. Aim: To study the effects of healing on water and human being using electrophotonic imaging (EPI) technique. Methods and Material: In the self as control design of human subjects, 26volunteers who satisfied the inclusion criteria were screened. Healing session of 30 minutes and placebo session of 30 minutes were carried out on two consecutive days. In the two group pre post design of water, the Shambhavi healing was given half an hour to the five water bottles(each has 25ml)of healing group, and the five water bottles (each has 25ml)of control group were kept without giving any intervention.Electrophotonic imaging (EPI) was used for both water and human subjects to see the changes in the parameters like area, normalized area, intensity, form coefficient, entropy, and fractality. Results: In the study of water,none of the variables changed significantly in control group and Area alone changed significantly after healing in within group comparisons. None of the variables showed significant difference in between group comparison at post.In the study of human, none of the variables showed significant changes between pre and post of control session, but Area and Intensity increased significantly after half an hour of healing session. Variable Area showed significant difference between healing and control session in between group comparison. However, all the effect sizes showed that the changes are moderate to high. Conclusion:Shambhavi healing has effect on the EPI variable ‘Area’ in human subjects. It may have also influenced the EPI variable Intensity in human subject and area in water samples.But all the effect size showed that the changes are moderate to high. This healing technique is capable of influencing energetics of humans and water samples.Item To study the prevalence and IAYT effect on diabetes and highrisk population in rural Karnataka – a survey and pre-post design(S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Kumar, Praveen B.Background Rural India is currently experiencing a great spurt in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The shift in epidemiology from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases indicates that the rural population is also at a high-risk for developing diabetes mellitus. Introduction The aim of present study is to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and high, medium, and low risk in rural population of Karnataka. Furthermore to study the effect of Integrated Approach of Yoga therapy on participants with Diabetes and high-risk population. Methods Within chosen villages, 857 people aged above 18 were surveyed using mobile application. Low, medium, and high risk for diabetes was graded using Indian Diabetes Risk Score. Following which 43 (diabetic=13, High risk=4, Medium risk =22, low risk=4) people were attended yoga classes taught by trained therapist for 10 days. The module included breathing exercises, loosening, suryanamaskara, and asanas, meditation, and relaxation techniques. The assessments were carried out day one prior intervention as well as on 12th day. Vital parameters like FBS, weight, waist circumference, Blood pressure were assessed. Satisfaction of life scale was used to measure the effect of IAYT on Diabetics patients’ satisfaction towards life. All the participants were asked practice regularly in home, every Sundays the therapist use to visit to monitor and encourage the practice. All parameters were again assessed after 5months.