F. SVYASA Dissertations
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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
Item Part – I Concept of Sanskara and Vasana According to Yoga and Spirual Lore. Part – II Immediate Effect of Kapalabhati on Verbal and Spatial Memory in Children.(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Mishra, AshutoshSwami Vivekananda explains the traditional understanding: Each work we do, each thought we think, produces an impression, called as saàskära.Item Part – I PÄËINI ÇIKÑÄ Part – II SPECTRAL ANALYSIS OF SAÀSKÅTA CONSONANTS(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Laxmipriya PadhiIn the traditional knowledge of India many insights need to be unearthed which the seers and monks witnessed.Item Part – I Selected Basic Concepts in Psychology – Modern And Ancient View. Part – II Effect of Yoga on Visuomotor Accuracy Based on a Dotting task.(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Rajesh S.K.The present study is to understand selected basic concepts in Psychology with reference to modern and ancient Indian view.Item Part – I Study of daivésampat & äsurésampat Characters found in Rämäyaëa Part –II Effect of integrated yogic practices on positive and negative emotions in healthy adults.(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Lakshmi NarasimhanGuëas like sattva, rajas & tamas are constituents of prakåti. Combination of guëas leads to the personality types.Item Part – I Visual Perception According to the Indian Systems of Philosophy. Part – II Perception and Attention in Children After Yoga.(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Manish PathriyaPerception is a very wide subject in modern era, but if we look in to the Indian systems of philosophy, we will find that they talked in such a fascinated way as if they are made recently, our effort is to try to understand the different views on Pratyakña.Item Part –I The Concept of Cyclic Meditation According to yoga and Spiritual Lore. Part – II Measures of Heart – Rate Variability in Women Following a Meditation Technique.(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Hyorim, AnCyclic Meditation is developed by Swami Vivekananda Yoga Anusandhana Samsthana (SVYASA)Item Part 1: “Concept and Management of Prameha (Diabetes) according to Āyurveda” Part 2: The efficacy of a Yoga Based Life Style modification program in Type 2 Diabetics(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Usha Rani M.R.The aim of this literary exposition is to understand the concept, mechanisms of causation of cancer and treatment model of diabetes integrating āyurvedic therapies with modern conventional care.Item Part I : Motivation according to Indian scriptures Part II : Standardization of a questionnaire to assess treatment motivation in patients seeking yoga therapy for chronic diseases(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Hiremath, Sandesh RScriptures are the integral part of Indian society. These scriptures from the time immemorial have been propounding the knowledge of wisdom and the path of Dharma to follow for the welfare of mankind.Item Part I : Origin of Vedas Part II : Spectral analysis of dasa santi mantras(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Roshni Raj Lakshmi, R KVeda comes from the root word ‘Vid’, which means ‘to know’, and literally ‘Veda’, means knowledge.Item Part I: Effect of pranayamas on concentration according to yoga and spiritual lore Part II: Effect of three pranayamas on digit letter substation test on healthy volunteers(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Surabhi VenugopalPräëäyäma is defined as breath control. Präëäyäma is comprised of two roots - präëa and äyäma. Praëä means vital energy and again präëa can be divided into 2 syllables that are prä and ëa, denoting constancyItem Part I: Qualities of a good student according to the scriptures Part II: Assessment of motivation questionnaire of YIC students(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Konar, Swarup KumarIn this technological era, everybody is chasing after money, to gaining name, fame, power and prestige. Surrounding atmosphere of a student is compiling to him to take part in the rat race.Item Part I: Teaching, learning and evaluating methodologies according to ancient Indian education system Part II: Effect of yoga on logical and analytical thinking abilities in high school students(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Badve Rashmi NarendraTeaching–Learning–Evaluating techniques are always an interesting and explorable subject to educationists. These three techniques play an important role in shaping the cognitive structure of the student’s personality.Item PART-I LITERARY RESEARCH :Yoga and Upaniñad PART-II EXPERIMENTAL RESEARCH :Spectral analysis of das santi mantras(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2009) Indu N PIndian philosophical systems are known as darñanas. The darñanas have been classified in to two groups; ästika and nästika. Those that are based on the authority of vedäs are called ästika and the rest are nästika