1. Department of Health Sciences
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Item MADUMEHAKKE YOGA CHIKITSE(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-09) Srikanta S.S.; Nagarathana R.; Nagendra H.R.Item MIND SOUND RESONANCE TECHNIQUE (MSRT)(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-09) Nagendra H.R.Quality has become the watch word nowadays in technology-quality products, even with our targets towards very higher production. The astonishing discovery of the Japanese is that quantity and quality can be together; very high quality goods produced in large quantities are most cost-effective. Aesthetics in the form of newer fashions, efficiency, durability, maintenance-free performance, etc form the ingredients of what we call quality.Item NEW HORIZONS IN MODERN MEDICINE(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-09) Nagendra H.R.Science and Technology have revolutionalised the life style of man. Increased standards of living has brought great comfort to mankind. Modern medicine with its scientific attitude in research has been able to unravel many mysteries within a short period of about 100 years, which were out of reach for mankind over generations. The remarkable research in the early part of this century was the discovery of germs in the causation of several diseases. There were several diseases killing mankind through epidemics and pandemics. I recollect my grandmother's description of an outbreak of plague in the city. People were asked to move out of the house instantaneously with minimal luggage to remote villages as soon as they saw a rat falling dead in the house. The corporation lorries were busy clearing away the human corpses to be burnt as quickly as possible—the only answer they knew to deal with the epidemics of plague. Outbreak of cholera and typhoid took a toll of 2 or 3 persons from each house. The pandemics of Influenza killed men so fast that there were not enough people to nurse the sick.Item RESEARCH METHODS(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagendra H.R.; Telles ShirleyNowadays there is an increasing interest in using non pharmacological ('alternative') modes of treatment for ailments which are known to be caused by stress induced changes in the mental state. However, though there is a growing awareness and interest in these treatments, they are not yet accepted by the medical community, in India or elsewhere. For this reason the clinical progress has to be systematically monitored, using methods which are acceptable the world over.Item SAMAGRA YOGA CHIKITS(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagendra H.R.; Nagarathana R.Item Y0GA FOR DIGESTIVE DISORDERS(Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakashana, 2010-12-04) Nagarathna R.; Nagendra H.R.In the late 19t h Century, a teen-aged boy named Tom had a bullet shot injury in his abdomen. When the wound healed, he was left with a permanent hole in the stomach. Doctors, who were interested in understanding the mechanisms of how the nervous system learns to control body functions, requested Tom to co-operate in their experiments. They collected the gastric secretions through this hole in his abdomen, during different times of the day and analysed them. They found that the digestive juices secreted from the stomach increased when Tom felt hungry, when he thought of food, when the food was kept in the mouth and, of course, when the food entered the stomach. The interesting part of the experiment was that there occurred a heavy surge of acid from the stomach when Tom was irritated, frustrated and anxious. This gave a big clue about the effect of emotions on acid production from the stomach.Item YOGA (Breathing Practice)(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagarathna R.; Nagendra H.R.Yoga is becoming popular in all parts of the world. For the restless mind it gives solace. For the sick, it is a boon. For the common man it is the fashion of the day to keep himself fit and beautiful. Some use it for developing memory, intelligence and creativity. With its multifold advantages it is becoming a part of education. Specialists use it to unfold deeper layers of consciousness in their move towards perfection.Item YOGA - ADHARA AUR USKAE PRAYOGA(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagendra H.R.Item YOGA - ADHARA MATTU PRAYOGA(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagendra H.R.; ShivaramItem YOGA AND CANCER(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-04) Nagendra H.R.; Nagarathana R.; Shirley TellesCancer and AIDs have posed probably the greatest challenge to modem medical researchers. Such challenges, each time in the history of science, have expanded the vision of researchers to higher and subtler vistas of nature. For example, the photoelectric effect of light shattered the well established wave theory of light and propounded the dual nature of light saying that light can act as waves or as particles. This led to the generalised laws of our physical world from Newtonian mechanics to quantum mechanics. In the same way, the current challenge of Cancer and AIDS in particular and stress induced disorders in general, is leading us to expand from our matter-based approach to consciousness - based approach; from physical to holistic vision of the world.Item YOGA AND ITS APPLICATIONS(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagendra H.R.; Nagarathana R.The mysteriously simple and eternally edifying life and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna fascinated people all over the world even when he was alive. Innumerable books have been written by scholars and sadhakas, critics and admirers about Sri Ramakrishna- Vivekananda phenomenon in all the languages of the world by different people presenting different perspectives. Among them stands out most prominently, Sri Ramakrishna - The Great Master, the most comprehensive, authentic and critical estimate of life, sadhana and teachings of Sri Ramakrishna. It is unparalleled in its historical perspective, philosophical approach, religious insight and undisputed authenticity. It ranks along with the Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna by Mahendranath Gupta, widely known as 'M\ Swami Saradananda, the author, was a direct disciple of Sri Ramakrishna and he was the General Secretary of the Ramakrishna Math and Mission for about three decades from its inception.Item YOGA AND MEMORY(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagendra H.R.; Telles, ShirleyMan's quest to have an excellent memory is well known from time immemorial. Some people may be born with an excellent memory but not everyone is so lucky! The key question is- is it possible to improve one's memory?Item YOGA FOR ARTHRITIS(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-07) Nagarathna R.; Nagendra H.R.Pain in the joints is a common problem which may vary from a minor discomfort to a disabling chronic problem affecting the quality of life to a great extent. The biomedical inventions have given great mobility and functional ability for damaged joints. It is not unusual to find persons with 10 to 20 joints (small and big) replaced as and when the joints get damaged, which has helped them to live their lives in comfort. Thanks to fascinating advances in medication too, which has definitely saved an arthritic from the devastating side effects of steroids. But, have we hit the nail on its head? Have we been able to cure or prevent joint diseases? The answer is a clear 'No' Increasing problems of aging changes in the joints, are expected even as our life expectancy and longevity have increased all round the globe. But what about the other types of arthritidis which are hitting younger persons? Rheumatoid arthritis, a disease of temperate climates, is still an enigma as we have not been able to remove the root cause of the disease.Item YOGA FOR BACK PAIN(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-04) Nagarathna R.; Nagendra H.R.Most of us have suffered from backache at some time or other in our lifetime. Usually it is unpleasant and awkward, but not a desperate and serious problem. The commonest type of back pain is caused by some kind of mechanical stress or damage within the back which gets better fairly quickly. Poor posture, excessive stresses (physical and psychological), aging problems and mechanical damage may all contribute to back pain.Item YOGA FOR BRONCHIAL ASTHMA(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-04) Nagarathna R.; Nagendra H.R.How many of us have really noticed our breath? It is an often taken for granted function of our system and never given any importance till such time one feels difficulty in breathing. But have we not noticed always that any change in the mind and emotions has always reflected in our breath almost instantly? A cricketer in his 99t h run has to focus on his breathing as his anxiety is reflected in his breath. As the question papers are given in the examination hall, there is a sigh till such time the student has seen and felt comfortable with the questions. Just before the being comes into this world the mother needs to work on her breathItem YOGA FOR BRONCHIAL ASTHMA(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-04) Nagarathna R.; Nagendra H.R.How many of us have really noticed our breath? It is an often taken for granted function of our system and never given any importance till such time one feels difficulty in breathing. But have we not noticed always that any change in the mind and emotions has always reflected in our breath almost instantly? A cricketer in his 99t h run has to focus on his breathing as his anxiety is reflected in his breath. As the question papers are given in the examination hall, there is a sigh till such time the student has seen and felt comfortable with the questions. Just before the being comes into this world the mother needs to work on her breath.Item YOGA FOR COMMON AILMENTS(Simon & Schuster Inc., 2010-12-07) Monroe,Robin; Nagarathana R.; Nagendra H.R."Yoga is skill in a c t i o n " s t a t e s t h e Bbagavad Gita, the b e s t k n o w n of all t h e Indian p h i l o s o p h i c a l epics But t h i s is n o t i n t e n d e d t o mean action in j u s t t h e n a r r ow sense of physical m o v e m e n t For as well as exercises for i m p r o v i n g t h e "skill" of y o u r b o d y , y o g a also c o m p r i s e s t e c h n i q u es t h a t act on y o u r m i n d a n d e m o t i o n s , and p r o v i d e s a c o m p l e t e philos o p h y for living.Item YOGA FOR DIABETES(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-04) Srikanta S.S.; Nagarathana R.; Nagendra H.R.Diabetes is a life style related condition due to an imbalance in handling a glucose load and is not a disease. It is one of the several life style related chronic conditions with an end result of complications that are related to early aging changes resulting in blockage of small and large arteries.Item YOGA FOR HYPERTENSION and HEART DISEASES(Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, 2010-12-04) Nagarathna R.; Nagendra H.R.It is a common experience of human beings that their minds and bodies are closely interlinked. Any disturbance in either of them is bound to affect the other. Mental worries do lead to physiological problems and bodily discomfort does impact on the mind. Yoga and Ayurveda, the ancient Indian sciences recognised this symbiotic relationship of body and mind long ago and postulated the concepts of Adhi and Vyadhi.Item YOGA FOR PREGNANCY(Vivekananda Yoga Research Foundation, 2010-12-04) Shamanthakamani Narendran; Nagarathana R.; Nagendra H.R.The word obstetrics is derived from the Latin term 'obstetric meaning 'midwife'; this is also associated with the verb "obstare" which means to 'stand by' or to 'stand in front of a pregnant woman'. The much older term 'midwifery' was used instead of obstetrics until the latter part of the 19t h century in both United States and Great Britain. Even today in England, the term 'midwifery' carries the same meaning as that of obstetrics