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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
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Item EFFECT OF KRIYA ON PHYSIOLOGICAL PARAMETERS OF SCHOOL GOING CHILDREN(SVYASA, 2021-04-09) KAMAL; Vikas RawatItem IMMEDIATE EFFECT OF VAMAN DHAUTI ON SUBTLE ENERGY (AS MEASURED BY GDV) -A PRE POST CONTROL STUDY(SVYASA, 2021-09-04) Davendra Pratap Singh; Padmasri Gudapti1. Background and Introduction: The physical body is consistently throwing off waste materials through its natural mechanisms via four organs. Kidneys eliminate acid and other waste products, which come through the blood. Sweat glands remove waste materials through the skin as perspiration, which contains toxins. Liver and large intestines eliminates toxins in type of undigested food and faeces. Lungs eliminates CO2 other gases. We throw away impurities of the body through various openings by means of perspiration, urine, excretion and breathing. Yet this excretory system of the body is loaded with disease carrying poisons because of modern life style (i.e. lack of exercise, irregular or excessive food intake together with fast food, indulging in habit disorders like smoking, alcohol, etc) which ends up in physical and physiological disorders (Disorders, 2019). All the cleansing techniques are figured out just opposite to natural action of the body. To illustrate, during practice of dhauti, the practitioner controls natural force of vomiting and natural force of cough and sneeze subsequently. These techniques don't seem to be only ‘unnatural’ during this sense but also ‘unnatural’ because the techniques are voluntary performed while controlling natural and involuntary processes. Regular and steady practice of the cleansing techniques ultimately helps not only to stop diseases and keep the body and mind healthy, but also gain voluntary control over involuntary process (autonomous nervous system) of the body (Disorders, 2019). It is an instrument for the measuring energy of the normal person. The GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) leads main effective rules it indicates a human health problem, better condition of health, stress levels, depression level, altered state of consciousness, chakra measurement, monitoring energy state, energy testing etc (K. Korotkov, 2014). 2. Objectives: The objective of this study is to find out the statistical changes in level of Stress, Energy, Balance, and Chakras in healthy persons before and after Vaman Dhauti practice though GDV. The hypothesis is that Vaman Dhauti may improve overall subtle energy pattern. 3. Material and methods: Thirty four participants both male and female, age range between 20 to 40 years were screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Every participant attended the study for 2 times as member of control and experimental group. On the first day, pre-post measurement was done with intervention (Vaman Dhauti followed by Deep Relaxation Technique). On the next day again pre-post measurements were done with same participants without Vaman Dhauti, only Deep Relaxation Technique was given to them. 4. Result: Experiment group showed significant improvement in all the variables (all p-values <0.05) and most of the p-values <0.01 showing very significant improvement, except one variable sahasara ca (p-value =0.103). Whereas control group did not show any significant effect in most of the variables but showed significant improvement in variables stress (p-value =0.002), balance (p value <0.001), svadhisthana ca (p-value =0.002), anahata ca (p-value =0.019) and sahasara ca (p value =0.046). 5. Conclusion: The results of present study demonstrated that there was significant improvement in the participants because of practice of Vaman dhauti followed by DRT in all of the variables except one i.e. sahasara ca. Findings of the study suggested that Vaman Dhauti followed by relaxation can improve energy field of digestive organs, chakra energy and alignment and reduce stress. Also, there was significant improvement in some of the variables in the participants when only DRT practiced.Item To study the safety and immediate effect of yogic gut cleansing technique in diabetes patients (a self as control study)(S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Seema PatilBackground: Hatha Yoga emphasizes the role of cleaning the body through various kriyas (cleansing techniques) as a preparation for maintaining a healthy body. Health is of the utmost importance for spiritual progress.Cleaning the gut is one of the first steps in the practice of Hatha Yoga. Studies have shown that Varisar Dhauti (LSP = Laghu Shankha Prakshalan) reduces Blood preassure, pain in the lumbar region, disability, anxiety and depression and increases spinal flexibility and quality-of-life in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients. Observations during the pilot studies on the yogic gut-cleansing technique called Varisar Dhauti, popularly known as laghu shankha prakshalana, appeared to be one of the most feasible, adoptable, detoxifying and safe methods in immediate reduction of (FBS) Fasting Blood Sugar levels in Diabetes patients. Objective: To study the safety and effect of Varisar Dhauti, the yogic gut-cleansing technique in Diabetes patients. Materials and Methods: This self as control study recruited 30 mild to moderate Diabetic patients.The study involved drinking lukewarm water (with or without a herbal combination of Triphala) followed by a set of specific yoga postures that would apparently move the water through the digestive tract and hold it, as per the capacity. The practice was administered on the 4thand 6th day. In this self as control study, 30participants who satisfied the selection criteria were given LSP with normal water and Tripahal water. All 30subjects were assessed on two occasions (4th and 6th day) before and after the practice of LSP either with normal water orwith Triphala water. Results of these two days have been analysed. Results: Data were analysed for fasting blood sugar levels in diabetes group after Varisar Dhauti ( Laghu Shanka Prakshalana = LSP), the data were normally distributed in Triphala water LSP, paired sample T-test was conducted and the P- value is 0.001. and the data of Normal water LSP were not normally distributed, wilcoxan signed rank test was conducted and the P-value is 0.001, so reduction in fasting blood sugar level is more significant in Triphal water LSP compared to Normal water LSP. There were no adverse effects reported during or after the Varisar Dhauti. The number of visits to clear the bowel after the procedure was significantly higher after Varisar Dhauti with Triphala water than with normal water. There was an increase in comfort level and quality of sleep after both the sessions. Note: Sampling was not randomized control, it was convenient sampling. Our aim was not to generalize the results of the study to the population. CONCLUSION: This study provides the first evidence of immediate blood sugar levels afterYogic gut-cleansing kriyas. The study makes it clear thatboth Normal water and Triphala water can be used safely in patients suffering from DiabetesMellitus. Addition of Triphala to the water of Varisar Dhauti provides better cleansing and significant reduction in FBS. Thus Triphala seems to be more beneficial in reduction FBS as an immediate effect. Three days of practice of exercises of the same specific set prior to the experiment was more useful in improving the subjective and probably even the objective measures of health in patients although this design has had a very high number of dropouts.