To study the safety and immediate effect of yogic gut cleansing technique in diabetes patients (a self as control study)
Hatha Yoga emphasizes the role of cleaning the body through various kriyas
(cleansing techniques) as a preparation for maintaining a healthy body. Health is of the
utmost importance for spiritual progress.Cleaning the gut is one of the first steps in the
practice of Hatha Yoga.
Studies have shown that Varisar Dhauti (LSP = Laghu Shankha Prakshalan) reduces
Blood preassure, pain in the lumbar region, disability, anxiety and depression and increases
spinal flexibility and quality-of-life in chronic low back pain (CLBP) patients.
Observations during the pilot studies on the yogic gut-cleansing technique called Varisar
Dhauti, popularly known as laghu shankha prakshalana, appeared to be one of the most
feasible, adoptable, detoxifying and safe methods in immediate reduction of (FBS) Fasting
Blood Sugar levels in Diabetes patients.
Objective: To study the safety and effect of Varisar Dhauti, the yogic gut-cleansing
technique in Diabetes patients.
Materials and Methods: This self as control study recruited 30 mild to moderate Diabetic
patients.The study involved drinking lukewarm water (with or without a herbal combination
of Triphala) followed by a set of specific yoga postures that would apparently move the water
through the digestive tract and hold it, as per the capacity.
The practice was administered on the 4thand 6th day. In this self as control study,
30participants who satisfied the selection criteria were given LSP with normal water and
Tripahal water. All 30subjects were assessed on two occasions (4th and 6th day) before and
after the practice of LSP either with normal water orwith Triphala water.
Results of these two days have been analysed.
Results: Data were analysed for fasting blood sugar levels in diabetes group after Varisar
Dhauti ( Laghu Shanka Prakshalana = LSP), the data were normally distributed in Triphala
water LSP, paired sample T-test was conducted and the P- value is 0.001. and the data of
Normal water LSP were not normally distributed, wilcoxan signed rank test was conducted and
the P-value is 0.001, so reduction in fasting blood sugar level is more significant in Triphal
water LSP compared to Normal water LSP. There were no adverse effects reported during or
after the Varisar Dhauti. The number of visits to clear the bowel after the procedure was
significantly higher after Varisar Dhauti with Triphala water than with normal water. There
was an increase in comfort level and quality of sleep after both the sessions.
Note: Sampling was not randomized control, it was convenient sampling. Our aim was not to
generalize the results of the study to the population.
CONCLUSION: This study provides the first evidence of immediate blood sugar levels
afterYogic gut-cleansing kriyas. The study makes it clear thatboth Normal water and Triphala
water can be used safely in patients suffering from DiabetesMellitus. Addition of Triphala to
the water of Varisar Dhauti provides better cleansing and significant reduction in FBS. Thus
Triphala seems to be more beneficial in reduction FBS as an immediate effect.
Three days of practice of exercises of the same specific set prior to the experiment was more
useful in improving the subjective and probably even the objective measures of health in
patients although this design has had a very high number of dropouts.
Yogic gut cleansing, Hypertension, Diabetes, Laghu shankha prakshalana, Kriya, Triphala, Yoga, 2015, January