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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
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Item Part – I The Concept and Practice of According to Various Ancient Text Effect of Suryanamaskara Texts and Part – II Suryanamaskara on Sutain Attention in School Children.(Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Parag JavadekarSürya Namaskära known in English as Sun Salutation is a common sequence of Haöùayoga äsanäs. Its origin can be traced back to pre-Vedic period.Traditionally this practice has been associated with the worship of Surya, the solar deity. The sequence of movements and poses can be practiced on varying levels of awareness, ranging from that of physical exercise in various styles, to a complete sädhanä which incorporates asana, präëäyäma, mantra and chakra meditation. The physical base of the practice links together twelve äsanäs in a dynamically performed series. These äsanäs are ordered so that they alternately stretch the spine backwards and forwards. When performed in the usual way, each asana is moved into with alternate inhalation and exhalation (except for the sixth asana where the breath is held in external suspension). A full round of Sürya Namaskära is considered to be two sets of the twelve poses with a change in the second set to moving the opposite leg first through the series. There are numerous references to praising the Sun to enhance good health and prosperity,Item Part – I Significence of Smrti According to Patanjali Yoga Sutra and its Corelaton With Brain Wave Coherence and Part – II Effect of Integrated Yoga Module on Brain wave Coherence in Normal Healthy Volunteers(Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Selvi V.Authority or the testimony of the reliable person and scriptures forms the bases of philosophy. The ability to remember and forget is one of the most complexes and fascinating functions of the brain. It is well known that Sm&it (SMÅTI) or memory lapses are extremely selective; we remember some things and forget others. As regards the means of memory there is great divergence among the different systems of philosophy.Item Part –I Gunas According to Yoga & Ayurveda – A Comparative study and Part – II Effect of Integated Yoga Module in Trigunas in University Students Undergoin YIC.(Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Dr Neeraj TripathiVarious ancient texts of Yoga, Ayurveda and Puranas talk about the Gunas related to health, behaviour and its effect of the personality in different ways. Many of those litrary studies reveal the hidden facts which have been missed with the change of time. Still the correlation and difference of thought was yet to be explored. By quantifying those difference in thoughts and similar thoughts, one can come to a conclusion where Gunas as part of personality trait can be studied as aetiology for being diseased or diseased free. The following literary study reveals the same in a detailed manner.Item Part – I Bhavanatascittaprasadanam and Mental Health Promotion According to Patanjali yoga and Part – II Effect of Integrated Yoga Module on Emotional Intelligence in Normal Healthy Volunteers.(Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Sasmita DashStudents need emotional intelligence (EI) for their better academic excellence. Three important psychological dimensions of EI are emotional sensitivity (ES), emotional maturity (EM) and emotional competency (EC) which motivate students to recognize truthfully, interpret honestly and handle tactfully the dynamics of their behavioral pattern. Objective To assess EI in students undergoing Integrated Yoga Module (IYM).Item Part – I Concept of Unmada According to Indian Scriptures and Part – II Effect of Yoga on Adhd Children(Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Dibyendu BandopadhyayObjective: This pre and post with control design evaluated the effect of yoga add on attention and ADHD symptoms. Methods: There were 63 ADHD children in the age range of 6 to 14 years.Potential participant were assessed pre and post intervention on ADHD Rating Symptoms Scales and Six Letter Cancelletion Test. (SLCT) Yoga traing was given by yoga teacher for 1houar, 4 days in a week for 4 months and consisted of Suryanamaskar, Nadisuddhi and Bhramari with Special Education. The control group were practiceed only special education (Behavior modification, Councelling) for equal duration of time. Results: SLCT and ADHD Symptoms Rating Score showed Significant improvedment in SLCT score and ADHD score in Yoga group.Where as Control group Showed decrease in SLCT. Yoga group found significantly differ from control group.Item Part I Concept of Mind and Mental Speed according to Bhagavad Gétä and Part II Promoting Speed of Response in University Students through Yoga Part I Concept of Mind and Mental Speed according to Bhagavad Gétä Part II Promoting Speed of Response in University Students through Yoga(Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Pavana BhatManas, or mind is defined as a conglomeration of thoughts which respond to the input from the sense organs. The mind is our mental and emotional storehouse, which is governed by likes and dislikes, and which directs our actions [1]. The mind is an internal instrument (antaùkaraëa) and has four functional aspects: manas (perception), buddhi (intellect), citta (memory) and ahaìkära (ego, or I-sense) [2]Item Part – I Review of Suryanamaskara and Part – II effect of Suryanamaskara and Pranayama on Minimum Muscular Fitness in School Children.(Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Sailesh PradananContext: Sūryanamaskāra and prānāyāma technique are one of the integral part of the yoga to train the body and mind to achieve the sound health. Yoga practices are found positive impact on the health. Aim: It was aimed to evaluate the effects of Sūryanamaskār and prānāyāma on minimum muscular fitness. Settings and Design: This study was consisted of 94 (28 male and 56 girls) healthy subjects of 13-17 years age. Methods and Material: Participants fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria and underwent 30 minute daily yoga program for 30 days taught by yoga teacher. Pre and post yoga and PT group were assessed Kraus Weber Test. The data were analyzed by chi- square Test. Results: There was significant change in minimum muscular fitness successes rate in yoga compared to control group.