F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    (SVYASA, 2021-04-08) PRABHAT KUMAR RANJAN; Balaram Pradhan
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    Effect of integrated approach of yoga therapy (IAYT) on psychological wellbeing in chronic low back pain patients
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Nayak, Padmanava
    Background: Chronic Low back pain is a big problem all over the world especially in City life, IT professions and is a leading cause of pain, disability and Psychological Distress in most countries worldwide. Design: Single group pre-post. Method: About 30 patients with LBP registered for a one week IAYT treatment at SVYASA, Holistic Health Centre in Bangalore, age range 20-60 of both gender were taken for the study. Pain and psychology related outcomes were assessed by the Visual analogue pain scale (VAPS), Oxford Happiness Questionnaire Short Form (OHQSF) and psychological well-being scale on chronic low back pain patients. At pre and post Yoga intervention. Data was analyzed using R studio, with Paired t-test and Wilcoxon signed rank test. Result: After the one week intervention of Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) in Chronic Low Back Pain (CLBP) patients, the VAPS showed significant reduction (p<.001) the OHQSF also showed statistically significant increase (p>0.049) in happiness, but, in case of Psychological well-being, the improvement observed was not statistically significant ( p > .05)
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    Relationship between mindfulness and psychological well-being among the seminarians
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Nagaraj, Sidda
    Introduction Mindfulness is an emerging domain in psychological wellbeing. It is the need of hours to understand the relationship of this construct. Aim To evaluate the relationship between mindfulness and psychological well-being in seminarians. Settings and Design: The cross sectional design study consists of sample 227 seminarians, Kerala, India. Their age ranged from 17 to 22 years with a mean age of 19.48 years (SD =1.75). Methods and Material: The Assessment packets include questionnaire such as demographic details, Mindfulness, Emotional Regulation, empathy and compassion. Result: The study results showed mindfulness has a positive and significant correlation with the empathy (r=.21, p<. 01) and compassion (.34, p<. 01). No relation was observed with emotional regulation. Conclusions: In conclusion, the results suggest that seminarians with higher levels of mindfulness related to higher level of empathy and compassion.
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    Effect of eight weeks of yoga program on Psychological well-being of the seminarians
    (S Vyasa, 2017-01-14) Albert, K C
    Introduction According to the Schaeffer Institute, the ministry of a pastor is perhaps the single moststressful and frustrating working profession, more than medical, legal, or political careers. Thestudy has shown over 70% of pastors are so stressed and burned (Gauger & Christie, 2013) .Further a study on burnout and depression among Catholic priests in Southern India, shown thatdiocesan/secular priests experienced significantly more burnout and depression than did religiousorder priests. This indicates that the structure and administrative systems can lead to burn-outand depression. The findings highlighted the need of identifying problems, to encouragereorientation of their lives towards the spiritual and psychological well-being among priests andseminarians (Raj & Dean, 2005). The young people who aspire to join the seminary are comingfrom environment where they may not have been inline to discipline at interior life andpersonality (Keating, 2012). Hence a basic and substantial training is essential to imbibe thehuman, spiritual and intellectual formation given in the seminary formation. In the current system, the seminarians are subjected to psychological analysis andguidance on a long-term or short-term basis to prepare them initially for the formation(McCarthy, 2012). However real help from psychology for formation there is limited. It ismainly used during admission and formation of the candidate (Miller, 2010). In this juncture, thischallenging task of education and formation of seminarians for the future needs to be done in such a way that it will holistically lead to a spiritually matured and psychologically balanced personality (Godfried Danneels, 2014). At the same time,person must be able to experience the real truth in himself and impart it to others (Sebastian Francis, 2015). Yoga as a science can play a great role in the formation of the seminarians. Yoga has already scientifically proven its impact on the person’s holistic way of life. Yoga influences the person physiologically, psychologically, emotionally, and spiritually (Mccoy, 2002). Yoga may helpseminary formation to realize the truth and to stay in a physical, spiritually and mentally balanced personality. When these are established correctly in the person with full conviction the other formative aspects like human, spiritual and intellectual formation will take place appropriately. It will help them to a deeper personal experience of God (Frost, 2014). The Objective of seminarians’ training is to prepare them to be teachers, leaders and pastors. Further, yoga a holistic approach gives an ample foundation for such a kind of preparation and training. Evidence has shown the requirement of holistic training of seminarians. This will help them to cope with the demanding situations as future priests and religious. Hence current study evaluates the effect of yoga based intervention on psycho-spiritual wellbeing of seminarians.
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