F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Effect of yoga on productivity and health of button factory workers: a single arm open label study
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Sneha
    Sneha Background The button factory workers are prone to a range of occupational risk factors that greatly affect their health and productivity. There is an immediate need to implement worksite health programs for the mutual benefit of the employers and employees. Aims The aim of the study was to study the effect of one month yoga intervention on productivity and health of button factory workers. Settings and Design The study was conducted at a medium scale button factory located in Bidadhi Industrial Area, Bangalore. It was a single arm open label study. Methods and Material The sample consisted of 70 button factory workers with mean age was 31.6 ±9.24. The variables studied included order production ratio, error rate, hand dexterity, hand grip strength, fatigue, pain intensity and quality of life. All variables were tested for statistical significance using paired-t test at p > 0.05 Results The production order ratio reached optimum level and the error rate declined .Significant improvements were seen in all the other outcome variables. Conclusion Yoga is an effective tool to improve productivity and health of button factory workers. Long term interventions will further confirm the findings of the study.
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