D. Division of Yoga and Management Studies

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a. Development of Holistic Management of Systems by adding dimensions, to the existing MBO (Management by Objectives) and Total Quality Management (TQM) approaches, from yoga and spiritual lore. b. Tools for measurement of growth of individuals and societies by holistic measures adding dimensions to the existing measures as GNP, Economic status of an individual, etc. c. Evolving the personality building measures apart from "the bread earning" dimensions in educational systems drawing the Holistic wisdom from yoga and spiritual lore. d. Measurement of personality aspects at the physical, mental, emotional and intellectual levels. e. Evolving tools and technology for holistic growth of individuals and the institutions. f. Study of the effect of mantras, prayers and their role in personality development.


Search Results

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    Impact of Adoption of Yoga way of Life on the Reduction of Job Burnout of Manager.
    (Vikalpa Published Papers, 2010) Hasmukh Adhia; Nagendra H.R.; Mahadevan B.
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    (SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-10) Mazzarella, Roberto
    Just as your eyes are considered the windows of your soul, your voice reveals your personality. The vibration patterns of the voice are like fingerprints, no two sets are alike. Each person's voice consists of a unique combination of vibrations that stamp it as characteristic only of that individual.
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    (SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-09) Nagendra H.R.; Nagarathana R.
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    The beneficial effects of yoga has gained the attention of modern medical men over the last 30 years. Infact the credit goes to frustrated subjects suffering from many chronic ailments who were advised to go on taking increasing doses of medications to keep the disease under "control". They took to alternative systems of managing their illness much against the advice of their doctors and demonstrated usefulness of yogic practices by strengthening the self healing mechanisms. A good amount of scientifically validated data [Enclosure 1] is now available to show the beneficial effects of yoga in many common problems as asthma, hypertension. These beneficial effects can be traced to the role of yoga in reducing, preventing or correcting the severity of stress responses, because exaggerated physiological stress responses seem to be the root cause of most of these chronic ailments.
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    (SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-08) Nagendra H.R.; Mohan T.; Sriram
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    (SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2010-12-07) Nagendra H.R.; Mohan T.; Shriram A.
    One bright silver lining that has appeared over the edges of the dark clouds that hover over our country is the decision at the highest level to (infuse our National Education Policy with some really positive and rewarding values/) Thi^s alone can ensure that millions of our youths who enter our educational institutions with great hope would come out as enlightened citizens, fully geared to face challenges, internal and external, ready to take up their social and national responsibilities with a deep sense of patriotism, unselfishness, dedication and above all impeccable personal integrity. Belated though it be, it is gratifying to know that some awareness has come that only through men of character and integrity can we redeem our national pride, honour and integrity. This is the need of the hour.
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    Yoga Based Isometric Relaxation Versus Supine Rest: A Study of Oxygen Consumption, Breath Rate and Volume and Autonomic Measures
    (Journal of Indian Psychology, 1999) Vempati, R.P.; Telles Shirley
    VERSUS SUPINE REST: A Study of Oxygen Consumption, Breath Rate and Volume and Autonomic Measures
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    Normative data for the digit letter substitution task in school children
    (IJOY, 2010-03-12) Balaram, Pradhan; Nagendra H.R.
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    Normative data for the letter-cancellation task in school children
    (International Journal of Yoga,, 2008) Balaram, Pradhan; Nagendra H.R.
    Aims: To establish the norms for the letter-cancellation task—a psychomotor performance task. Materials and Methods: Eight hundred nineteen school students were selected in the present study in an age range between nine and 16 years (M = 12.14; SD = 1.78 years). Subjects were assessed once for the cancellation task. Results: Both age and sex infl uenced performance on the SLCT; therefore, correction scores were obtained on the basis of these factors. Conclusions: The availability of Indian normative data for the SLCT will allow wider application of this test in clinical practice.
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    Oxygen consumption and respiration during and after two yoga relaxation techniques.
    (Applied Psychophysiology, 2006) Sarang S.P.; Telles, Shirley
    Cyclic meditation (CM) is a technique which combines ‘stimulating’ and ‘calming’ practices, based on a statement in ancient yoga texts suggesting that such a combination may be especially helpful to reach a state of mental equilibrium. The oxygen consumption, breath rate and breath volume of 50 male volunteers (group mean age±SD, 27±6.3 years) were assessed before, during, and after sessions of CM and sessions of supine rest in the corpse posture (shavasana, SH). The sessions were one day apart and the order was alternated. The oxygen consumption, breath rate and breath volume increased during the ‘stimulating’ practices of CM, returned to the baseline during the ‘calming’ practices, and the oxygen consumption decreased by 19.3 percent below baseline values after CM. During the SH session the oxygen consumption, breath rate and breath volume reduced; however the decrease in oxygen consumption after SH was less than after CM (i.e., 4.8 percent). The results support the idea that a combination of yoga postures with supine rest (in CM) reduces the oxygen consumption more than resting supine alone
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