Efficacy of canons of expression and yoga on the emotion regulation among the caregivers of children with neurodevelopment disorders A randomized study
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BACKGROUND: Emotion dysregulation is associated with the subjective burden of caregivers (CGs)
of children with neurodevelopment disorders (NDDs) that lead the caregivers to high subjective
burden, stress, depression, anxiety, and reduced caregivers’ appraisal, and quality of life.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Evaluate the efficacy of holistic approach of canons of expression (CE)
embedded in Indian aesthetic dance (IAD) and yoga on the psychological outcomes and electrophonic
imaging among CGs of children with NDDs compared to control group.
Participants: A total of 101 CGs of children with NDDs (males= 2; and female= 99) were recruited
from three Centers, age ranging from 21-65 were randomly allocated to three groups, i.e., (i) IAD group
(n=33, mean age 41.71 ± 9.11 years) (ii) yoga group (n=34, mean age 41.03 ± 9.09 years), and (iii)
control group (n=34, mean age 41.56 ± 9.09 years).
Design: Three groups (CE, yoga and control) ; pre-mid-post assessment with randomized control trial.
Assessments: The outcome assessments consisted of primary outcomes: (i) Zarit Burden Inventory
(ZBI), (ii) Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21), and Secondary outcome measure (i) Revised
Caregivers Appraisal Scale (RCAS), (ii) World Health Organization’s Quality of Life (WHOQOL BREF) scale were measured at baseline, 4th week and 8th week and (iii) Bio-Energy components
through Electro photonic image (EPI) technique were measured for immediate effect at pre- and post sessions.
Intervention: One experimental group received the intervention of canons of expression, and another
group with yoga intervention scheduled for 75-min/day (3-days/week) spread across two months. In
contrast, the control group was engaged in regular activities.
Results: The IAD and yoga groups showed a significant reduction in scores of ZBS (P<0.001), DASS 21 (P<0.001), and improvement in the RCAS (P<0.001) and WHOQOL (BREF) (P<0.001). Even the
EPI parameters showed a significant improvement concerning immediate effect (P<0.001) in
intervention groups compared to control group and pre assessment.
Conclusion: Two months of comprehensive IAD and yoga program is more effective than non-intervention
on the psychological outcome and electrophonic imaging among the CGs of children with NDDs
Yoga, Canons of expression, emotion, caregivers, Children, neurodevelopment disorder