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    Yoga Sudha
    (S Vyasa, 2017-01-12) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
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    Yoga Sudha
    (S Vyasa, 2016-12-09) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
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    Yoga Sudha
    (S Vyasa, 2016-11-09) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
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    Yoga Sudha
    (S Vyasa, 2016-10-09) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
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    Yoga Sudha
    (Nagendra, H. R., 2016-08-03) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
    Diabetes Control is the focus for the year for Ministry of AYUSH. Joint secretary Sri Anil Ganeriwala, the architect of IDYs success who brought great dividends by getting two World Guinness Book Records has been entrusted with this DM Control Movement (DMCOM). Detailed plans are being worked out and the first meeting of the National Experts Committee chaired by me is on the anvil. With the Survey Data procured three years ago by Dr. Mohan and team in Chennai which showed that DM has started getting high in rural areas also (with nearly 12%) has put us to deal with rural population also. So it will be a multi-pronged approach in rural and urban areas as well. The objective of this will be to prevent Pre-Diabetics to become Diabetics first and see that we recue cases getting to complications. Yoga Research has shown that severe DM patients can first become moderate, then mild and get free from DM by using suitable techniques of Yoga. A time has come to scale up these findings to cover bigger populations.
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    Yoga Sudha
    (Nagendra, H. R., 2016-06-03) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
    "Making India the preferred destination for Holistic Health care" for the world has been the theme of the Ministry of Tourism as also the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA). This week there was a meeting of 5 medical experts from USA, one each from UAE, Malaysia, South Africa apart from the top medical experts from India in Delhi as a part of the Bharatiya Pravasi Diwas (Jan 9-11) organized by MEA chaired by MoS for MEA General V K Singh (Rtd.) in Jawaharlal Nehru Bhavan in Janpath Road, New Delhi. The interest shown by all the participants to join hands to facilitate this aspect of the MEA brought out clear means for achieving the same. The role of AYUSH was highly appreciated especially in the treatment of Modern NCDs by all which can give India a big edge. However the limitations and bottle necks for the same on one hand and tremendous potentialities on the other hand were delineated. Need of research, quality treatment assurance by well trained professionals of Holistic health care was emphasized. Hospitals offering holistic health care have to be identified for the same and put on the web of MEA and promoted in all mission centres of MEA, ease of getting VISA for medical treatment, for getting training in holistic health care, research collaborations, etc. were the key issues discussed. It has been decided to form a Google team to interact each other to take things further.
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    Yoga Sudha
    (Nagendra, H. R., 2016-05-03) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
    The process of integration of modern medical system with AYUSH should start at rural levels. In India even today, the health care at primary health care is essentially governed by local health traditions including Ayurveda, herbal medicine and life style adjustments in providing suitable food, rest, counselling, etc. As mentioned in the last editorial, simple kits to support these life style changes can be provided using inexpensive kits of Homoeopathy, Ayruveda, Siddha, Unani, etc. depending on the regional and faith preferences. While these systems are in vogue for several thousands of years and is continuing in village and tribal areas, we need to streamline, accredit local health tradition providers so that the effectiveness will increase, The AYUSH experts have started working on development of these basic kits to deal with simple common ailments under the guidance of the Task Force set up by the ministry of AYUSH.
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    Yoga Sudha
    (Nagendra, H. R., 2016-04-03) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
    Integration of all systems of health care is the necessity of the new era. No single system has been found to deal with all ailments both contagious and NCDs. Pluralistic system of health care is emerging. Our conference in January brought the best findings of both allopathic and the AYUSH systems. The Indo-US conference in Delhi also highlighted the same. Our experience in Arogyadhama is helping us to understand the process of integration. As a pilot study the experiments over the last 5 years has clearly shown that integration can bring better and quicker results than Yoga Therapy and allopathy combination. With this experience we have now planned for a Multi-speciality, tertiary care integrative medical hospital of about 1500 beds in Prashanti Kutiram campus. We seek all assistance to make it a reality by your financial support for this unique project which will become a role model for future hospitals in India and all over the world.
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    Yoga Sudha
    (Nagendra, H. R., 2016-03-03) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
    We saw in the editorial last month that the Panchakosha Model can provide a nice philosophical, scientific basis for Integration of the Modern Allopathic System with our ancient Indian AYUSH System. The need of the hour is to develop a Holistic Pluralistic Health-care Delivery System which provides evidence based modalities for prevention, promotion of positive health, immediate relief to the patients, effective treatment with least side effects, long term rehabilitation on one hand and cost effective, sustainable system which can be replicated and scaled up all over the country in both urban and rural sectors. So far over the last 4 decades, VYASA / S-VYASA have been able to use Yoga as an effective adjunct to modern medical system to deal with modern NCDs and developed a nice model in Arogyadhama as a residential 250 beds treatment centre in Prashanti Kutiram campus. We also have developed the outpatient clinical model for integrated system in cities as VH, VYG, etc which have started fast spreading. Andhra Government has come forward to ask us to set up such centres in 7 temple cities of the state. Shanghai centre in China has started operating with wonderful results.
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    Yoga Sudha
    (Nagendra, H. R., 2016-02-03) Nagendra, H. R.; Arathi, Jagannathan
    EDITORIAL Modern medicine rooted in the bio-medical model with a matter-based paradigm will offer proven solutions to most communicable diseases, to diagnose NCDs, large number of surgeries for setting right abnormalities and even replacing different parts of our body as we do it in machines. Due to the inadequacy of modern medical system in curing NCDs and escalating costs of treatment, integrative processes are being increasingly accepted. Integration of modern medicine and AYUSH systems is the need of the hour to deal with communicable and noncommunicable diseases. AYUSH systems rooted in consciousness based approach deals with human beings in totality and origin of NCDs as Adhis at mind level becoming Vyadhis at physical level. Can we provide a basic philosophy for this integration or symbiosis? Then we can use the best of each system to give the best results. It is time to evolve a pluralistic Health Care delivery system with modern system as an aggressive fore-front and using AYUSH as a strong defense to bring a symbiotic combination to deal with all diseases. H. R. Nagendra