F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Effect of Integrated Approach of Yoga Module on Cognitive Function in School Children: A Single ARM Pilot Study
    (SVYASA, 2013-01-12) Ahalya A.
    Education is not just for earning our daily bread not for degree and diplomas but to create a unified world.
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    Development and Validation of Yoga Module for Patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
    (S-VYASA, 2014-07-27) Kumar, Vinod
    Introduction: Yoga modules described by earlier authors have provided their own rationale behind the choice of yoga asanas/program. However, there is no mention whether these modules have been endorsed by other specialists in the field than the researcher themselves. Also, there are very few studies which discuss the development and validation of a yoga module. Hence the aim of this study was to develop and validate a yoga module for patients with type II diabetes mellitus. Methodology: 71 research papers from Pubmed and Google Scholar; and 54 books related to yoga were reviewed for development of the yoga module for diabetes. This was done by using the Inductive method of inquiry of qualitative research and the quantitative content validity Ratio (CVR). Further validation of module was done with help of 18 experts over three rounds of iteration. Results: Camp, Implementation process of yoga module, Prayer or bhajana, Yoga module 1, Yoga module 2, Yoga module 3, Relaxation techniques, Meditation techniques, Jïäna yoga, Special considerations and Miscellaneous were the themes that were elicited from the qualitative content analysis. The Content Validity Ratio (CVR) with minimum 0.49 value decided the practices that were to be retained in the module and the practices that were to be removed. The outcome was the development of a 3 step yoga module (based on increasing difficulty) – each step lasting for a period of 3 months of duration inclusive of daily practice for one hour each in morning and evening. Conclusions: The 3 step yoga module for diabetes was developed and validated using a scientific methodology and can be used by researchers in the future for development of yoga modules for other disorders. Next step in the process would be feasibility testing of this module so that it can be implemented in a large scale in the community for service as well as further research.
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