F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Immediate Effect of Vaman Dhauti on Tridosa ( As Measured by Nadi Tarangini ) — A Pre-Post Control Study
    (SVYASA, 2019-09-24) FU WENYI; Padmasri Gudapti; P. Venkata Giri Kumar
    Background and Introduction: When Vata, pitta and kapha is in balance condition then we called this individual is in health condition (R.Vidyanath, 2012). Vata dosha formed by the combination of ether and air element, Pitta dosha formed by the combination of fire and water element, Kapha dosha formed by the combination of ether and water element (Vidyanath, 2012).Tridosha also play as an important role in producing the natural urges of individuals (Lad, 1984). Similarly, tridosha has relation with individual’s psychological aspect such as emotions like forgiveness, passion, fear, love, and so on. The main place for Vata is below umbilical and all the cavities inside body, including large intestine, thigh, pelvic cavity, bone, ears. The main place for Pitta is below the chest and above the umbilical, including stomach and small intestine, and pitta also stays in eyes, sweating glands, skin, blood. The main place for Kapha is chest and above region, including lungs, bronchitis, heart, and it also appears in throat, nose, and head region (Lad, 2002).These three dosha – Vata, Pitta, Kapha – govern all the biological, psychological and psychopathological functions of the body (Lad, 1984). Tridosha are the fundamental elements of the body that help to maintain body functioning well in our daily routine when it is in the balance condition. If they are out of the balance, diseases will start appearing in the body. Tridoshas have their respective characters and functions. Perfect balance of Tridosha lead to health (R.Vidyanath, 2012). These three dosha – Vata, Pitta, Kapha – govern all the biological, psychological and psychopathological functions of the body (Lad, 1984). Tridosha are the fundamental elements of the body that help to maintain body functioning well in our daily routine when it is in the balance condition. If they are out of balance, diseases will start appearing in the body. Tridoshas has their respective characters and functions. Perfect balance of Tridosha lead to health (R.Vidyanath, 2012). Nadi Tarangini is a pulse based ayurvedic diagnosis system through the electronic device equipped with a strain gauge, a transmitter with amplifier, and the digitizer to quantify analog signal (Joshi, Kulkarni, Chandran, Jayaraman, & Kulkarni, 2007). So there is no subjective bias while feeling the pulse. Also using machine can save the time and money (Joshi, Kulkarni, Chandran, Jayaraman, & Kulkarni, 2007). This study is to quantify the dosha changes before and after performing vaman dhauti. The objective of this study is to find the statistical changes in imbalance in Tridosha level before and after Vaman Dhauti practice though Nadi Tarangini. The hypothesis is that Vaman Dhauti practice may reduce participant’s imbalance in tridosha level. Methods: The experiment is conducted on Long-term residential students of SVYASA yoga university Bangalore, Karnataka. Sample size is 34. Both male and female healthy persons are taken. Age range 20 to 40 years. Self as control Pre-post design. Results: Experimental group bala decreased statistically significantly. Pitta level increased statistically significantly in control group whereas the decrease in pitta in experimental group is not statistically significant. The decrease in imbalance in tridosha in control group is 4.28% whereas that in experimental group is 29%. This is showing a positive change of a better moving towards balance of Tridosha in experimental group as compared to the control group. However, none of these changes are statistically significant. Conclusion: The imbalance in tridoshas decreased in control as well as experimental group. The decrease in control group is 4.28% whereas that in experimental group is 29%. This indicates that the practice of vaman dhouti reduces the imbalances and makes the person move towards better health.
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    Tridosaprakrti Assessment and Correlation Between Tridosa Questionnnaires of ayusoft and Dhanvantari Personality Inventory
    (SVYASA, 2013-01-12) Satvinder Kalsi
    BACKGROUND: It is known that the practice of modern medicine would become more effective if Tridosha and Triguna assessment is incorporated into the tools of investigations. AIM AND OBJECTIVE: The present study is designed to correlate Tridosa personality assessment software (Ayusoft) with Dhanvantari personality inventory (DPI) and Triguna personality inventory (GI) in healthy yoga practitioners. METHODOLOGY: 50 healthy yoga practitioners (25 females) in the age range of 20-40 years from Dhrti Yoga Studio, Bangalore were participated in the study. The DPI and GI questionnaires were administered to the same subject on two consecutive days. RESULTS: The results from Ayusoft showed that 22 % of subjects were in Vata, 14% were in Pitta and 32% were in Kapha. The DPI analysis showed that there were 16 % in Vata, 24% in Pitta and 40% in Kapha. The results showed significant correlation between Ayusoft and DPI at r=0.67 for Vata, r=0.29 for Pitta and r=0.66 for Kapha. Similarly, Ayusoft showed that there was 98 % of subjects were in Sattva, 2% in Rajas and 0% were in Tamas. The GI analysis showed that there were 52 % in Sattva, 48% in Rajas and 0% in Tamas. The results showed significant correlation between Ayusoft and GI at r=0.32 for Sattva, r=0.06 for Rajas and r=0.32 for Tamas.
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