F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    (SVYASA, 2018-10-09) SREEJA SHIKARI; Soubhagyalaxmi Mohanty
    Title of the study Comparing the Effect of Yoga and Physical Exercise on Executive Function in Primary School Children: A Randomized Controlled Trial Background The term of Executive function refers to a set of cognitive processes, which is involved in planning, monitoring, and revising goal-directed behavior. It plays an important role in multiple areas of child development; those are social cognition, communicative behavior, and moral behavior. Executive Functions are very important for physical and mental health in childhood. Practicing yoga and physical exercise has been showed the improvement executive function in children. Aim To compare the effect of yoga and physical exercise on executive functions in primary school children Methods Forty two children’s were randomly divided into yoga (n=22) and control (n=21) group. Yoga group underwent training for 4 week, everyday, 1 hour per day whereas the Physical exercise group followed the physical exercises for the same duration. Working memory, Attention and Planning were assessed for all participants before and after. The Planning was measured by using Children’s assessment of Trail making Test (TMT), Working memory was assessed using by Digit Span Test (DST), And Attention was assessed using by Symbol Substitution Test (SST). Result The baseline was matched for the all variables TMT A, TMT B, DST, and SST. In between group no change was observed for all the variables. Within group comparison showed a significant improvement for the both groups in all the variables. In within group comparison, the yoga group showed higher percentage of improvement in DST (39.94%) and SST (17.18%) and the physical exercise group showed higher percentage of improvement in TMT-A (32.68%), TMT-B (43.60%), DST (37.67%). Conclusion The study suggests that both yoga and physical exercise may be considered an effective option to improving executive functions. Keywords Executive functions, Yoga, Physical exercise, Children.
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    Effect of bhramari pranayama on the mindfulness & academic performance of rural children with lower socio economical status
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Darshan, G. R.
    BACKGROUND Bhramari Pranayama (BrPr) is one of the popular types of pranayama. BrPr, which is a yoga type meditation where periods of long exhalation and short inhalation are alternated. INTRODUCTION BrPr reduces stress and other threatening factors of memory and improves academic performance. The humming bee sound correspondingly with “N” kar chanting mentally results in increased alertness and also brings improvement in competitive performance. Further researches of the effects of BrPr practice should be made because of its beneficial influence on the population of the school students. The aim of the study is to study the effect of BrPr in academicals & mindfulness in rural children with low socio economic status. The main objective of the study is to assess the effect of BrPr on academic performance among children on lower socio economic status. METHODOLOGY The subjects were obtained from Government Higher Secondary School nearby Prashanti Kuteeram, Kallabalu village. This school has student base are from rural area & from low income group residing in and around the kallabalu village. Most of their parents are working in nearby industries or agricultural fields as laborer. Most of them have no transportation source from home to school. Either they walk or commute using bicycle. I have collected the data from a sample size of 80, under the age group of 10 to 14 years. The selected samples were divided into two groups, Intervention group consisting of 40 samples and the control group of 40. RESULT The mean scores of the yoga group on Post Mindfulness of control group show a statistically significant difference from that of Pre Mindfulness of yoga group with a very significant p value. However, the mean scores of the control group on Pre Mark status by control group differed statistically from that of Post Mark obtained by the yoga group with a p value. CONCLUSION The study concludes that practice of the BrPr can be a good instrument in improvement of the studying efficacy in school children of low socio economic status, while those with attention disorders can use them as the new method to overcome these very unpleasant limitations in studying and advancement, by improving the memory and awareness level.
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    Effect of yoga on social competency in children
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Vikram, M.
    Background: Social competency is basis for all the skills. Children with social competency resolve from aggression, phobia and selective mutism. Studies show that yogic techniques are found to be effective in improving the psychological well-being in children. Aim: The aim of the current study is to access the effect of yoga on social competency in children. Objective: The Aim of the present study was to study the effect of Yoga Program on Aggressive Behavior, Competent Behavior, Passive / Intervene Behavior and Authority Intervene Behavior in the children. Methodology: A pre-post experimental design was used in 10 days yoga program at a residential yoga center using convenient sampling. The intervention consisted of intensive residential yoga program comprised of asana (physical postures), pranayama and yogic games designed especially for the personality development of the children. Aggressive and Competent behavior of the children were assessed by Social Problem Solving Measure Result: After the practice of Yoga there is a significant reduction in Aggressive Behavior and improvement in Competent Behavior of the children. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that Yoga Program helps in reducing the Aggressive Behavior and helps improving the Competent Behavior of the children. Hence Yoga techniques can be suggested for management of Aggressive, Social phobia and Selective Mutism in Children.
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    Effect of a ten day yoga based vacation program on short term and working memory in school children
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Hema, B. N.
    Background: Memory is an important component of cognition and good memory in school children helps them to perform better in school. Yoga is known to improve cognitive function in school children and this study examines if Yoga can improve memory in school children. Aim: To see the effect of ten day yoga based vacation program on short term and working memory in school children. Methodology: 60 school children ages 10-11 years, who attended yoga based training summer vacation program were enrolled in this study. All students underwent a 10 day intense yoga program consisting of Asana (physical postures), Pranayama (breathing practices), meditation, relaxation techniques & yogic games. Short term and working memory was assessed by the Digit forward-backward span test before and at the end of the training program. Results: A significant improvement in digit span score (p < 0.001) was observed at the end of the 10 day training program. Conclusion: The 10 day yoga program was found to significantly improve both short term and working memory in the school children who participated in the program. The improvement in working (23.24 %) more is more than short term memory (11.67 %).
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