F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    (SVYASA, 2018-03-14) RAJASHREE MAITY; Rajesh S. K.
    Introduction: Attention is the cognitive process of selectively concentration on one thing while ignoring other things. Attention is one of the most intensely within psychology and cognitive neuroscience. The cognitive processes associated with the human mind (decision making, memory, emotion etc.) attention is considered the most concrete because it is tied so closely to perception. Yoga is the methods to balance body and mind. Yoga in its full form combine physical postures, breathing exercise, meditation, and balance the mind, body, and the sprit. It is here that yoga can show to improve the attention. Adolescence, transitional phase of growth and development between childhood and adulthood. The world health organization (who) defines as adolescent as any person between ages 10 and 20. Aim: To assess the effect of balancing posture training on attention among Adolescences. Methods and materials: Two- group pre-post design with 42 sample size (n=42 boys and girls both gender) of normal health students who is the age range of 13-15 years. Student who have any chronic illness, mental illness and any other problem we are not excluded them. The yoga group (n=21) where boys and girls are included and control group (n=21) where boys and girls are included here. The balancing posture is given for 30days, 1hour/day. The SLCT, DLST, D2 Attention test and child and Adolescence Mindfulness Measure (CAMM) were measure before and after intervention. Result: Significant improvement was found in both yoga and control group. Conclusion: The yoga and control group showed a significant improvement score of SLCT, DLST, D2 Attention test and CAMM.
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    Effect of Nadanusandhana on sustained attention and working memory among adolescents
    (SVYASA, 2020) Sakshi Vashishtha; Satya Prakash Purohit
    Background:- Sustain attention allow students to maintain their attention on a task or activity over a period of time. It assists students to process the material presented, store information, and solve problems. Working memory is also crucial for students to store and manipulate information for short duration. Adolescence is an important stage of development during which many changes occur in body involving physical, mental, emotional and cognition related changes. Studies on Yoga and meditation have shown that it helps to improve cognition related abilities including memory and attention. Present study aims to see if any changes occur among adolescents in sustained attention and working memory through practice of Nadanusandhana. Methods and materials 68 students within age range from 11 to 15 years participated in study. They were equally divided into two group (experiment and control group). Two participants from each group withdrew from study. Total 64 were analysed. Digit span test was used to assess sustained attention and digit vigilance test was used for sustained attention. Intervention was given for one month five day per week. Total 21 session were conducted on Nadanuasandhana. RESULT There was a significant improvement within experiment group. Wilcoxon’s signed rank test suggested that p-value of variables total error and total time for digit vigilance test is less than 0.01 and p-value all variables related to digit span test is less than 0.05. Percentage change in mean values are, digit span test (5.123%), digit span backward (4.607%), total time taken for digit vigilance test (2.0519%), total error (26.06%). However, between group test did not show any significant effect on variables of digit span test and digit vigilance test. Digit span forward p-value=0.061, digit span backward p value=0.338, Total time taken for digit vigilance test p-value=0.188, total error p-value=0.116. CONCLUSION One month intervention of nadanusandhana showed significant improvement within experiment group when compared to baseline data. However, it did not show any significant improvement in sustained attention and working memory between experiment and control group. The reason for no significant change between the groups could be relatively short duration of intervention and environmental factors. Therefore, these finding need confirmation from studies with a large sample size. KEYWORD Digit span backward Digit span forward Digit vigilance test Nadanusandhana Adolescence
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    Effect of Yoga Practice on Acceptance and Mindfulness on Adolescence: A Randomized Control Study
    (SVYASA, 2016-01-12) Rakesh Digambar, Shirsta
    Background: With 356 million 10-24 year-olds, India has the world's largest youth population. This emerging power needs to navigate to the right direction. Present generation of children are undergoing a phase of intense competition. Acceptance and mindfulness is important tool for healthy development of adolescence. Lack of acceptance and mindfulness may lead the stress and maladjustment issue. Earlier studies suggested that Yoga is well known for empowering the tolerance capacity and develops the inner awareness.
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    Effect of yoga on dysmenorrhea in adolescence girls
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Jyothi Sajjan
    Many women are familiar with the experience of dysmenorrhea, which can contribute to significant physical and emotional distress and life disruption. However, women may not seek professional expertise in their attempt to alleviate this condition. It is important to assess the beliefs and experiences of all women with dysmenorrhea, including adolescents, as early in gynecologic care as possible. This article reviews the management of primary dysmenorrhea. AIM: To assess the pain in Dysmenorrhea, To assess the efficacy of Yoga in Dysmenorrhea. Methodology: 30 Adolescent girls from Government Higher primary School in Karnataka state of India were selected for the study and were divided into two groups, Yoga(n=15) and Control(n=15). Yoga group performed physical postures (asanas), breathing practices (pranayama) and yoga based relaxation techniques for 60minutes six days a week for 30days and the control group continued their daily routine. There was no significant difference in age, socioeconomic status, between the groups at the baseline. BMI, B.P, Pulse, respiratory rate, pain scale, Perceived Stress Scale, Modified Depression Scale, Attitude and belief assessment scale were used to assess pain and stress levels before and after one month in both groups. Data was found normally distributed by kolmogrov and shapiro-wilk test and thus, paired t test was used to compare within and between group results. Results: A Significant improvement in pain scale, Modified Depression Scale, Perceived Stress Scale (P<0.001) was observed at the end of 30days Yoga therapy module. Conclusion: The assessment and data analysis clearly shows that 30 days practice of YOGA significantly reduced the Pain, depression and Stress score of the participants, while improvement was none in the control group. These findings need confirmation from studies with a larger sample size, which are implicated in the future.
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    Effect of Yoga on Psychological Wellbeing in Adolescence: Control Study
    (S-VYASA, 2014-07-06) Kumar, Narender
    CONTEXT: According the scripture, divine and quality are talk in the Bhagavadgita to culture our emotion for our growth in the spiritual life. These qualities can be influence by yoga practices. AIM: To examine the effect of Yoga on Psychological Well-being in Adolescence. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: This is two group pre-post control design study comprised of 86 samples (41 females and 45 males). Participants age ranged from 13 to 21 years with a mean age of 15.39 years (SD= 1.79). The subjects were from Shri Ganganagar, Rajasthan India. Sample encompasses students of Government Senior Secondary School. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Participants were given questionnaire packets including demographic details, Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale, General Health Questionnaire and Positive affect and Negative affect Scale, Short warwick-edinburg mantal well-being scale. This study was conducted at Rajasthan. RESULTS: In the current study the positive significant improvement was seen following a month of Yoga practice in MAAS, GHQ, PANAS, SWEMWBS whereas in control group MAAS had improved. Other variable like, GHQ, PANAS, SWEMWBS did not found significant changes in control group. The magnitude of the changes was higher in the yoga group in comparison to control group. The PANAS negative effect found significantly improved better in comparison to control group. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, the current study has shown enhancement of mindfulness, wellbeing and positive emotion and reduction of negative emotions and psychological distress in the experimental group compared to control condition. This study will be a boon for youth in India to overcome their psychological disturbance. Current study adds to the emerging literature of yoga based intervention on psychological wellbeing.
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