F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Part-I Color: It’s Role in Human Life Perspective to The Indian Tradition Part-II Immediate Effect of Bhramari Pranayama Among School Students Using Stroop Test
    (S-VYASA, 2014-07-05) Mohanty, Mamata
    Aim The aim was to investigate possible improvement in color confusion as measured by Stroop Test, due to practice of bhramari pranayama as compared with breathing awareness.
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    Immediate Effect of Gayatri Mantra chanting on Attention in School Students
    (SVYASA, 2013-01-12) Seema Godse Derle
    Background Attention one of the component to enhance the academic excellence. The traditional techniques were included in the Indian education system to develop their mental faculty which will be adding value to academic institutions. Aim The aim was to evaluate the effects of Gäyatré mantra chanting on attention as measured by Digit Letter Substitution Task (DLST) . Materials and Methods Subjects consisted of 60 school students included (boys = 30 and girls = 30) in the age range of 12-14 years, who were trained for chanting gäyatré mantra for 5 days. They were assessed on DLST immediately before and after two sessions (i) gäyatré mantra chanting (10 minutes) (ii) Poem line recitation with an equal time (10 minutes) period. Fifty percent of participants performed gäyatré mantra chanting and remaining on the Poem line recitation on Day-1. The order of the sessions were reversed on Day-2. Results Both sessions showed significant improvement in the total and net score of DLST. The magnitude of net score improvement was greater after GM (21.67%) compared to PL (4.85%). Conclusion Both GM and PL led to improvement in performance, as assessed by DLST. But the influence of GM had significantly higher than PL. Key words: gm, mantra, atttention
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    Part I: The Concept of Ujjayi Pranayama according to Yoga and Spiritual Lore Part II: Effect of Yoga on Personality in Normal High School Students (13-17 yrs)
    (Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2006) Singh, Sudhir
    Breathing is so simple and so obvious we often take it for granted; ignoring the power it has to affect our body and mind. With each inhalation we bring oxygen into the body and spark the transformation of nutrients into fuel.
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