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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
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Item Development of Yama Niyama Scale to measure the personality traits - HRI and Samtosa(SVYASA, 2022-04-08) Mridani Adiga; Rajesh S. K.; Judu IlavarasuItem Scale development of various aspects of personalities on male(SVYASA, 2022-04-12) Shovan Bhunia; Rajesh S. K.; Judu IlavarasuBackground: Pancha klesa questionnaire is to developed personalities in different aspects and to develop an instrument to measure klecas in women working population. AIM: The study aim is to developed personalities in different aspects. METHODOLOGY: there was no specific inclusion or exclusion criteria. The questionnaire was circulated in google form with the help of different means of social media. Data was collected through Google Excel sheet which was further analyzed and interpreted. Quantitative as well as qualitative methods were used. As it was a survey design there was no particular intervention. Result: through the survey study we understood that dominance of kleshas at mental and emotional plane can be seen clearly in working people as they have to go through a lot of things related to career, workspace, relationships, personal life, social life, etc. through this study we‘ve tried to assess the mental and emotional aspects. Conclusion: The panca-kleças are five psycho-physiological afflictions found in every human being, as discussed throughout these kleshas are responsible for all the mental pain, stress & sufferings which a humangoes through in his life. Through the survey study we understood that dominance of kleshas at mental and emotional plane can be seen clearly in working people as they have to go through a lot of things related to career, workspace, relationships, personal life, social life, etc. through this study we‘ve tried to assess the mental and emotional aspects of personalities of human beings based on definition of panca-kleças as given in The Yoga.Item Part I: Attitude to illness according to Triguna Concept of Personality Part II: Effect of Short Term Yoga on Bronchial Asthma(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Usha MohanAs is the natural instinct of human being, he seeks happiness in all his actionsItem Part I: The Concept of Ujjayi Pranayama according to Yoga and Spiritual Lore Part II: Effect of Yoga on Personality in Normal High School Students (13-17 yrs)(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2006) Singh, SudhirBreathing is so simple and so obvious we often take it for granted; ignoring the power it has to affect our body and mind. With each inhalation we bring oxygen into the body and spark the transformation of nutrients into fuel.