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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    (SVYASA, 2018-03-14) ARAKSHITA SAHANI; Judu Ilavarasu; Guru Deo
    Background and Introduction Obesity is becoming a serious global public health issue especially in developed countries. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), most of the diseases that today’s generation is suffering from, obesity is one of the major causes. Today among 2.1 billion people, nearly 30% of the world's populations are either obese or overweight. EPI or Electro Photonic Imaging system allows for direct, real-time viewing and analysis of changes in the energy field of human. The instrument Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) that is based on EPI principle, measures electron emission from fingertips. Variation in images correspond to changing health status in different organ system, here we determined the characteristics of these GDV images in obesity participants. Methods Thirty-five participants with the age range from 20 to 60 years Obesity participants at Arogyadhama, in Prashanti Kuttiram of SVYASA Bangalore, Karnataka, India had participated in this study. All participants were given Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) practice every day for one week according to Arogyadhama Schedule. The Gas Discharge Visualization assessments were taken before and after yoga. Result There were significant reduction in the scores of Endocrine System Balance, Pancreas, and Digestive System-Balance. Other parameters like Systolic Blood Pressure, Diastolic Blood Pressure, Breath Holding Time, Weight, Body Mass Index, Mid Arm Circumference and Exercise- Avoidance motivation scale were found to be significantly changed. Also Hip circumference and Waist circumference slightly changed after the one week of IAYT intervention. Conclusion The present study suggests that one week integrated Yoga therapy can improve the overall general well-being. This study provides strong evidence for use of GDV parameters in understanding obesity. Also findings show that one week of IAYT may bring a positive change in clinical parameters in obesity. Furthermore it may help in prevention and management of obesity.
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    Effect of one-week IAYT on obesity using Electro Photonic Imaging
    (SVYASA, 2018-03-14) AMIT KUMAR; Judu llavarsu; Guru Deo
    BACKGROUND Obesity is the most challenging health conditions of the modern world and is spreading like an epidemic causing serious health hazards. The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) instrument is becoming popular to measure subtle energy level in human subjects. The instrument Gas Discharge Visualization measures electron emission from fingertip. Variation in GDV image corresponds to changing health status in different organ system. Here we determined the characteristics of GDV image patterns in Obesity participants. AIM The purpose of the present study was to use Electrophonic Imaging Technique to assess the effect of one week integrating yoga therapy (IAYT) on obese participants. METHODOLOGY Thirty-seven obese participants with the age range from 20 to 60 years at Arogyadhama of SVYASA University, Bangalore India, had participated. They were given Integrated Approach Yoga Technique (IAYT) practices every day for one week according to Arogyadhama Schedule for Obesity section and GDV assessments were made before and after one week. Inclusive Criteria Age range 20 to 60 years, and obesity participants who are in Arogyadhama at SVYASA University in Bengaluru, India. Exclusive Criteria Anybody with cut finger, or self-reported psychological problems, were excluded. RESULT Data were not normally distributed, and we have conducted non-parametric Wilcoxon’s sign rank test to see within group differences. The GDV results showed changes in various variables (p < 0.05) like Endocrine system, Chakras, Digestive system, and Immune system. CONCLUSION GDV was found to be able to show distinct changes in variables related to obesity.
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    Effect of One Week Complementary Alternative Therapies On Patients Suffering From Obesity
    Background Obesity is one of the leading causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It leads to number of comorbidities like cardiac disease, diabetes, sleep apnea, stroke etc. Lifestyle modification in terms of physical activity and diet and primary way of approach in management of obesity. Aim: The aim of this study is to compare the independent effects of Yoga, Yoga & Ayurveda and Yoga & Naturopathy on Obesity patients. ObjectiveTo compare the independent effects of Yoga, Yoga & Ayurveda and Yoga & Naturopathy on Obesity patients Design of the study The study was three group pre and post design is chosen for the current study. The participants are randomly allocated to either one of the three treatment groups (Yoga Therapy, Yoga Therapy + Ayurveda, Yoga Therapy + Naturopathy) by the help of a computerized random number generator. Methods and Materials Sixty one obese patients (18 males and 43 females) between18 to 60 years were assessed on the first and last day of a 7 days' residential intensive IAYT program. The body mass index (BMI), waist circumference (WC), hip circumferences (HC), and mid-arm circumference (MC) were recorded before and after the IAYT program. Results of outcome measures: Within group comparison showed that there was significant reduction in all obesity specific parameters (BMI, Mid-arm circumference, Waist circumference, hip circumference, HADSD scores and HADS-A Scores) in all three groups (p< 0.05; Wilcoxon signed Rank test). The percentage change of all parameters mentioned in table below. Conclusion  Reduces BMI.  Showed the reduction of HADS-A scores and HADS-D scores in obese participants
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    “Integrated approach of yoga therapy (IAYT)” for neurology and oncology, asthma and hypertension, anxiety and depression, arthritis, back pain, diabetes mellitus, gastro- intestinal disorders and obesity and PPH
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Kanwar, Sonal
    “Behind every sick man, there is a spiritual man. Behind a diabetic, there is a yogi. Behind a man suffering from depression, there is an aspirant. When a patient comes for help one should teach him yoga and make him better. Of course his sickness should be treated, but one should not stop there. One should take that person further into the spiritual domain of life” By Swami Satyananda Saraswati. The study to 16 cases of 16 aliments is presented in this dissertation, which ultimately proved IAYT is an effective way to handle vast range of illness and health conditions, through management, cure & prevention. In many cases signs and symptoms of illness were reduce & their drugs/ medication which they have been taking for years started weaning. Some got a handle of on their lives through corrective measures of dealing with life by following yogic life style... Others benefitted by the calm and serene environment, which contributed to overall healing. This dissertation is divided into 2 main parts: Part I: It includes introduction, concepts of yoga and its Integrated Approach to Yoga therapy (IAYT) Part II: It includes brief description of 16 diseases undertaken during on job training at Arogyadhama along with case studies with their respective causes, signs & symptoms & general line of treatment, ending it’s with a conclusion.
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    Part-I Right Nostril Breathing According to Swara Yoga And Part-II Effect of Short Term Intensive Holistic Therapy on Obesity: Pilot Study
    (S-VYASA, 2014-07-04) Sharma, Dushyant
    Obesity is an escalating globe health crisis that has reached pandemic proportions. the surge in the prevalence of obesity is a serious public health problem confronting developed nations, with 65% of adult population in the US classified as overweight and 30% as obese. India is poised for an alarming 150% increase in the incidence of obesity in its burgeoning middle class population owing to a combination of imbalanced diet and adaptation of western life styles. Further, findings have shown that obesity is risk factors for several diseases like Coronary heart disease, stroke, hypertension, cancers, osteoarthritis and diabetes.
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