F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    (SVYASA, 2018-10-04) PRAGATI SEN; Padmasri Gudapti
    Aim: The aim of this study is to observe the effect of IAYT on HbA1c in type-II diabetic and pre diabetic patients and its prevalence in an urban area of Karnataka. Settings and Design: This is a one arm Pre-Post Design comprised of 19 diabetes and pre-diabetes patients (Male-10, Female-9). Participant’s age are ranged from 35 to 60 years. Subjects are taken from JIGANI, Anekal, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Methods and Material: Yoga practice is given to the pre-diabetic and diabetic participants who agreed to participate in the study for 3 months, 6 days in a week for 1 hour. Yoga module consists of asana, pranayama meditation and relaxation technique. The yoga practice module which is placed in Appendix has been prepared by AYUSH MANTRALAYAM, INDIA. Results: Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) showed a significant reduction (p<0.05) from 7.89±2.01 to 7.51±1.88. The effect size is 0.1 with 4.8% changes. Conclusions: The current study showed a statistically significant reduction in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) after the yoga intervention in persons with Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes. Yoga module developed by AYUSH MANTRALAYA helps to reduce or control HbA1c in Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic people by practicing for one hour daily on weekdays 3 months.
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    To study the prevalence and IAYT effect on diabetes and highrisk population in rural Karnataka - a survey and pre-post design
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Sireesha Emmanni
    Background Rural India is currently experiencing a great spurt in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The shift in epidemiology from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases indicates that the rural population is also at a high-risk for developing diabetes mellitus. Introduction The aim of present study is to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and high, medium, and low risk in rural population of Karnataka. Furthermore to study the effect of Integrated Approach of Yoga therapy on participants with Diabetes and high-risk population. Methods Within the chosen villages, people aged above 18 were surveyed using mobile application. Low, medium, and high risk for diabetes were graded using Indian Diabetes Risk Score. Following which 43 (diabetic=13, High risk=4, Medium risk =22, low risk=4) interested people attended yoga classes taught by trained therapist for 10 days. The module included breathing exercises, loosening, suryanamaskara, and asanas, meditation, and relaxation techniques. The assessments were carried out day one prior intervention as well as on 12th day. Vital parameters like FBS (using Hemocue machine), weight, waist circumference, Blood pressure were assessed. Psychological parameters such as Fatigue severity scale, Emotion Regulation scale, Satisfaction of life scale, and Sleep quality tools were used to measure the effect of IAYT. All the participants were asked practice regularly in home, every Sundays the therapist use to visit to monitor and encourage the practice. All parameters were again assessed after 5months.
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    To study the prevalence and IAYT effect on diabetes and highrisk population in rural Karnataka – a survey and pre-post design
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Kumar, Praveen B.
    Background Rural India is currently experiencing a great spurt in lifestyle diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hypertension and ischemic heart disease. The shift in epidemiology from communicable diseases to non-communicable diseases indicates that the rural population is also at a high-risk for developing diabetes mellitus. Introduction The aim of present study is to estimate the prevalence of diabetes and high, medium, and low risk in rural population of Karnataka. Furthermore to study the effect of Integrated Approach of Yoga therapy on participants with Diabetes and high-risk population. Methods Within chosen villages, 857 people aged above 18 were surveyed using mobile application. Low, medium, and high risk for diabetes was graded using Indian Diabetes Risk Score. Following which 43 (diabetic=13, High risk=4, Medium risk =22, low risk=4) people were attended yoga classes taught by trained therapist for 10 days. The module included breathing exercises, loosening, suryanamaskara, and asanas, meditation, and relaxation techniques. The assessments were carried out day one prior intervention as well as on 12th day. Vital parameters like FBS, weight, waist circumference, Blood pressure were assessed. Satisfaction of life scale was used to measure the effect of IAYT on Diabetics patients’ satisfaction towards life. All the participants were asked practice regularly in home, every Sundays the therapist use to visit to monitor and encourage the practice. All parameters were again assessed after 5months.
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    Peer Evaluation and Impact Assessment of Ekal Vidyalayas in Karnataka
    (SVYASA, 2013-02-12) Nagaraj M.S.
    BACKGROUND Ekal Vidyalayas (EV) provides value-based primary education to tribal and other underprivileged communities in rural India. The EV envisions the non-formal education process as a holistic approach to developing the villages while retaining each tribe's individuality. The main goals of EV are primary education, village organization, social reform, and social harmony. OBJECTIVES • To document the process of working of the EV in Karnataka • To undertake an evaluation to study the impact of teaching-learning system of the EV on the children, family, village and organizers • To describe the possible determinants including the motivation and dedication of the teachers of the EV movement in Karnataka • To develop an evaluation model which can be replicable adopted in other states where EV movement is underway • To arrive at implementable recommendation for enhancing the movement of EV in Karnataka MATERIALS AND METHODS: The entire list of EVs in Karnataka was obtained which was 820. It was re-categorized to suit the study objectives. Newly reopened schools, schools less than 3 year old were excluded from random selection. The number of schools finally available after the exclusion was 56. Two hundred thirty students (133 girls) with age ranging from 5 to14 years were selected. Observation check-lists, Survey forms and personal interview were the instruments to assess the performance of the students.
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