F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Effect of one-week IAYT on obesity using Electro Photonic Imaging
    (SVYASA, 2018-03-14) AMIT KUMAR; Judu llavarsu; Guru Deo
    BACKGROUND Obesity is the most challenging health conditions of the modern world and is spreading like an epidemic causing serious health hazards. The Gas Discharge Visualization (GDV) instrument is becoming popular to measure subtle energy level in human subjects. The instrument Gas Discharge Visualization measures electron emission from fingertip. Variation in GDV image corresponds to changing health status in different organ system. Here we determined the characteristics of GDV image patterns in Obesity participants. AIM The purpose of the present study was to use Electrophonic Imaging Technique to assess the effect of one week integrating yoga therapy (IAYT) on obese participants. METHODOLOGY Thirty-seven obese participants with the age range from 20 to 60 years at Arogyadhama of SVYASA University, Bangalore India, had participated. They were given Integrated Approach Yoga Technique (IAYT) practices every day for one week according to Arogyadhama Schedule for Obesity section and GDV assessments were made before and after one week. Inclusive Criteria Age range 20 to 60 years, and obesity participants who are in Arogyadhama at SVYASA University in Bengaluru, India. Exclusive Criteria Anybody with cut finger, or self-reported psychological problems, were excluded. RESULT Data were not normally distributed, and we have conducted non-parametric Wilcoxon’s sign rank test to see within group differences. The GDV results showed changes in various variables (p < 0.05) like Endocrine system, Chakras, Digestive system, and Immune system. CONCLUSION GDV was found to be able to show distinct changes in variables related to obesity.
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    (SVYASA, 2021-09-04) Davendra Pratap Singh; Padmasri Gudapti
    1. Background and Introduction: The physical body is consistently throwing off waste materials through its natural mechanisms via four organs. Kidneys eliminate acid and other waste products, which come through the blood. Sweat glands remove waste materials through the skin as perspiration, which contains toxins. Liver and large intestines eliminates toxins in type of undigested food and faeces. Lungs eliminates CO2 other gases. We throw away impurities of the body through various openings by means of perspiration, urine, excretion and breathing. Yet this excretory system of the body is loaded with disease carrying poisons because of modern life style (i.e. lack of exercise, irregular or excessive food intake together with fast food, indulging in habit disorders like smoking, alcohol, etc) which ends up in physical and physiological disorders (Disorders, 2019). All the cleansing techniques are figured out just opposite to natural action of the body. To illustrate, during practice of dhauti, the practitioner controls natural force of vomiting and natural force of cough and sneeze subsequently. These techniques don't seem to be only ‘unnatural’ during this sense but also ‘unnatural’ because the techniques are voluntary performed while controlling natural and involuntary processes. Regular and steady practice of the cleansing techniques ultimately helps not only to stop diseases and keep the body and mind healthy, but also gain voluntary control over involuntary process (autonomous nervous system) of the body (Disorders, 2019). It is an instrument for the measuring energy of the normal person. The GDV (Gas Discharge Visualization) leads main effective rules it indicates a human health problem, better condition of health, stress levels, depression level, altered state of consciousness, chakra measurement, monitoring energy state, energy testing etc (K. Korotkov, 2014). 2. Objectives: The objective of this study is to find out the statistical changes in level of Stress, Energy, Balance, and Chakras in healthy persons before and after Vaman Dhauti practice though GDV. The hypothesis is that Vaman Dhauti may improve overall subtle energy pattern. 3. Material and methods: Thirty four participants both male and female, age range between 20 to 40 years were screened according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Every participant attended the study for 2 times as member of control and experimental group. On the first day, pre-post measurement was done with intervention (Vaman Dhauti followed by Deep Relaxation Technique). On the next day again pre-post measurements were done with same participants without Vaman Dhauti, only Deep Relaxation Technique was given to them. 4. Result: Experiment group showed significant improvement in all the variables (all p-values <0.05) and most of the p-values <0.01 showing very significant improvement, except one variable sahasara ca (p-value =0.103). Whereas control group did not show any significant effect in most of the variables but showed significant improvement in variables stress (p-value =0.002), balance (p value <0.001), svadhisthana ca (p-value =0.002), anahata ca (p-value =0.019) and sahasara ca (p value =0.046). 5. Conclusion: The results of present study demonstrated that there was significant improvement in the participants because of practice of Vaman dhauti followed by DRT in all of the variables except one i.e. sahasara ca. Findings of the study suggested that Vaman Dhauti followed by relaxation can improve energy field of digestive organs, chakra energy and alignment and reduce stress. Also, there was significant improvement in some of the variables in the participants when only DRT practiced.
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    Part-I Mudra part-II immediate effect of mudras on electro photonic imaging parameters on novice healthy adults
    (S Vyasa, 2014-01-02) Mondal, Biplob
    Context: Mudras and its effects are well known, however scientific studies on effects of mudras are scarce. This paper presents use of Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) technique using GDV instrument to study the effects of mudras. Aims: 1) To study the effect of five minutes attention on finger tips of both hands on EPI parameters. 2) To study the effect of five minutes practise of prana mudra on EPI parameters. Settings and Design: The participants were from a Yoga University and a Ayurvedic Medical College, in the southern India. For study 1, single group pre-post design was chosen, and for study 2 two group pre-post design was adopted with control. Methods and Material: In study 1, EPI data were taken using GDV before and after giving five minutes focused attention on finger tips. For study 2, the experimental group practised prana mudra for five minutes and control group were comfortable seated for same duration. Statistical analysis used: Paired sample t-test and Independent sample t-test were used for analysis for within group and between group comparison respectively. Results: Within group comparisons showed increase in area, nornalised area, average intensity, and entropy, without significant between group differences. Conclusions: This suggests practice of mudras and attention may enhance the EPI activity as measured by GDV, indicating enhanced flow of prana. However to study the effects of mudras along methodological refinement is required.
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