F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Study of healing using electrophotonic imaging technique on water and human systems
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Sumati Mishra
    Background: All the things in this universe including human being are the different forms of energy. Energy should be balanced. Healing techniques already have been found effective in improving positive health in patients with chronic medical illnesses. Aim: To study the effects of healing on water and human being using electrophotonic imaging (EPI) technique. Methods and Material: In the self as control design of human subjects, 26volunteers who satisfied the inclusion criteria were screened. Healing session of 30 minutes and placebo session of 30 minutes were carried out on two consecutive days. In the two group pre post design of water, the Shambhavi healing was given half an hour to the five water bottles(each has 25ml)of healing group, and the five water bottles (each has 25ml)of control group were kept without giving any intervention.Electrophotonic imaging (EPI) was used for both water and human subjects to see the changes in the parameters like area, normalized area, intensity, form coefficient, entropy, and fractality. Results: In the study of water,none of the variables changed significantly in control group and Area alone changed significantly after healing in within group comparisons. None of the variables showed significant difference in between group comparison at post.In the study of human, none of the variables showed significant changes between pre and post of control session, but Area and Intensity increased significantly after half an hour of healing session. Variable Area showed significant difference between healing and control session in between group comparison. However, all the effect sizes showed that the changes are moderate to high. Conclusion:Shambhavi healing has effect on the EPI variable ‘Area’ in human subjects. It may have also influenced the EPI variable Intensity in human subject and area in water samples.But all the effect size showed that the changes are moderate to high. This healing technique is capable of influencing energetics of humans and water samples.
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    Part-I Mudra part-II immediate effect of mudras on electro photonic imaging parameters on novice healthy adults
    (S Vyasa, 2014-01-02) Mondal, Biplob
    Context: Mudras and its effects are well known, however scientific studies on effects of mudras are scarce. This paper presents use of Electrophotonic Imaging (EPI) technique using GDV instrument to study the effects of mudras. Aims: 1) To study the effect of five minutes attention on finger tips of both hands on EPI parameters. 2) To study the effect of five minutes practise of prana mudra on EPI parameters. Settings and Design: The participants were from a Yoga University and a Ayurvedic Medical College, in the southern India. For study 1, single group pre-post design was chosen, and for study 2 two group pre-post design was adopted with control. Methods and Material: In study 1, EPI data were taken using GDV before and after giving five minutes focused attention on finger tips. For study 2, the experimental group practised prana mudra for five minutes and control group were comfortable seated for same duration. Statistical analysis used: Paired sample t-test and Independent sample t-test were used for analysis for within group and between group comparison respectively. Results: Within group comparisons showed increase in area, nornalised area, average intensity, and entropy, without significant between group differences. Conclusions: This suggests practice of mudras and attention may enhance the EPI activity as measured by GDV, indicating enhanced flow of prana. However to study the effects of mudras along methodological refinement is required.
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