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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
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Item EFFECTS OF YOGA AND SPORTS BASED VACATION PROGRAM ON MENTAL HEALTH IN SCHOOL CHILDREN - A COMPARATIVE STUDY(SVYASA, 2018-09-07) SUMITHRA RADHAKRISHNAN; Kashinath G. MetriItem EFFECT OF YOGA ON THE MENTAL HEALTH AND QUALITY OF LIFE OF HIV INFECTED PEOPLE(SVYASA, 2019-09-27) Phurailatpam Annie; Kuntal GhoshItem EFFECT OF YOGA ON AVERAGE GLUCOSE LEVEL (HbA1C) IN TYPE 2 DIABETES AND PRE-DIABETES IN URBAN KARNATAKA(SVYASA, 2018-10-13) SANCHI VAID; Padmasri GudaptiItem EFFECT OF YOGA ON AVERAGE GLUCOSE LEVEL (HbA1C) IN TYPE-II DIABETICS AND PRE-DIABETICS IN URBAN KARNATAKA(SVYASA, 2018-10-04) PRAGATI SEN; Padmasri GudaptiAim: The aim of this study is to observe the effect of IAYT on HbA1c in type-II diabetic and pre diabetic patients and its prevalence in an urban area of Karnataka. Settings and Design: This is a one arm Pre-Post Design comprised of 19 diabetes and pre-diabetes patients (Male-10, Female-9). Participant’s age are ranged from 35 to 60 years. Subjects are taken from JIGANI, Anekal, Bangalore, Karnataka, India. Methods and Material: Yoga practice is given to the pre-diabetic and diabetic participants who agreed to participate in the study for 3 months, 6 days in a week for 1 hour. Yoga module consists of asana, pranayama meditation and relaxation technique. The yoga practice module which is placed in Appendix has been prepared by AYUSH MANTRALAYAM, INDIA. Results: Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) showed a significant reduction (p<0.05) from 7.89±2.01 to 7.51±1.88. The effect size is 0.1 with 4.8% changes. Conclusions: The current study showed a statistically significant reduction in glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) after the yoga intervention in persons with Diabetes and Pre-Diabetes. Yoga module developed by AYUSH MANTRALAYA helps to reduce or control HbA1c in Diabetic and Pre-Diabetic people by practicing for one hour daily on weekdays 3 months.Item Effect of Yoga on Positive-Negative Affect and Self - Esteem on Tribal Male Students A Randomized Control Study(S-VYASA, 2016-01-12) Moahn, RemaTribes are a Community indicating primitive traits, distinctve cultures, geographical isolation, shyness of contact, with the community at large and backwardness.Item Effect of Yoga on Psychological Wellbeing in Adolescence: Control Study(S-VYASA, 2014-07-06) Kumar, NarenderCONTEXT: According the scripture, divine and quality are talk in the Bhagavadgita to culture our emotion for our growth in the spiritual life. These qualities can be influence by yoga practices. AIM: To examine the effect of Yoga on Psychological Well-being in Adolescence. SETTINGS AND DESIGN: This is two group pre-post control design study comprised of 86 samples (41 females and 45 males). Participants age ranged from 13 to 21 years with a mean age of 15.39 years (SD= 1.79). The subjects were from Shri Ganganagar, Rajasthan India. Sample encompasses students of Government Senior Secondary School. METHODS AND MATERIAL: Participants were given questionnaire packets including demographic details, Mindfulness Attention Awareness Scale, General Health Questionnaire and Positive affect and Negative affect Scale, Short warwick-edinburg mantal well-being scale. This study was conducted at Rajasthan. RESULTS: In the current study the positive significant improvement was seen following a month of Yoga practice in MAAS, GHQ, PANAS, SWEMWBS whereas in control group MAAS had improved. Other variable like, GHQ, PANAS, SWEMWBS did not found significant changes in control group. The magnitude of the changes was higher in the yoga group in comparison to control group. The PANAS negative effect found significantly improved better in comparison to control group. CONCLUSIONS: In summary, the current study has shown enhancement of mindfulness, wellbeing and positive emotion and reduction of negative emotions and psychological distress in the experimental group compared to control condition. This study will be a boon for youth in India to overcome their psychological disturbance. Current study adds to the emerging literature of yoga based intervention on psychological wellbeing.Item Part I: Nadis and Meridians – A Correlation and Part II: Effect of Yoga on the Visual Memory in School Children(SWAMI VIVEKANANDA YOGA PRAKASHANA, 2004) Shruddha. S. KamatPART-I Correlation of näòés in ancient Indian scriptures and meridians in ancient Chinese medicine. The present study is done to have a comprehensive view of the concepts of näòés and Meridians in the ancient Indian scriptures and the ancient Chinese medicine respectively. The word näòé comes from the Saàskåta root näd, meaning movement. In the Ågvedä, it means stream. In yoga, näòés are the channels of Kuëòaliné energy. Ayurveda mentions 72,000 different näòés. Tantra yoga identifies 14 principle näòés of which the following three namely iòä, Pingalä, and the suçumnä näòé are important. . Chinese medicine proposes that there are currents of energy in the body, called meridians that are modulated by the effects of yin and yang, and influenced by environmental and emotional effects. There were correlations found between näòés and meridians in regard to various aspects. Energy as Qi and pränä is found in writing of ancient medical guide such as “Yellow emperor’s Guide” in Chinese, and Ayurvedic system in India. The Chinese mode is more synthetic, it tends to see how different phenomena are inter-connected, in Chinese thought, man has never been separated from nature, he is an inseparable part of his environment, the idea is conveyed that human beings are an integral part of nature, but only a small part. The goal is not to dominate nature, but to to live in harmony with it. Hence, a relation is found between ancient Indian scriptures and ancient Chinese medicine and hence an overall view of most of the concepts of näòés and meridians are outlined in the study. Further research may be done on the details of the diagnosis of disease based on näòés and Meridians. PART-II Effect of yoga on the visual memory in school children. The present study assessed the visual memory in school children following general yoga practices. Children (n= 297 whose ages ranged from 10-12 years) were randomly assigned 3 groups. Each group practiced a specific yoga module (Physical stamina = Dynamic practices; Creativity = artwork, crafts, skits; IQ = Special quiz, debate). These techniques were practiced and visual memory was assessed initially and after 9 days. There were 277 children who were got after dropouts and checking for abnormal data and that were taken for assessment. All 3 groups showed significant increase in visual memory (p<0.001, paired sample t- test) but physical stamina showed a higher increase (27.73 % change) than other two groups. The left or right dominant yoga modules have influenced the visual memory more than physical and balancing effects of yoga modules.