F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Effect of “three months yogasana practice on blood pressure, lipid profile, hematological parameters in healthy adults”
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Lalit Madaan
    Title: Effect of “Three Months Yogasana Practice on Blood Pressure, Lipid Profile, Hematological Parameters. Background: Yoga has positive impact on health. Various studies have formed significant role of yoga in hypertension, diabetes, asthma etc. long term of practice of yoga have positive role in hematological variables. Aim: Current study was conducted to see short term effect of Yogasana intervention on Hematological Parameters,Lipid Profile, and Anthropometric variables in healthy volunteers. Methodology: Twenty healthy volunteers (male-12, female-08) with average age (30.91±11.88) of Vishwa Yuvak Kendra (NGO) at Chankya Puri, New Delhi, were recruited in this study. All the subjects underwent yoga intervention for three days a week with two hours daily for three months. Lipid profile; total cholesterol (TC=0.037), triglyceride (TG=0.372), high density lipid (HDL=0.168), low density lipid (LDL=0.092), very low density lipid (VLDL=0.041), hematological parameters; hemoglobin, total leucocytes count, (TLC=0.009), differential leucocytes’ count (DLC=P-0.008,L-0.009,E-0.943), body mass index (BMI=0.343), pulse rate, blood pressure, were assessed before & after the intervention. Result: Paired sample t-test showed significant reduction in total cholesterol, LDL, BMI, significant improvement in hemoglobin. Wilcoxon signed rank test showed significant decrease in systolic blood pressure and borderline significant decrease in diastolic blood pressure. Conclusion: Three months of Yogasana intervention may help in improving hemoglobin percentage, and helps in reducing bad cholesterol, BMI and systolic and diastolic blood pressure.
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    Effects of six months intense yoga practice on lipid profile and TSH levels in women with hypothyroidism
    (S Vyasa, 2015-01-12) Savithri Nilkantham
    Background Significant number of women in India are suffering from hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism is characterized by elevated lipid profiles and thyroid hormones. Hypothyroidism leads to many co-morbidies like Coronary Artery Disease, Obesity, Depression, Sleep apnea etc. Yoga is known to reduce weight, bad cholesterol and improves the quality of life in many health conditions. Aim To study the effect of 6 month yoga practice on lipid profile and TSH in hypothyroidism women. Methodology 22 household women of hypothyroidism with age (30-40) were enrolled in this study. Lipid profile and TSH level were assessed before and after the yoga intervention. Data was found normally distributed by kolmogrov-smirnov test and thus, paired t-test was used to see the level of changes. Results There was significant reduction in LDL, total cholesterol along with significant increase in HDL. There was reduction in TSH level after the intervention but not statistically significant Conclusion Intense practice of Integrated Yoga reduces the total cholesterol and LDL, improves HDL and it may help in reducing TSH level in women suffering from hypothyroid.
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