F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Part – I Review of Suryanamaskara and Part – II effect of Suryanamaskara and Pranayama on Minimum Muscular Fitness in School Children.
    (Saraswati Central Library, 2012-01-12) Sailesh Pradanan
    Context: Sūryanamaskāra and prānāyāma technique are one of the integral part of the yoga to train the body and mind to achieve the sound health. Yoga practices are found positive impact on the health. Aim: It was aimed to evaluate the effects of Sūryanamaskār and prānāyāma on minimum muscular fitness. Settings and Design: This study was consisted of 94 (28 male and 56 girls) healthy subjects of 13-17 years age. Methods and Material: Participants fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria and underwent 30 minute daily yoga program for 30 days taught by yoga teacher. Pre and post yoga and PT group were assessed Kraus Weber Test. The data were analyzed by chi- square Test. Results: There was significant change in minimum muscular fitness successes rate in yoga compared to control group.
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