F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Immediate effects of om chanting on healthy adults
    (S-VYASA, 2022-10-02) Raghvendra Singh; Bikash Kumar Purohit
    Tittle Immediate effects of OM chanting on Healthy Adults Background It is mentioned in various text that Chanting “OM” is a form of meditation that has numerous health benefits and Om chanting also effect on Autonomic and Cardio-Respiratory Functions & Mental Health of Healthy Adults. A sensation of vibration is experienced during audible ‘OM’ chanting. This has the potential for vagus nerve stimulation through its auricular branches and the effects on the brain thereof. Aims To assess Immediate Effects of Om chanting on Healthy Adults. Materials and Methods In this study 50 healthy people included both male and female are chanting OM for 30 minutes with ease without any distraction. Tools such as GDV, pulse oximeter, BP apparatus, nostril dominance mirror were used to measure the parameters along with that STAI questionnaire for measuring the anxiety level. Result – Total of 50 participants included in this study. Intervention of Om chanting was given for 30 minutes for experimental group. 50 people divided into two groups, 25 people in experimental group and 25 people in control group. PRE and Post data were taken. Found good result in many 7 variables. Conclusion There will be good improvement by chanting OM for 30 minutes without any distraction and disturbance in energy level in the body, chakras level, organs level, RR, SPO2, ND, BP and lungs capacity. Key words – GDV, BP, PR, Pulse oximeter, RR, ND, and Bhramari Timings
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