F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Effect of one week integrated approach of yoga therapy intervention on cognitive function in hypertensive patients
    (S-Vyasa, 2017-01-16) Pallavi, M.
    Background: Hypertension is a major public health concern and a leading of morbidity and mortality worldwide. In a long run hypertension leads significant impairment in cognition. Yoga is forms of mind-body medicine shown to be effective in cognitive enhancement. Aim: To study the impact of one week Yoga based residential program on cognitive function of hypertensive patients. Methodology: Thirty hypertensive subjects within age range 30-60 years (Mean±SD;57.7±7.74), who visited SVYASA University campus to attend one week residential yoga program for hypertension treatment, were assessed for cognitive function by administering D2 test before and after one week of intervention. Subjects’ having diabetes, any form of psychiatric problems, history of head injury, learning disability were excluded from the study. Paired sample t test was applied to see the pre post difference
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