F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Correlation Between Mindulness, Self Control, Emotional Regulatin and Happiness in a Sample of College students
    (SVYASA, 2013-01-12) Keyong JIn Cha
    Atman is associated with the waking, the dreaming and the deep sleep states. Finally these states are merged in Turiya, the Ultimate Reality. Atman becomes identical with Brahman – the invisible, the transcendent, the incomprehensible, and the cessation of all phenomena, the blissful - when Atman, the Om, merges his Self in the Self and attains Self-realization, which is the Ultimate Reality. Even when we are asleep, the process of the mind can cause disturbances in the field of our mind. The yogis who experience high states of consciousness tell us they are ‘awake’ even in ‘deep sleep’, but most of us are not aware of this. Sleep disorders make a disturbance in consciousness. There is four state of consciousness which is conscious, sub conscious, unconscious and super conscious mind. So it means someone who has sleep disorder, they cannot reach to the unconscious mind and reach to the deep silence state like a Moksha, Samadhi state. With treatment of disease, they can reach to the Moksha state and get peaceful state in their physical to intellect state. Deep sleep terminates and the self returns to the dream and the waking states. In deep sleep there is no consciousness of objects but this objective consciousness is present in an unmanifested ‘seed’ form in deep sleep while it is completely transcended in the turiya consciousness. In the state of deep sleep, it becomes the subject confronting the object which is yet unmanifested. We infer the presence of the object, as its developments take place in getting out of sleep.
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