F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    (SVYASA, 2012-01-12) Jitendra Kumar Pradhan
    The great scriptures of the world are beyond the limitations of time and space: they are universal. Bhngavadgitn (BG) belongs to this category of scriptures and, as such, it is not a book merely for the Hindm\ its message has a universal application. It is as fresh today at it was when given to Arjuna many centuries ago. In fact, modern man is in need of the message ofBG if, he is to find freedom from the tensions and anxieties brought into his life by the scientific and technological developments of today.
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    Lord Krishna as a Counsellor for modern mind
    (S-VYASA, 2012-09-06) Jitendra Kumar Pradhan
    Background: Human life is full of stressful moments and events, which lead him to suffer from a number of psychosomatic disorders. Çrémadbhagavadgétä provides a significant answer to the problems of stress and its consequences. Aims and Objectives: 1.To explain how modern methods of counseling are dealt by Kåñëa. 2. To discuss what contribution BG can make in modern counseling? 3. To explain Yogic way of counseling dealt in BG.
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