F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Part: I Concept of Prana & Yoga through Spiritual Lore Part: II Clinical and Anthrometric Changes in Obese Person Undergoing Yoga Intervention with Three Types of Pranayama in Comparison to a Control
    In our contemporary society we see a lot of successful alternate sources of healing emerging such as Präëic healing, Reiki, and various präëäyäma based healing systems. Though these systems at the core encompass the subtlest essence of präëa, they concentrate more upon utilising the grosser (ädhibhoutika) aspects of präëa.But the subtle form of präëa, if harnessed, properly promises to be a treasure which has the potential to bestow highest spiritual benefits. On realising this subtlest Präëic energy the Åñis of the yore of this country were able to attain the most exalted levels of consciousness called Åtambharā Prajïā which is the absolute mastery over the psychic powers. The Åtambharā Prajïa is explained in the Pataïjali Yoga Sūtras as: inivRcar vEzar*e=XyaTm àsad> . Nirvicära vaiçäradye'dhyätma prasädaù (1. 47 PYS)
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