F. SVYASA Dissertations

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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West


Yoga Dissertations


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    Effect of 10 Days of Yoga Intervention on Cognitive Dysfunction on Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
    (S-VYASA, 2014-07-13) Ganguly, Mollika
    Background - Yoga and other modalities of adjunct therapies viz., Tai chi & Qi Gong have been found to be useful in improving the cognitive abilities in both healthy volunteers as well as diseased conditions Aim and Objectives - The present study was aimed at assessing the cognitive function tests in Type II Diabetes Mellitus subjects Material and Methods - A sample size of 56 subjects (n=56) were assessed before and after a 10 days yoga intervention. The variables viz., Stroop Test (ST), Whislers Memory Scale (WMS), Six Letter Cancellation Test (LCT) and Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) were recorded in all subjects as per the prescribed design. Result- It was observed that the digit forward scores (p<0.05) of WMS was higher and colour and word colour (p<0.05) scores of ST was also found to be higher following a 10 days of yoga intervention. No significant changes were noticed in other variables following the yoga intervention. Conclusion- It was demonstrated that there was improvement in digit forward, colour and word-colour scores suggestive of better enhancement of working memory and executive functions in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients.
  • Item
    Effect of 10 Days of Yoga Intervention on Cognitive Dysfunction in Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
    (S-VYASA, 2014-07-05) Ganguly, Mollika
    Background - Yoga and other modalities of adjunct therapies viz., Tai chi & Qi Gong have been found to be useful in improving the cognitive abilities in both healthy volunteers as well as diseased conditions Aim and Objectives - The present study was aimed at assessing the cognitive function tests in Type II Diabetes Mellitus subjects Material and Methods - A sample size of 56 subjects (n=56) were assessed before and after a 10 days yoga intervention. The variables viz., Stroop Test (ST), Whislers Memory Scale (WMS), Six Letter Cancellation Test (SLCT) and Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT) were recorded in all subjects as per the prescribed design. Result- It was observed that the digit forward scores (p<0.05) of WMS was higher and colour and word colour (p<0.05) scores of ST was also found to be higher following a 10 days of yoga intervention. No significant changes were noticed in other variables following the yoga intervention. Conclusion- It was demonstrated that there was improvement in digit forward, colour and word-colour scores suggestive of better enhancement of working memory and executive functions in Type II Diabetes Mellitus patients.
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