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Yoga Dissertations by Yoga Students at SVYASA. These pages present some efforts of SVYASA at Scientific Validation of Yoga, combining the best of the East with the best of the West
Yoga Dissertations
Item Part – I Concept of Vataroga and It’s Management with Special Reference to Sandhigtavata According to Different Ayurdic Saahitas and Part – II Effect of Yoga on Pain, Mobility, Gait and Balance in Patients with Osteoarthritis of Knee.(Saraswati Central Library, 2008) Rajashree, RBackground: Osteoarthritis (OA) of the knee is the most common type of arthritis requiring pain management and affects older adults. Traditional texts describe the benefits of yoga for many types of arthritis. There is a need to have yoga better recognized by the health care community as a complement to conventional medical care. Aims: The present study was designed to assess the impact of one week of Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy on pain, mobility, gait and balance in patients with osteoarthritis of knee.Item Part 1- Study of The Paranormal Phenomena-- Glimpses from the Ancient Indian Literature Part II-- A Study of Paranormal Phenomena-- A FMRI Study(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) DeepthaThe Paranormal Phenomena-- Glimpses from the Ancient Indian LiteratureItem Part 1: Concept of Brahmacarini Part II: Comparative Study of the effect of Akkalkot Tradition of Agnihotra Mantra and Agnikarya Mantra on Germination of Rice Seeds with Chanting by Males and Females(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Anand Kulkarni, ShrutiThe concept of brahmacharya is mainly to be understood as maintaining a positive state where the higher energy is not allowed to fall and to be ejected.Item Part I - Concept of Depression Through Yoga and Spiritual Lore Part II: Effect of A Short Term Yoga Intervention on Depression Levels Among Normal Subjects(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Mohan Kumar, C.VConcept of Depression Through Yoga and Spiritual LoreItem Part I : Neck Pain – An Ancient View Part II: Complementary effect of Mind Sound Resonance Technique as an add on Programme in Patients undergoing Conventional treatment for Common Neck Pain(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Yogita Bali M RNeck pain is one of the very common complaints. Conventional treatment methods with drugs, physiotherapy & exercises are some of the options in treating neck pain.Item Part I: A Study of Memory according to Yoga and Spiritual Lore Part II: Changes in Brain Wave Coherence and Heart Rate Coherence during kapalabhati, A Yogic Breathing Practice(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Sukanya A KThe Vedas are the earliest available records of Indian literature. Mimamsa and Vedanta may be regarded as the direct continuation of the vedic culture. Though the Sankhya, yoga.Item Part I: Akkalkot Tradition of Agnihotra Part II: Effect of Akkalkot Tradition of Agnihotra on the Germination of Rice Seeds as performed by Males and Females – a Control Study(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Omkar SudhakarIn ancient Vedic culture Agni was considered as the most important universal god. He was considered as the purifier. He was considered as an object which creates rasa in things.Item Part I: Attitude to illness according to Triguna Concept of Personality Part II: Effect of Short Term Yoga on Bronchial Asthma(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Usha MohanAs is the natural instinct of human being, he seeks happiness in all his actionsItem Part I: Benefits of Breath Regulation in Indian Scriptures Part II: Effect of Yoga Practices on Voluntary Regulation of Cardiac Activity(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Bhat, Raghavendra RThe present study is to have a comprehensive view of benefits of breath regulation in Indian scriptures and yogic lore.Item Part I: Brahmacharya and its Concepts in Modern Youth Part II: Changes in Heart Rate Variability Spectrum (Tread Mill) following an Integrated Yoga Training Program in Police Trainees(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) DevarajaBrahmacharya and its Concepts in Modern YouthItem Part I: Concept Katarata in Yoga and Spiritual Lore Part II: Influence of Yoga Program on Anxiety and Depression in Subjects Attending a 1 Week Yoga Camp(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Surya Narayan PThe meaning of Kātaratā is anxiety, Distressed, grieved, agitated, perplexed, confused. Uncertainty in the mind is also the reason for anxiety.Item Part I: Concept of Atanka Stara (Stress Levels) according to Yoga and Spiritual Texts Part II: Evaluation of Perceived Stress on Somatization Symptoms following a Short-Term Yoga Intervention(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Purohit, Satya PrakashIt has been already proved by the modern medicine that stress is the root cause of all psychosomatic illness. It is very much required to study deeply about the stress.Item Part I: Concept of Humor in Kannada and Sanskrit Literature Part II: Effect of Humor on the Stress Parameters of IT Professionals-a randomized controlled trial.(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Sudha Rani RConcept of Humor in Kannada and Sanskrit LiteratureItem Part I: Concept of Psycho Kinesis according to Yoga and Spiritual Lore. Part II: Effect of Yoga on Heart Rate Variability, Heart Rate Coherence & Psycho Kinetic Power in School Children – A Randomized Controlled Trial(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) ShreeganeshaYoga is to accelerate the process of unfolding the hidden potentialities or powers (siddhis) from an individual. Though it is not a final aim or goal of yoga, but that gives the person confidence of being in correct direction towards the goal.Item Part I: Concept of Svara Yoga Part II: Nostril Dominance and Performance in Hemisphere Specific Cancellation Task in Normal Volunteers: A Correlation Study(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Samantaray, SasmitaConcept of Svara YogaItem Part I: Correlation Zen and Yogic Meditation Part II: Effect of Yoga on Somatic Indicators of Distress in Healthy Volunteers(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Masanobu, ShiraneIn the spiritual view of life, the purpose of our existence is to realize our spiritual nature, to realize God. Various scriptures stress the importance of meditation for spiritual realization.Item Part I: Experience of Trasa according to Indian Scriptures Part II: A Study of Somatization of Stress & Coping Strategies in Patents following IAYT in a 7 Days Yoga Camp(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Ruchir AhujaTräsaù in saàskåta literally means discomfort, suffering or inside burning due to inconvenience at physiological and psychological levels in the body.Item Part I: Kumbhaka Pranayama Part II: The immediate effect of Nadishuddhi Pranayam in Heart Rate Coherence and Random Event Generator(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Divya B RKumbhaka Pranayama,The immediate effect of Nadishuddhi Pranayam in Heart Rate Coherence and Random Event Generator.Item Part I: Nostril Dominance and Health from the text of Yoga Part II: Practice of Yoga in Banking Sector Personnel(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Vasuki AcharyaNostril Dominance and Health from the text of YogaItem Part I: Perception according to Advaita Vedanta with special reference to Vedanta Paribhasa Part II: The Immediate effect of Trataka on Visual Perception(Swami Vivekananda Yoga University (SVYASA), 2008) Jojo K GPerception according to Advaita Vedanta with special reference to Vedanta Paribhasa.