Psychometric properties of hindi version problem areas in diabetes scale
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S Vyasa
Problem Areas in Diabetes (H-PAID) Scale is a brief and easy to administer scale that mainly assesses the individual’s dispositional capacity to be aware and emotional distress in conscious in day-to-day life experiences.
The purpose of the present study was to evaluate psychometric properties of the Hindi version of Problem Areas in Diabetes (H-PAID) Scale.
Settings and Design:
One hundred thirty nine (139) Participants with age range (30 to 75 years) with a mean age of 56.19 years (SD= 10.47). Participants diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes were recruited from a Stop Diabetes Movement camp (SDM) conducted by the SVYASA Yoga University Bangalore in different place in Maharashtra.
Methods and Material:
Participants were given questionnaire packets including demographic details, Hindi version Problem Areas in Diabetes, Perceived Stress Scale, Gita Inventory, General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Anthropometric measurements.
Data analysis:
Computation of internal consistency (Cronbach’s alpha) and Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated for H-PAID .
The reliability coefficient (Cronbach’s alpha) of the scale is .949, which confirms the very good internal reliability of the translated version. Construct validity of the H-PAID was adequate, as shown by the correlations between theoretically positive related constructs FBS) and negatively related construct PSS.
In summary, the current study found that the H-PAID has very good reliability and adequate construct validity.
Psychological distress, General health, Diabetes, Psychometrics, 2015, January