Immediate Effect of Trataka on Performance in Stroop Color Word Test
Ancient Indian yoga text, Haoha Yoga Pradepika describes six cleansing techniques, which purifies and prepares our body, for the practice of yoga postures, breath regulation and meditation. Yogic visual concentration (traoaka) is one of those. A previous study showed increase in critical flicker fusion (CFF) following yogic visual concentration (traoaka). Hence, present study was planned to assess the immediate effect of yogic visual concentration on cognitive performance. Performance on Stroop color-word test was assessed in thirty healthy male volunteers with ages ranging from 18 to 31 years (group mean age ± S.D., 22.57 ± 3.65) before and after (traoaka) and control session on two separate days. There was a significant improvement in the performance in Stroop color- word test after traoaka compared to control session (RM ANOVA with Bonferroni adjustment
P<0.001). Performance on Stroop color-word test was better after traoakacompared to control session suggesting increased selective attention, cognitive flexibility and response inhibition following traoaka.
Yoga, Traoaka, Attention, Stroop Color-Word Test, Cognitive Performance, 2014, July