Effect of Pranayama and Ayurvedic Treatement on Arthritis
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Background: The aim of this study is to measure the effect of combined ayurveda and yoga
therapy on osteoarthritis (OA) disease activity, pain and associated insomnia. Subjects were
recruited from among OA patients in Calicut corporation government dispensary, Kerala by
clinical diagnosis as experimental group. The control group is recruited from a medical camp
conducted by Arogyamithram Ayurvedic and Yoga medical centre, Palath, Kozhikode Kerala.
Pain disability questionnaire, Wong-Baker FACES pain rating scale, Numeric pain rating scale,
Verbal pain intensity scale and Pittsburgh Insomnia Rating scale are documented. On the first
day of yoga session along with Ayurvedic medication and after giving the same for experimental
group and on the same days for the control group also without giving yoga and Ayurveda. The
sample size of experimental group is 25 and control group is 24.At the end of the study we
observed a significant reduction in pain, disability and insomnia in experimental group and there
was an increase in pain, disability and insomnia in the control group. These findings assist the
idea of implementation of yoga along with Ayurveda in osteoarthritis treatment. The previous
studies on arthritis shows that yoga practices along with Ayurveda in Osteoarthritis patients lead
to significant reduction in pain, disability and improvement in sleep quality.
Aim: To study the effect of combined Ayurveda and yoga therapy on osteoarthritis.
Methodology: The experimental group samples are recruited from government Ayurvedic
dispensary, Calicut, Kerala and the control group samples are taken from a medical camp
conducted by Argyamithram Ayurveda and yoga medical centre and anugraha charitable trust,
Calicut, Kerala .The sample size of experimental group was 25 and control group was 24.
Pranayama, Ayurvedic Treatement, Arthritis, 2016, MSc