Part-I The Concept of Mind Sound Resonance Technique and Part-II Immediate Effect of Mind Sound Resonance Technique on brain Wave Coherence and State – Trait Anxiety Inventory in Normal Healthy University Students

dc.contributor.authorKalpesh Zala
dc.description.abstractABSTRACT Background: Coherence is the condition of synchrony between the waves generated in different hemispheres of the brain. Brain Wave Coherence (BWC) is the recording of electrical activity of different brain waves from the surface of the skull. The BWC is associated with different cognitive processes and plays both critical and useful roles in yoga with wide range of functional significance. A student under optimal stress does bring out his or her best, however extremes of stress can result in stress induced disorders and deteriorating performance. Can yoga be of benefit in enhancing academic performance in university students? Objective: The study was designed to assess the immediate effect of Mind Sound Resonance Technique (MSRT) on academic performance in university students through BWC analysis and State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI). This MSRT is an advanced meditation technique based on Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy.en_US
dc.subjectMind Sounden_US
dc.subjectResonance Techniqueen_US
dc.subjectBrain Wave Coherenceen_US
dc.subjectTrait Anxietyen_US
dc.subjectuniversity studentsen_US
dc.titlePart-I The Concept of Mind Sound Resonance Technique and Part-II Immediate Effect of Mind Sound Resonance Technique on brain Wave Coherence and State – Trait Anxiety Inventory in Normal Healthy University Studentsen_US
