Exploratory factor analysis and item reduction of the vedic personality inventory
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Background: VEDIC PERSONALITY TOOL Questionnaire is a cost-effective screening tool to
detect different personality (Guna) of the people. Further the data can be used to interpret the
sattva, Rajas, and tamas.
Aim: The aim of this study is to analyses & item reduction of Vedic personality inventory tool.
Methodology: The study employed tool development method through which a questionnaire
with 56 items was developed. The questionnaire was given in the campus to all the courses
except BAMS & staff of college. Data was collected through questionnaire and then transfer to
the Excel sheet which was further analyzed and interpreted by software JASP. As it was a
survey design there was no intervention.
Result: This questionnaire study was done on total 3792 volunteer whose age range was 17 to
75years. Out of 18 items six items from each of the factor based on the higher to lower value.
The overall internal consistency measured using Cronbach’s alpha was 0.78 for 18 item and
three factor solution the alpha value is 0.87 (tamas), 0.85 (sattva), 0.73 (Rajas).
Conclusion: I have performed an analysis on whole data and item reduction of Prepared Vedic
inventory tool, the Cronbach’s alpha of sattva and Rajas is more than Rajas so by seeing the
value of Cronbach’s alpha we can say that the quality of sattva and tamas is more in all
participants and Rajas is less as compare to other two Gunas, we also matched the question of
sattva, Rajas and tamas from the Vedic inventory tool we come to conclusion that factor 1 is
tamas, factor 2 is sattva and factor 3 is Rajas.
Vedic, personality, inventory, guna