Relationship between yoga related constructs and psychological wellbeing among emerging adults

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S Vyasa


Introduction Yoga related contracts mindfulness and spiritual belief is emerging domain in positive psychology movement. It is need of hours to understand the relationship of this construct on mental health. Aim The aim of the study is to evaluate the relationship between yoga related construct and psychological wellbeing in emerging adults. Settings and Design The cross sectional design study consist of sample 569 students (Male=376 and Female=193) recruited ATMIYA INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND SCIENCE (AITS), at Rajkot, Gujarat, India. Subjects were recruited from diversified courses. Their age ranged from 18 to 25 years with a mean age of 20.17 years (SD = 1.86). Methods and Material The Assessment packets includes questionnaire such as demographic details, Mindfulness attention awareness scale the self-control questionnaire, General health questionnaire and Spiritual beliefs. Result The data analysis has shown that mindfulness, spiritual beliefs & self control are positively and significantly correlated and significantly negatively correlated with distress. Conclusions The results suggest that adults with higher levels of mindfulness, self control and spiritual belief reported lower levels of distress. Further positive relationship found between spiritual beliefs, self control and mindfulness



Yoga related constructs, Psychological wellbeing, adults, 2015, January, Yoga




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