Effect of yoga on sleep quality, depression and psychological distress among women geriatric population: a pilot study
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Poor sleep quality, depression and psychological distress are considered as the most
frequently seen problems in elderly. Yoga being non-invasive, cost effective and safe
intervention among complementary and alternative medicine. Earlier studies reported the
potential role of yoga in management of psychological problems like depression, distress and
in enhancing the quality of sleep.z
The purpose of the present study was to assess the role of yoga in sleep quality, depression,
and psychological distress in elderly women.
25 women with an age range between 60 to 85 from Sharanya Trust an old age home,
Madurai were enrolled in this study. All the participate underwent yoga practice consist of
asana (Yogic postures), pranayama (yogic breathing practices) and relaxation techniques, one
and half housr daily for six days a week for one month. Patient health Questionnaire (PHQ 9),
General Health Quessionaire GHQ 12 and Pitberger’s sleep quality index were administered
before and after the intervention.
There was significant reduction in depression (p> 0.001), psychological distress (p> 0.001)
and there was significant improvement in sleep quality index (p> 0.001) at the end one of one
moth of yoga practice
4 weeks of intense yoga practice in women geriatric living in oldage home, lead to significant
reduction in distress, depression, and improvement in Sleep quality
Elderly, Depression, Sleep, Distress, Yoga, 2015, January, Population