Effect of Suryanamaskara Yoga on Minimum Muscular Fitness in School Children
Context: Yoga practices are found positive impact on the health. Süryanamaskära is a holistic exercise that provides physical health, mental, emotional and spiritual benefits. The obvious advantage of Süryanamaskära is the workout which provides benefits for the muscles, joints, ligaments.
Aim: The present study was done to evaluate the effects of Sūryanamaskāra on minimum muscular fitness.
Settings and Design: The present study was consisting of 403 (217 boys and 186 girls) healthy subjects of 9-12 years age.
Methods and Material: Participants fulfilling the inclusion and exclusion criteria underwent 30 minutes daily yoga program for 15 days taught by yoga teacher. Pre and post were assessed Kraus – Weber Fitness test. The data were analyzed by chi- square Test.
Results: There was significant change in minimum muscular fitness successes rate.
Conclusions: This study showed beneficial effects of short term (15 days) regular Sūryanamaskāra on minimum muscular fitness in school children.
Key words: Sūryanamaskāra, minimum muscular fitness.
Suryanamaskara, Muscular Fitness, School Children