Yoga Theses by PhD students

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Yoga Theses


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    Significance Of Arterial Stiffness in Tridoña Analysis An Exploratory Study In The Context Of Āyurveda
    The variations in Tridoñas are the basis for disease diagnosis and treatment in Āyurveda. Traditionally doñas were assessed by sensing the radial pulse manually with fingers which depends on skill of the physician. There is a need to measure doñas using instruments and study them objectively as evidence based research is gaining importance in accepting any medicine or system of medicine. AIM Arterial stiffness is a pulse parameter and has a significant research and clinical interest in modern medicine. The aim of the research was to measure the arterial stiffness from Tridoña locations of radial artery and investigate the significance of arterial stiffness in Tridoña analysis. The following studies were conducted to investigate the significance of arterial stiffness.  TRIDOSA STUDY: significant variations of arterial stiffness across Tridoña locations.  DIABETES STUDY: association of arterial stiffness with Type 2 Diabetes.  OBESITY STUDY: effect of one week Integrated Approach of Yoga Therapy (IAYT) on arterial stiffness across young and older adults with obesity.
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