Yoga Theses by PhD students

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    Efficacy of yoga on molecular and systemic homeostasis in type 2 diabetes mellitus: studies on short and long-term yoga practitioners
    (S-VYASA, 2020-01) Singh, Amit; Tekuru, Padmini; H. R., Nagendra
    Background: Type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is a highly prevalent public health problem newlinefor significant cause of morbidity and mortality across the globe, characterized by disruption newlinein glucose homeostasis, systemic homeostasis, inflammation and genetic expressions. Yoga is newlinea mind body medicine shown to have several health benefiting effects. There is lack evidence newlinefor efficacy of Yoga in improving systemic homeostasis and molecular level in patients with newlineT2DM. newlineObjectives: Present study is intended to assess efficacy of Yoga on glucose homeostasis newlinethrough short-term Yoga intervention and multi-centric randomized controlled study and newlineassessed the role of Yoga in improving systemic homeostasis and epigenetic modification newlinethrough a cross-sectional study. newlineMethods: This study included three different studies 1) Multi-centric study on 251 T2DM newlinepatients who were randomized into a Yoga group (n=137) and a control group (n=114). newlineParticipants in the Yoga group received 3-month Yoga intervention and control group newlinefollowed daily routine. Fasting blood glucose and postprandial blood glucose were assessed newlineat the baseline and after 3-month, 2) A retrospective study assessed the impact of 2-weeks newlineresidential Yoga program on FBS and PPBS on 568 patients with T2DM, FBS and PPBS newlinewere assessed at the baseline and after 15 day, 3) Long term impact of Yoga on a molecular newlinelevel, inflammation, systemic homeostasis was measured on 22 patients with T2DM who newlinewere long term Yoga practitioners and they were compared and matched with group of 22 newlinenon- Yoga patients. Data were analyzed in SPSS version 16. newlineResults: There was a significant decrease in FBS and PPBS in both multi-centric trial and newlineretrospective study. In the long term-cross sectional study Yoga practitioners had a better newlinehomeostasis status compared to non-practitioners. The number of patients in the Yoga group newlinehad better organ functions, positive changes in gene expression and lesser complications newlinewhen compared to T2DM patients of non- Yoga group.
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