Yoga Theses by PhD students
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Yoga Theses
Item Effect of yogic practices and physical fitness training on performance of college football players(S-VYASA, 2018-12) Kadagadakai, Poornabodha V.; Balaram PradhanBackground: The fitness level increases, if an individual take part regularly in the physical fitness activities. Poor physical fitness and inactive living habits will lead to a negative impact of both health and daily living. The regular practice of yoga shall improve one’s health and also keep fit to participate in high level of competitions. The measurement of skillfulness is hardly ever built-in when the fitness of players is monitored. There are very few studies on skill performance within the research literature, which seems remarkable when it is readily acknowledged that the successful execution of skill is the most important aspect of football play. Aim: The aim of the study was to assess the outcome of yogic practices and physical fitness training on health related physical fitness components and skills of football players. Methods: Eighty two male college football players divided randomly in to treatment (n=41) and control group (n=41) with the age range from 18-24 years. Each player underwent the following series of physical fitness as well as football skill tests: Muscular Strength, Muscular Endurance, Cardiovascular Endurance, Body Mass Index and Flexibility followed by skill test Dribbling, Lofted pass, Shooting and juggling before and after intervention. The treatment group underwent 4 months yoga and physical fitness training program in a schedule of 60 min. per day, six days per week (yoga and physical fitness training is given in alternate day) where as the control group underwent day to day activities. Results: Physical Fitness Test: The results shows significant pre-post improvements were seen in the treatment group in the variables of fitness components Muscular Strength (MS) (p< 0.001), Sit up (p< 0.001), Physical Efficiency Index (PEI) (p<0.001), Body Mass Index (BMI) (p= 0.041), Sit and Reach (SR) (p< 0.001). The Control group showed within group improvement only in Sit and Reach (p=0.042) significant. Bobby Charlton Soccer skill tests: The findings shows significant pre-post improvements were seen in the skill variables of Dribbling (DR) (p< 0.001), Lofted Pass (LP) (p = 0.001), Shooting (S) (p< 0.001) and Juggling (J) (p< 0.001) where as control group showed within group improvement in Dribbling (p= 0.040), LP (p = 0.004) Shooting (p< 0.001) and Juggling (p = 0.028) significant. Treatment group were having significant enhancement as compare to control group. Conclusion: The overall results suggested that the four months yoga program along with physical fitness training was found useful for the college football players in improving health related physical fitness and skill level. This is also useful in enhancing the overall performance of footballers.