Pavana Bhat2012-03-072012-03-072012-01-12Bangalore, or mind is defined as a conglomeration of thoughts which respond to the input from the sense organs. The mind is our mental and emotional storehouse, which is governed by likes and dislikes, and which directs our actions [1]. The mind is an internal instrument (antaùkaraëa) and has four functional aspects: manas (perception), buddhi (intellect), citta (memory) and ahaìkära (ego, or I-sense) [2]enBhagavad GétäPromoting SpeedUniversity StudentsMSc2012Part I Concept of Mind and Mental Speed according to Bhagavad Gétä and Part II Promoting Speed of Response in University Students through Yoga Part I Concept of Mind and Mental Speed according to Bhagavad Gétä Part II Promoting Speed of Response in University Students through YogaOther