Nagendra, H. R.Arathi, Jagannathan2016-08-042016-08-042016-08-03Monthly journal of S Vyasa0972074X Control is the focus for the year for Ministry of AYUSH. Joint secretary Sri Anil Ganeriwala, the architect of IDYs success who brought great dividends by getting two World Guinness Book Records has been entrusted with this DM Control Movement (DMCOM). Detailed plans are being worked out and the first meeting of the National Experts Committee chaired by me is on the anvil. With the Survey Data procured three years ago by Dr. Mohan and team in Chennai which showed that DM has started getting high in rural areas also (with nearly 12%) has put us to deal with rural population also. So it will be a multi-pronged approach in rural and urban areas as well. The objective of this will be to prevent Pre-Diabetics to become Diabetics first and see that we recue cases getting to complications. Yoga Research has shown that severe DM patients can first become moderate, then mild and get free from DM by using suitable techniques of Yoga. A time has come to scale up these findings to cover bigger populations.enYoga SudhaMonthly journalVol-XXXIIAugust2016S Vyasa jounalYoga SudhaOther